Chapter 59 Han Army’s Counterattack ([-])


"Don't mess up!"

"Get on the horse!"


The noisy shouts made it impossible for the Xianbei leader to convey the order effectively. He waved his sword anxiously and angrily chopped down the panicked people. After this scene was seen by Huang Zhong, who was a hundred steps away, Huang Zhong sat on his horse and stretched his bow. Arrow, "hit!"


A hundred steps away, a three-stone bow shot an arrow into the opponent's throat.

The Xianbei leader turned around in disbelief and looked at the Han general, his eyes filled with unwillingness. His sword fell from his hand, and then he fell to the ground.

The leader's death made the Xianbei people, who were already at a loss, even more panicked.

Run now!
"woo woo woo woo"

This is the unique horn of the Xianbei people. They are calling on the tribesmen to mount their horses and fight to repel the enemy. However, everything is too late. The entire Tanhan Mountain is in chaos. The Xianbei people are fleeing from the top of the mountain. Only some battle-hardened The veterans gathered under the horn.

However, without the command of the leader, it was a mess after all. Huang Zhong led the cavalry to directly dig into the formation, and was defeated in one pass.


The fire on the mountain became more and more intense, and the fire lit half of the sky red. At this moment, Danhan Mountain was like a huge torch. The remnant Xianbei army who rushed out desperately stood in the distance and looked at the fire on the top of the mountain, with anger, despair, and hatred in their hearts. , mixed feelings.

They don't understand how the leader's army came south, how many Han people came, and why they haven't received any information so far. The tribes along the way didn't give any warning at all, as if magic soldiers descended from heaven.

However, after escaping, they soon realized why no one came to report the news.The people who narrowly escaped death wanted to go south to report the news. They originally wanted to find a small tribe to change their horses and rest. However, except for Danhan Mountain, no living people from the tribe were seen along the way. Only the remaining corpses and ashes were left.

The Han people had already wiped out all the surrounding small tribes before attacking the royal court, leaving no one alive. How could anyone come to report the news?

In desperation, he could only endure hunger, sneak back to Hanshan Mountain, steal some dry food and horses, and go straight to Bingzhou. He believed that the Great Chanyu would definitely avenge the Xianbei people!

That night, Xu Rong and Huang Zhong's courage and wisdom created an amazing night attack.They traveled through the darkness like ghosts, breaking the enemy's defense lines with thunderous momentum. In the night, the cavalry evacuated the enemy camp with the joy of victory and heavy loot.

Their eyes were full of satisfaction and pride. After all these years, no Han Chinese could achieve such great results except Wei Huo, who had been granted the title of Xu Xu.After the two sides met, they arrived at the temporary station, and then quietly marched south with the spoils of war, heading straight for Gaoliu.

On this night, they used their own power to change the situation of the war. Their heroic deeds will be praised through the ages and will forever be remembered in the long river of history.

Tan Shihuai led [-] Xianbei troops to Bingzhou to clear grass and valleys. He never expected that Liu Han would be so bold and sent people with [-] cavalry to Danhan Mountain to clear grass and valleys.

Maybe there was God's will in the dark. That night, Tanshihuai couldn't sleep, his heart was dull and his eyelids were twitching. He felt that something big was happening, but he couldn't expect it.

I thought about tomorrow's attack on the Pingcheng Great Wall Pass, and my mood sank to the bottom again. According to the report from the detective, there was a sudden sun behind me, and there were ten thousand cavalrymen gathered there by that little wolf cub. If the battle didn't go well, I would be dragged here again. Wait until If we run out of food, we will really be helpless.Looking at the looming outline of the Great Wall in the north, Tan Shihuai once again strengthened his confidence. He now has 5 people at his disposal, which is not something that this little wolf cub can eat in one go.

At this moment, Zhang He of Pingcheng was also standing at the head of the city. His mission was to block the Xianbei people here for two days. After two days, as long as the Xianbei people did not attack the city, they would be allowed to pass through the Great Wall.

According to the plan, Xu Rong and Huang Zhong, who had successfully raided Danhan Mountain, had succeeded. He needed to buy time for the troops who succeeded in the sneak attack to move south.

Xianbei went south for 12 days.

A fierce city offensive and defensive battle began again. Zhang He's [-] defenders showed no fear in the face of the attack of [-] Xianbei people.

Different from the original history, today's Zhang He has followed Liu Han in his early years. Although he has not become a disciple, he has also studied under Zheng Xuan, Duan Jue, and Huang Zhong, and his talent in leading troops is evident.

Although he is only 16 years old this year, he has already shown the style of a general.

As soon as the Xianbei people came up, they had no intention of testing and attacked with force. After defending on the first day, Zhang He was exhausted and suffered 800 casualties, but he still did it.


Tan Shihuai sat in the Chinese army's tent with a gloomy look on his face, asking every tribal leader under his command, "Why can't the 2 siege troops fail to charge down?"

The leaders below all lowered their heads. To be honest, they all tried their best. The terrain of Pingcheng is narrower than that of Yinguan. Although there are 2 people, only 3000 people can be placed in the vanguard of the attack each time. If there are too many people, The Han army defending the city does not need to aim and shoot arrows at all. If the city cannot be attacked, the number of warriors lost during the attack will be doubled.The cost of today's siege was more than [-] casualties. There was a lack of military doctors in the army, and the seriously injured warriors were actually pronounced dead.

Not only that, they also divided [-] troops and kept an eye on the [-] Han cavalry in the rear. The [-] cavalry led by Liu Han were wandering twenty miles south of Tanshihuai. Although they could support Pingcheng, if the war ended in a stalemate, they would be a handful. A throat-cutting blade.On a psychological level, the pressure exerted on the Xianbei people is very high.

I have to admit that the big man is really rich. He was able to train such armored elites in one year.

"Tomorrow, we must capture it tomorrow. As long as we defeat the Great Wall, we won't be trapped and die here."

Tan Shihuai was very anxious and could only end the meeting hastily.

Similarly, tonight, Liu Han, who was in Juyang, was also looking at the north, "I don't know if they succeeded." If he didn't need to attract Tan Shihuai's main force here to prevent him from becoming suspicious, Liu Han would have already I want to personally lead the army to the north for a sneak attack.


With a long sigh, Liu Han ignored his thoughts and said, "If we hold on for another day tomorrow, we will let them out."

Xianbei went south for 13 days.

Pingcheng is more dangerous than yesterday, and the Xianbei people's attack is even more crazy.

Shouts, the clash of swords, and cries of death blended into a primitive and savage music.Soldiers from both sides fought fiercely on and off the city wall.The defenders on the city wall took advantage of the terrain and used all weapons they could find, such as bows and arrows, stones, gold juice, hot water, etc., to resist the enemy's attack.Under the city wall, the attackers used long ladders, shields and swords to continuously charge towards the city wall.

Under this kind of forceful attack at all costs, several sections of the Han army's city wall changed hands many times. It was very critical. Zhang He didn't care much and took the lead in the charge. He was slashed once on his left arm and once on his right leg. The most dangerous place was his back. There are also large and small wounds in other places. If the armor hadn't been thick enough, he would have died.

(End of this chapter)

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