Chapter 69 The End of the War ([-])

"Secondly, for these Xianbei people who obey the management, we must give them some hope, such as serving ten years in prison. This ten years is their punishment for going south to invade the Han Dynasty. After ten years, they can consider themselves Han people. If they perform well enough or establish a With great merit, you can get a reduced sentence, and you can enjoy all the preferential treatment of the people under my rule after you are released."

Both of them thought about it, and then nodded. Blindly managing things will indeed lead to chaos in the future. Only by giving them hope at the beginning can they endure it in order to survive. This is another shackles.

"Finally, I want to teach these barbarians to speak Chinese, learn Chinese characters, and know Chinese etiquette. If they want to destroy their country, they must first destroy their history. If they want to destroy their tribe, they must first destroy their culture. Only by completely destroying the barbarians Only through Chineseization can we truly ensure eternal peace in the north, so I plan to try it on these prisoners. If it is feasible, I will go north to the grassland in the future and it will be possible to completely stand firm."

"If you want to destroy your country, you must first destroy its history; if you want to destroy your clan, you must first destroy its culture."

Xi Zhicai carefully savored what Liu Han had just said, and his eyes gradually brightened from deep thought, "Okay! Zhicai admires the master's talent."

If this thing is done, sealing Lang Juxu will be no match. This is to contain the territory of foreign races and serve as a barrier to China.

Duan Yan, on the other hand, was frightened at this moment. Xi Zhicai only saw this plan from the perspective of a counselor, but from a political perspective, this was a vicious plan to subjugate the country and exterminate the species. The Lord not only wanted to pacify the foreign races in the north, but also completely conquer the grassland. In the future, all the foreign races on the grassland will become the people of the Han Dynasty. The north is already a vast territory, and this is the achievement of opening up the territory!
Duan Yan was very lucky that he really followed the right person this time.

The great Han prince in front of me has a far better understanding of the human heart and human nature than anyone else. He is well-versed in hundreds of schools of classics and history, and his strategies are excellent. He is also decisive in killing and will never be sloppy. If anyone had treated him as a child.
Tan Shihuai, Tan Shihuai, you didn't lose unjustly, you couldn't beat him.

Big man in the future
Today, Duan Jun made up his mind to hand over all the land, tenants, and private soldiers in his hometown in Liangzhou. From now on, the Duan family of Wuwei Guzang will only follow Liu Han's lead.

Sorry, my Duan family will not play with you from now on.

Only the people around him know that the lord is really generous to the people under him; only the people around him know how cruel the lord is to his enemies, not only killing people, but also hurting their hearts.

As long as he is here, the big man cannot die.

As for those guys who are still seeking death, Duan Jiong can only wish them good luck in his heart.

According to this person's temperament, Duan Ji has already seen that life will definitely be difficult for them in the future.

The battle in Bingzhou ended in such a wonderful way, which felt like an anticlimax.

But there are still a lot of things to do after the war, including counting casualties, statistics of military exploits, and migration of people.
In this way, another three days passed, and the final statistical results were placed on Liu Han's desk.

"Lord, this battle lasted for fifteen days. During the Yin Pavilion defense, 408 people were killed and 1016 injured;
In the defense of Pingcheng, 1672 people were killed and 1436 wounded;
In the defense of Yanmen Pass, 1099 people were killed and 552 injured;
A sneak attack northward resulted in 1128 killed and 872 wounded;
On the Qiangyin battlefield, 2122 people were killed and 647 wounded;
In this battle, 6429 people were killed and 4523 injured, for a total of 10952 casualties. "

Liu Han looked at the battle report with a solemn expression. In a big battle, the entire army had 3000 people, with 20.00% casualties. This was under the conditions of the right time, place and people. If he faced Xianbei head-on, the number of casualties would probably be higher. On several occasions, they are all good men who shed their blood for the big man!

"It's still too weak."

Liu Han couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The current big man was still too weak, and the preparations for the war were still too hasty. If he gave himself another year, he would be more prepared.

"Zhicai, make a good pension for the deceased and exempt his whole family from taxes for ten years. The pension should be distributed to the family members in small penny."

"Don't worry, my lord, your loyalty will be saved."

"For injured men and disabled people, they are given retirement. They are an iron army, and I am proud of them. We give them several choices, either to transfer to logistics; The position of pavilion chief.

They can no longer go to the battlefield. I hope they can take care of the people for me. I can trust their quality and ability!However, we still have to say ugly things in front of us. If anyone dares to commit crimes, deceive superiors and inferiors, and line his own pockets, he will be killed! "


Then, Liu Han looked at everyone present and continued: "Those who participated in this war are all heroes. I will send people to report the military achievements to the court, but I want to build a temple of heroic souls in the underworld and erect a stone tablet in front of the temple." , engrave the names of the heroic souls on it, and ask Master Zheng to make an inscription to commemorate the heroic souls who died in the war. In the future, no matter who they are, the deceased in the war will enter the Heroic Soul Shrine. The great man will never be destroyed, and the heroic souls will live on forever!"




Liu Han's bold plan made the warriors present burst into tears. Warriors, because many people are uneducated, are already discriminated against. In addition, there are many prisoners and gangsters among the soldiers. The army has no discipline at all. What's more, He is criticized and disliked by the common people.

But in Liu Han's army, this phenomenon did not happen. Not only that, he often helped the common people and was very popular. 1 people were killed in the war, but the army never mentioned it. Some common people also put up white sails in their homes to commemorate those who had helped them. Fallen soldiers.

Now, Liu Han not only settled their past affairs, but also left them a legacy.

The name goes down in history!
How many people can do it?
Therefore, all the generals here prostrate themselves to the ground. If they can meet such a lord, they will not hesitate to die!
"Zhang He, you have been with me for several years, and I have seen my progress. In the battle of Pingcheng, you showed the tenacity of our army, carried out orders, and fought to the death. You did a great job."


Zhang He looked at Liu Han with tears in his eyes and bowed down again.

"Although you are not yet in your prime years, I feel that you are capable of taking on great responsibilities. Today, the Zhang family in Hejian is not here, so I would like to go over to my place and give you a calligraphy, okay?"

Logically speaking, Liu Han is not as senior as Zhang He and is not qualified. However, he is a member of the royal family. This alone can overcome all his shortcomings.

"Please, my lord, give me a word!"

"The mountain south and the water north are called Yang. You are from Hejian Miao. How about Jun (jùn) Yi (yì)? Hundreds of people say Jun, Yi. The original meaning is to cut grass and weed, which can be used for governance and stability. The two characters are combined into two For one, Junyi refers to a person with outstanding talents."

"Junyi. Junyi"

While Zhang He was reciting his cousin's name, he felt his master's expectations for him.

"Zhang He and Zhang Junyi will definitely live up to my lord's expectations!"

After saying that, Zhang He bowed to Liu Han again.

It was an honor for the prince of the Han Dynasty to give him the title. Zhang Liao, standing behind Duan Jiong, had blazing eyes.

 Thanks to book friend "Sea Wild Wind" for the 100-point reward!
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  Thanks to book friend "The wind is rustling and the water is cold" for a monthly ticket!
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  Thanks to book friend "Xu Xiaosheng" for a monthly ticket!
  Thanks to the book friend "20170211123947357" for a monthly pass!
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(End of this chapter)

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