Chapter 90 Looking for Pigeons at the Market

Today, Liu Han is purchasing items to prepare for his trip to Bingzhou tomorrow.

If we talk about buying food on the way, it is more about choosing gifts for the civil and military officials in Bingzhou, including pens, inks, and inkstones for civil servants, and swords, armor, and hard bows for generals.
Of course there are war horses, good war horses, but you can't buy them in ordinary markets. If you want them, you have to go to the Emperor's West Garden.

This is not a big deal to Liu Han.


A familiar chirping sound came from a branch not far away, which immediately caught Liu Han's attention.

From his birth to the end of the Han Dynasty, Liu Han had never heard or seen such a creature as a pigeon. Although there were records of homing pigeons in history books, they were only mentioned in fragments. After all, this was from the pre-Qin period, so Liu Han never paid attention to it. this matter.

Liu Han held his breath and stared at the snow-white pigeon standing there. Similarly, perhaps sensing that something was looking at him, the pigeon also tilted its head and looked at him seriously.

After looking at each other for a moment, the snow-white pigeon seemed to notice a trace of malice flashing in Liu Han's eyes, and opened its wings with a "flutter" and flew directly.

"Junyi, have you seen that bird?"

The pigeon flew away, and Liu Han suddenly became anxious and shouted to Zhang He.

"Lord, what kind of bird is it?"

Zhang He was stunned, turned his head and looked at Liu Han and asked.

"Look what I do! Look to the sky!"

Liu Han pointed with his finger in the direction the pigeon was flying and shouted at Zhang He.

"Oh oh oh, you saw it, my lord, you like it? If you like it, I will shoot it off right now and have a tooth-punching ceremony tonight."

As a military general, Zhang He had no idea about the importance of the pigeons in front of him. Liu Han looked at Zhang He who was careless and his teeth itched with hatred, "How come you don't know anything!"

Although Liu Han didn't know where the pigeon came from or who raised it, now that he had met it, there was no reason to let it go.

In this era where communication basically relies on roaring, the importance of a pigeon is self-evident. If homing pigeons become popular in the military, then military mobilization will undergo earth-shaking changes!

“The horse is about to travel for a long time, and the journey is about to overcome difficulties.

I don’t know how far away the borders are, but the divine pigeon’s feathers and clothes are thin.

Flying high in the wind and snow, listening to the gurgling springs in the cold stream.

The sky is full of artillery fire, and the mountains are empty and the leaves are dry.

The beacon smoke chases thousands of miles, and the rain and snow cover the sky.

Turn back in time and stand, the steep chariot dust. "


A poem by Liu Han made Zhang He understand the importance of the bird, "This and this."

Watching the bird flying away, Liu Han's mind was focused on the word "carrier pigeon", "Send the Yulin Guards to surround this area and search from house to house. We must find the bird and do not harm its life." "


"Follow me!"



For more than an hour, the city of Luoyang was in a state of chaos, and Yu Linwei began to walk along the streets, door to door, looking for information related to this white bird.

"Yelin Guards, I've been ordered to take this person, and all other people should move away!"

Two thousand feather forest guards were divided into two hundred teams, each team consisted of ten people, and launched a blanket search.

"Found it! Here it is!"

Immediately afterwards, dozens of Yulin Guards surrounded the place.

When Liu Han arrived, he happened to hear a voice full of exotic accents speaking: "Master Jun! These are just a few birds, ordinary birds. The villain is not a spy, really not!"

"Does this store belong to you?" Liu Han asked casually as he walked into the store and looked around at the decorations and products in the store.

"Yes, yes, noble young master, please show your dignity and let me go. I have a lot of spies!"

Hu Shang from the Western Region looked like he was about to cry, standing tremblingly behind Liu Han.

"Whether it's a spy or not doesn't matter for you, nor does it matter for me. It all depends on their performance."

Liu Han pointed to the wooden pigeon cage in the yard behind the shop, with a weird smile on his lips, where the pigeon he just met was there.

"It, them?"

Hu Shang looked at the pigeon cage blankly: "Dear young master, they are just ordinary birds and can't talk!"

"This carpet also cannot speak, but it can clearly tell me that it comes from Persia. Why do you think this is?"

After finding the pigeon, Liu Han was in a good mood. He really had no intention of doing anything, so he didn't mind chatting with this Hu Shang for a few more words.

"This..." Hu Shang stammered for a long time, not knowing how to answer. He was sure that with so many elite people, this person must have a terrible background. Even Lord Luoyang Ling may not be as noble as him.

"Where did these birds come from?"

Liu Han showed great interest in birds, and Hu Shang could tell, "These are little people who brought them from their hometown in the Western Regions and raised them to relieve the pain of lovesickness."

Maybe Liu Han was not as unreasonable as those dudes in Luoyang, nor did he show too much malice. Hu Shang answered much more smoothly, but he was still uneasy in his heart.

"So, you know how to raise these pigeons? Then you know how to train them?"

A glimmer of hope flashed in Liu Han's eyes, hoping to get the answer he wanted from Hu Shang, otherwise this trip would not be perfect.

"Pigeons?" Hu Shang's eyes flashed with confusion, but he quickly realized that the pigeons that Han people call are these caged birds.

"If the young master means training pigeons, the villain knows better."

Hu Shang didn't think it mattered what he called him. The most important thing now was how to escape.

However, Liu Han has already set his sights on him and wants to run away?Not that easy.

Not only did he not want to run away, Liu Han also wanted to take over.

"Have these pigeons been trained?"

"Only a few have been trained," Hu Shang answered honestly, "most of the others are meat pigeons."

"Luoyang, besides you, are there anyone else who raises pigeons?"

"There are no more in Luoyang, but there is a fellow villager named Xiaoren in Chang'an. He raises more than Xiaoren, a total of two hundred."


Chang'an is the starting point of the Silk Road, and there are more Hu merchants there than in Luoyang.However, to sell the other party so easily is probably not a friend, but a rival.

Sure enough, colleagues are enemies. This is naked hatred!
However, Liu Han didn't care about the grudges between them. He had asked everything that should be asked clearly, and the remaining private matters should not be said here, "Take away all the birds here, including him."

"Master, the villain is wronged. Master, the villain is really not a spy!"

As soon as Hu Shang heard about it for a long time, he still couldn't escape the fate of being captured. He was furious at that time, crying and wailing.

"King of the River."

Hearing that the Yulin Guards had broken into Luoyang Market, Luoyang ordered Zhou Yi to rush over with people, but he did not expect that the King of Hejian Liu Han was here.

"This matter ends here. The reason why I told Luoyang Lingming is that if you have any dissatisfaction, you can report it truthfully. That's it."

Although he had never met Luoyang Ling several times, as a representative of the noble clan, Liu Han did not want to have anything to do with him.

The crying Hu Shang and his pigeons were taken away by Liu Han, and the farce in the market came to an end in a hurry.

(PS: Can I ask shamelessly, do you have any extra recommendation tickets and monthly tickets? Please!)

(End of this chapter)

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