Chapter 13 Tianbamen’s reaction
"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, please, Master."

Wang asked twice in a row, and Ji Changqing's attitude was always positive.

"Okay, if you have confidence, I won't stop you. If something unexpected happens later, I hope you are mentally prepared."

Ji Changqing nodded slowly.

He was naturally prepared to fight alone.

Watching the two mistresses leave, when looking back, Mo Yuzhu was beside her pretty, her high horse tail swaying in the wind.

She is still so heroic!
Ji Changqing suddenly laughed.

It turned out that he was no longer alone.

The world is also concerned.

"Let's go, go home."

"Tell me about Wang Jiaoyan later. It doesn't matter if you don't tell me. I don't have to listen..." she said.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Being jealous at such a young age.

Alas, I will have a headache in the future.

On the road, I met Qingmei again. She was instructing the maid to weed. When she saw the two approaching, she bowed from a distance.

Ji Changqing smiled at her. This maid worked quickly and cheerfully, so it was no wonder she managed to sneak into Yan's side.

"Has Qingmei ever been betrothed to someone else?"

"She is Siniang's wife. If she is betrothed, she will not be in Mo Mansion."

Mo Yuzhu was confused, Ji Changqing smiled bitterly and explained: "I just asked casually."

"I believe it."

Ji Changqing glared at her.

Back in the bamboo forest wing, Mo Yuzhu changed him into a blue martial arts uniform, a women's style, and her own because she had to practice martial arts.

Mo Yuzhu is tall and there is not much difference in height between the two.

It's actually not much different from the men's style, maybe the material is more delicate.

In front of the bronze mirror, Ji Changqing tilted his head to take a picture, which was a bit inconsistent.

Mo Yuzhu stood behind him and looked at him for a while, and suddenly realized that it was a problem with his hairstyle.

So he let down his long black hair, which was all tied up on top of his head, and tied it into a ponytail!

Young Master Pianpian's ancient style came out immediately, and he looked a bit like a cultivator.

"Yeah! It looks much better." Mo Yuzhu nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, Ji Changqing is a little uncomfortable with long hair, and washing her hair is very troublesome.

In the past, I was very energetic.

However, cultivating immortality with a flat head is too inconsistent.

It is estimated that it is also an explosive existence in the entire world of immortality.

Even if he changed his name, he would still be able to recognize him at a glance.


Mo Yuzhu came to the bedside and opened the bed quilt, revealing a huge jade slab underneath, divided into two pieces: left and right.

She found a small mechanism on the bedside and pressed it gently. The two plates immediately opened a crack, revealing the dark tunnel inside.

"Sure enough, it's hidden!" Ji Changqing complained helplessly. This so-called escape route really does exist.

But why is the sense of déjà vu so strong?

I seem to have seen this kind of tunnel dug under the bed somewhere.

Ji Changqing pressed the switch himself and restored it.

"Is this the only one?"

"My aunts, Caihuan and Fengwu should have rooms."

Mo Yuzhu was confused and didn't know why he suddenly asked this, but he still had nothing to hide.

"Whenever you have to leave yourself an escape route, it doesn't matter whether it's useful or not." Ji Changqing explained to Dazejing with a smile.

Afterwards, he would definitely go down and take a walk to see where it leads and make an escape plan in advance.

On Wang Jiaoyan's side, he originally planned to write a letter to ask her to pay attention, but when he thought of something, he decided to forget it. If it was not delivered and was intercepted, it would easily cause trouble.


Mo Mansion worked very efficiently, and during this period, the challenge letter had been sent out.

And the news is spreading fast.

First, at the major restaurants in Jiayuan City, the waiters began to talk vividly about Ji Changqing.

After all, as a waiter, his story is more likely to resonate in the restaurant.

The story begins.

Ji Changqing is a low-status shop waiter who was born in the same village as Wang Jiaoyan. The two were originally childhood sweethearts and fell in love with each other.

However, the leader of the Tianbamen clan took advantage of the situation and took away love with a knife and beat the couple with a stick.

Although Ji Changqing was of low status, he was so angry that he became a beauty and became a disciple of Jingjiao Hui.

He also made an appointment with the Tianbamen gang leader once a year.

He threatened to do it at the martial arts arena in the center of Jiayuan City during next year's Mid-Autumn Festival.

He beat Tianba until he was pissed, and finally took back Wang Jiaoyan.The story soon fermented and spread to every corner of Jiayuan City.

In this spiritually deficient world, a breaking news suddenly broke out, and it was related to the largest gang in Lanzhou, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

And in the end it got more and more intense, and the story became more and more outrageous.

Some people say that Ji Changqing is Tianba's illegitimate son. This is just a father-son game, otherwise why would a waiter in a small shop challenge Tianba?

It is also said that Tianba actually likes men, and Wang Jiaoyan is just Tianba, pushing it out to deceive others.

I heard that the waiter named Ji Changqing was good-looking, but he didn't want to, so he hid in Mo Mansion.

When these news and a letter of challenge reached Tianba Mansion, it was already approaching evening.

The hall that was originally bustling with singing and dancing became silent.

A group of beautiful dancers were quietly swept away.

On the desk, all the elite masters with ferocious looks were sweating profusely and did not dare to speak. They carefully looked at the short middle-aged man at the table. At his feet lay a docile white-fronted insect.

He is the famous Tianba of Lanzhou City.
Very few people have seen him, and basically all those who have seen him are dead.

Just because he is less than 1.6 meters tall and his hair fell out when he was practicing Kung Fu at a young age, making him look extremely funny.

He used to be called Er Gouzi, and by chance, he achieved great feats. Now that his status is different, he naturally has a domineering name.

It's a pity that there are still people who look down on him and reject him repeatedly, such as Wang Jiaoyan from Chunyu Tower.

Just because he is not very handsome.

In order to keep up appearances, he announced to the outside world that he had captured Wang Jiaoyan.

If it weren't for the lack of women around him and the fact that she was still valuable, he would have gotten rid of her long ago.

But now something happened.

He was the majestic Tianbamen gang leader, but he was actually cuckolded by a waiter in a shop, and he even threatened to challenge himself.

"Okay, okay! What a couple." Tian Baqi's whole body trembled, and his strong inner strength was unleashed with monstrous murderous intent. Everyone's breath was suffocated, and their faces turned pale with fear.

In public, he would smash the desk with one palm to vent his anger.

"Dad, that is a century-old golden log."

Next to him, the pink and jade girl said crisply.

Tianba was stunned, his palms were less than an inch away from the golden desk, he stopped abruptly and moved his butt.

Finally, I found the cheapest copper cup and threw it out.


With a scream, an ugly elite was smashed to the head and bleeding, and fell asleep.

Tianba took a deep breath, all the anger on his face disappeared, and he was filled with a smile. He didn't look like he had chosen someone to kill before.

"Drag him down for treatment."

"It's the gang leader." A protector quickly took over the task and fled.

Tianba is still very pleased with this group of subordinates who are uglier than him. They are all talented people with all kinds of crooks.

His anger was just for everyone to see.

As the leader of Tianbamen, he has seen many storms and waves, but this kind of thing is not enough to make him lose his mind.

"Good girl, what do you think?"

The girl touched the white tiger and said crisply: "It's organized and premeditated. It's probably related to the Mo Mansion. The one-year agreement is just a delaying tactic."

"Dad, don't worry about it. Just continue to erode the outer forces of the Jingjiao Society."

"As for Chunyu Tower, without our protection, they can't protect themselves, so they have nothing to fear."

"The martial arts competition is just a temporary thing. Just pretend you don't know about it, and it will naturally disappear."

"Well, yes, my father thinks so too." Tianba nodded pretendingly, tugging at his mustache.

"These girls are quite smart, but they miscalculated and thought I would divert attention. This time they will have to pay the price."

The two of them never mentioned Ji Changqing from beginning to end.

What kind of splash can an ordinary store waiter make?
It's just a chess piece of Mo Mansion.

Not worth mentioning.

As for the one-year appointment, if that boy really dares to come, Tianba will let him know what cruelty means!


In the bamboo forest, Mo Yuzhu was teaching Ji Changqing how to use the true energy to look inside, how to circulate the true energy, and how to strengthen the meridians.

These are the foundations of practicing internal strength.

If ordinary people learn from scratch, they will definitely not be able to understand it in a while. It will take a long time just to cultivate the true energy.

And it’s not easy to control the anger.

Fortunately, Ji Changqing's spirit was strong and his concentration was concentrated.

The amount of energy is also considered different from ordinary people.

In addition, Mo Yuzhu was extremely patient. If he couldn't remember something once, he would teach him a second time and a third time until he completely mastered it.

With such a beautiful and good teacher, Ji Changqing took him seriously.

Controlling Qi takes a lot of effort at first, but once you become familiar with it, it becomes easy.

In one morning, he began to practice Overlord A.

Open up the meridians in the secret book one by one,
This kind of cultivation speed will become faster and faster as the true energy in his body increases.

(End of this chapter)

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