Mortal: A family cultivator marries a wife and has children

Chapter 48 The five-color gate is fleeting

Chapter 48 The five-color gate is fleeting

Pitter-patter raindrops hit the road and are absorbed into spots.

As the raindrops fell more and more, the ground turned into black masses. Yan stood on the eaves of the restaurant, looking at the sky and hesitated.

Although no one was carrying an umbrella, someone took off his coat and followed behind Yan, creating a space above her head.

Yan turned around and looked at him. He was a young man with a shy smile.

"No need, I'm not that delicate yet."

"Yes!" The young man smiled stiffly and backed away silently.

Yan looked at the golden escort behind her, wondering whether he could go back safely tonight.

"Those who are good at Qinggong will explore the road ahead. We will take the main road instead of the previous trail."

As soon as she finished speaking, more than 30 figures jumped out of the crowd and explored the way ahead.

The rain washed the ground, mixed with blood, and flowed from the middle of the street into the ditches on both sides. The smell of blood floating in the alley became inaudible.

Although she changed her route cautiously, there were many informants near the Five Color Gate.

Just as I turned a corner, the golden escorts who were looking for me jumped into the courtyards on both sides, but none of them came back.

No enemy was seen, but this also made Yan notice something unusual, and she looked solemn.

"Come out, no need to hide, I know you are around here."

clap ~ clap ~ clap ~
Wang Yi clapped indifferently and looked down at her.

"As expected of Mo Juren's wife, she has good brains and courage."

As he finished speaking, the ambushes of the Five Color Gate Gang on both sides of the courtyard jumped out one after another, each carrying a machete, crowding the street and blocking the way.

The golden bodyguards immediately entered a fighting state, drawing out their swords and confronting them with bows and crossbows, but it was obvious that there was a huge difference in the number of people.

Yan raised her head. She couldn't see the person's face clearly in the night, but hearing the nauseating sound, she guessed who it was.

"It's useless to talk more. It seems that only one of you and I can survive tonight."

Wang Yi jumped out of the window and approached Yan: "I know you are not afraid of death, but who said I will kill you? With your beauty, you can sell my red building. Maybe you can be the top card and earn some gold for me." ."

"Shameless!" Yan's chest heaved with anger.

"Come on, be careful not to hurt the charming Madam Yan, hahaha." Wang Yi disheveled his hair, raised his head and smiled, then jumped up on the wall and waved his hand.

The battle begins.

The two sides immediately fought together.

The pounding rain could not cover up the shouts of death and the screams.

None of the nearby residents watched the excitement. They were just shivering. They blocked the doors and windows, hugged their wives and children, and crawled under the bed or even into the tunnel, for fear of being implicated.

As Wang Yi requested, the Five Color Gate tried to avoid the Yan family.

The quality of Golden Escorts is superior and they are well-trained, so they will not fall behind in the short term.

He could even kill dozens of masters in one confrontation.

But after a close encounter, the manpower gap was one against two. In this small space, mistakes were inevitable.

There were people stabbing in the back, sprinkling lime powder, and sophisticated crossbowmen interfering with shooting.

The Golden Escort quickly suffered casualties, and once the disadvantage appeared, it would have a chain reaction like dominoes.

The number of people falling around began to surge, and the speed was accelerating.

"Madam, let's run!" The young man from before was shivering and persuaded Yan. Yan sighed helplessly: "He can't let me go, but you, if you want to run, do it while there is still a chance of survival. "


"Let's go. If you stay, you'll just die."

After speaking, Yan stopped looking at him and touched the jade bracelet with reluctance in her eyes. This was Caihuan's birthday gift to her.

Then she took out the dagger from her sleeve and waited quietly for that moment to arrive.

Wang Yi was sitting on the wall with his legs crossed and whistling. The fighting around him seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Things were going the way he thought.

Although there were heavy casualties this time, there were not many left on the opposite side.

two three four?
Why are there so many more?
Wang Yi counted again. Yes, there were four more men in black.

He didn't notice that there was a dark shadow on the roof, its upright figure blending into the rain curtain, quietly watching his every move.

Four men in black appeared, and Wang Yi stood up, but the relaxed expression on his face remained unchanged.

He still has more than 100 people here.

There were only four of them, and judging from their stature, they were still women.Two of them had no combat experience and spent most of their movements dodging attacks.

But as time went by, Wang Yi found something was wrong, and his expression became serious.

More and more people fell on his side, but none of the four men in black was injured.

Moreover, even the two people who were unfamiliar with each other at the beginning were killing several of his people now.

As for the other two, they are simply humanoid harvesters.

Wherever they went, there was no enemy.

After a cup of tea, he had less than twenty elites from the Five Color Sect left.

Wang Yi could tell from this lightning-fast figure and superhuman reaction speed that two of them had no internal strength.

With the opponent's reaction speed, sharp sword blade, and his many years of combat experience, his instinct told him to run quickly.

Take advantage of it now when no one is paying attention to him.

Wang Yi, with disheveled hair, ran into a large courtyard in a panic. He was a little confused and didn't know where to run.

The young man once told him that it was useless to run away when encountering a cultivator.

Suddenly, he heard a child crying behind the door. Although it was very slight, it was interrupted immediately. His keen intuition like a wolf made him rush over immediately.

He kicked the door open, and a mother and son collapsed on the bed, huddled in the corner and kept retreating. The mother held the crying child and shook her head desperately at him, her eyes full of pleading and fear.

Wang Yi was ecstatic and approached with a knife. He seemed to see a life-saving straw. He had killed countless people in his life, but at this time, he placed his life on two ordinary people. He was praying that the other person was a kind and righteous person.

Wang Yi ignored the woman's plea and grabbed the two of them with his right hand. In just a blink of an eye, a man in black appeared in front of him. Before he could see the other man's movements clearly, he smashed the window and flew out of the door.

Wang Yi covered his chest and coughed out a mouthful of blood, got up, and ran frantically towards the hotel.

There's gold there, and there's ginseng, and yes, ginseng can save lives.

He laughed wildly and completely ignored the four men in black walking towards him. He stumbled to the second floor, opened the iron box, took out a ginseng and stuffed it into his mouth.

Five men in black silently surrounded him.

"You are immortal cultivators. You can't kill me. Why do you decide the life and death of mortals?" He roared like a madman.

Ji Changqing turned to look at them, and Cai Huan stood up with her sword in hand.

"No, no, no! Please, I have a lot of gold. I can give it to the entire Five Color Sect..."

Before he could finish speaking, Caihuan had already rushed forward. Wang Yi burst into madness, got up and stabbed with a dagger. A cold light flashed through, and the two of them staggered.

Wang Yi stood motionless, with a thin line of blood appearing on his neck. His pupils were infinitely dilated. The last scene before his death was that the dagger in his hand broke.

His body fell to the ground with a crash, and blood seeped into the cracks in the floor, appeared on the ceiling of the first floor, and dripped on the dining table.

A few people were indifferent, Jingjiao Society's biggest enemy was dead, and Caihuan got his revenge.

Flames appeared on Ji Changqing's palm, and Feng Wu immediately stopped it. Afraid of burning down the hotel, he had no choice but to throw the body into the street and use a fire bomb to help cremate it.

After doing all this, Feng Wu took the lead in returning the restaurant and wine tables to their places and placing them neatly.

Ji Changqing glanced at her and didn't say much.

Some people's work can be seen from the details. No wonder Feng Wu's alchemy is also methodical.

Ji Changqing brought four boxes of gold closer to the fairy ring and got another 4000 taels.

Including Shi Xiangjiang's, he harvested 1 taels of gold in one night!

There are eight more boxes.

Five roots of yellow sesame seeds that are more than [-] years old, and the other three roots are [-] or [-] years old.

One was half chewed and there was still saliva on it. Ji Changqing felt disgusted and burned it.
A total of eleven pieces were received!
After handling all this, Ji Changqing led people out of the hotel. At the corner of the street, only Yan stood alone in the rain, surrounded by corpses.

Caihuan pounced on Yan, who knew who it was just by looking at her body shape. The two mother and daughter embraced each other, and then whispered.

Ji Changqing asked Ruyan to deal with the corpse on the ground, and then asked someone to repair the door and window of the mother and son.

It was such a chaotic night, and without doors or windows, they would be in great danger.

"Thank you." The woman stuck her head out of the window, her voice inaudible.

Although Ji Changqing heard it, he didn't look back and left.

Of the two hundred gold escorts, in this battle, 20 were injured and pretended to be dead, and more than 30 escaped.

More than 100 died heroically.

 Thank you very much for the tip from Hua Qingsi.

  Lintian, eE, Crystal Pterodactyl, the stars in the sky are not as good as you, friend Zou Taotao and Xiao Jinling, monthly ticket of 20220214204051707, recommended ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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