Chapter 63 Jiujiuqi’s Sky Palm Vase

The green vial is suspended quietly inside the bubble.

It hasn't been touched since last night, it's brand new.

He suspected that this one was a male and that of Han Li was a female.

Judging from the appearance, the Zhangtian Ping is just an ordinary small jade bottle, with nothing outstanding about it.

There is no spiritual light flowing on the surface, and in the eyes of the monks, it is just an ordinary mortal object.

But it's so powerful.

Just the elixir for accelerating ripening is already incredible. For a monk, the most important thing is always the elixir.

Without cultivation, even if you hold an immortal weapon, it can only be used as a fire stick.

This thing is not like the Heaven-Building Pill.

Knowing that the fewer people there are, the better, Ji Changqing doesn't plan to tell anyone before entering the fairy world.

The Palm Vase is like a jade seal. Once you know that there is a throne in your family.

Even if they are their own flesh and blood, they will kill each other.

What's more, the allure of the Heaven Palm Vase is much greater than that of the Jade Seal.

It’s still the same truth, don’t test people’s hearts, history has already given the answer.

Ji Changqing used magic power to force out a drop of blood essence from his fingertips.

He can identify the owner of any bubble reward directly with a drop of blood, even if it is an immortal weapon.

After recognizing the master, the immortal weapon can be directly collected in the Dantian.

There were many people in the wing, so Ji Changqing glanced at it but didn't take it out.

Instead, he put his hand into the bubbles, held the mouth of the bottle, and the essence and blood in his palm began to slowly merge into the small green bottle.

Ji Changqing stared with wide eyes, nervous and expecting.

When the essence and blood were completely integrated into the bottle, the palm sky bottle flashed with green light and appeared in his Dantian.

Ji Changqing breathed a heavy sigh of relief, clenched his fists, and then became excited.

After recognizing the master, I also got a piece of information.

Now, no one can open the cap of this sky-holding bottle except him.

Even if there is towering good fortune dew inside, it will be the same.

Others snatched it away and it was as useless as scrap.

The next step is to consider where to put it to absorb the moonlight.

Ji Changqing pinched his smooth chin and wandered away.

It is night now.

He climbed out of bed, opened the door, and looked up at the sky.

The moon is as bright as a silver plate, and the clouds are sparse and as thin as floating smoke.

This environment just absorbs moonlight.

Ji Changqing walked around the small courtyard and searched, but the surroundings were pitch black.

Occasionally, fireflies fly over the petals, and you can see them clearly.

A little bit of light will become a beacon in the night.

When the palm sky bottle absorbs the moonlight, there will be abnormal phenomena, and the movement is not small.

Even if you pass by a servant, you can easily spot abnormalities with your naked eyes.

He searched around the area several times, but couldn't find a place that satisfied him.

Isn’t it torture to have good things that can’t be used?

Ji Changqing had a headache and scratched his eyebrows. Suddenly, his eyes were fixed on his left hand.


In the Immortal Ring space, the sun and the moon are rotating.

Should be useful.

The key is whether the Heaven Palm Vase can be retracted into the space.

It turned out to be okay.

As the Palm Sky Bottle disappears.

Ji Changqing Yuanshen appears in the Immortal Ring Space.

Hundreds of acres of fairyland are planted with spiritual plants and are well taken care of by Feng Wu.

He quickly found the Palm Heaven Vase. On the fairy field, it bent a seven-star grass.

Not only that.

After the Palm Sky Bottle appears.

A wisp of white light visible to the naked eye fell from the sky, forming countless light spots around it, as big as a grain of rice.

These light spots are like office workers running late to catch the bus, squeezing one by one to squeeze into the bottle.

But the door was too small, the speed of getting on the bus was too slow, and more and more people gathered around.

Gradually, a huge light group formed around the bottle, as big as a washbasin.

This kind of vision is no longer a lighthouse in the dark night, but a searchlight that shines directly into the sky and blinds people's eyes.

If you put it in Ji Mansion, it will be discovered no matter where it is.

Fortunately, there is an Immortal Ring, otherwise I would not be able to stay in the secular world and would have to go to the mountains to open a cave.

The Palm Heaven Vase is also somewhat conspicuous when placed in Xiantian.

Ji Changqing Yuanshen flew toward the clouds with the Palm Sky Bottle.

Immortal Ring has long recognized his master, and all the environment here is only at the mercy of him.

He flew to the top of the clouds, where the sun, moon and stars were the closest.

Then a white cloud was attracted, changed its shape, and turned into a bed of clouds.

The Palm Sky Bottle was placed on the hardened cloud bed and began to absorb light spots.

The clouds were floating.

Ji Changqing suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of the earth in the past, with clouds floating around the surface of the ball.

Maybe you can set up a floating operation pattern to just float with the moon.In this space, the sky is round and the sun and moon are rotating.

Specifically, the continent is like a piece of bread and the moon is a ping pong ball.

The ping pong ball spins up and down around the bread.

At night, ping pong balls float beneath the bread.

What Ji Changqing thinks about is if he can set up a cloud bed to rotate with the moon.

The sky bottle will always be under the starry sky and operate day and night.

Do it when you think of it.

This environmental control is easy for him.

In fact, everything here can be moved at will.

Except the stars.

Watching the cloud bed fluttering, the corners of Ji Changqing's mouth gradually rose, and he couldn't help but smile.

Knowledge is power, it is indeed true.

Now it's better, the towering fortune dew will reduce the gathering time to at least half.

And it is not disturbed by cloudy weather.

A sky-holding bottle.

Forcibly, let Ji Changqing become two? !
From this point of view, the Immortal Ring is just a Heaven Palm Vase.

No, no, probably worth more.

After taking a look, Ji Changqing was still a little worried because the shape of the cloud bed was a little too conspicuous. It was just floating like this.

With a wave of his hand, he set up a restriction next to the cloud bed.

No one can see the cloud bed except him.

Only in this way can I feel completely relieved.

Ji Changqing exited the fairy ring space with brisk steps and a windy walk.

The next few days will be a time to witness miracles.

Returning to the wing, Ji Changqing closed the door.

When she turned around, she found that Han Yunzhi was changing clothes, and Jiaoyan was choosing her clothes beside her. She took off her clothes halfway and put them back on when she saw him coming in.

Ji Changqing shifted his gaze, pretending not to look at him at all, and said nothing.

Jiaoyan chuckled and urged Yunzhi to continue, just pretend he didn't exist.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Ji Changqing put Han Xiaomei on his lap and discussed the naming of the child with them.

Caihuan got straight to the point: "I think we still need to establish a seniority."

"In the future, there will be more people in the family, and it will be difficult to distinguish the seniority."

After speaking, he looked at Ji Changqing.

Ji Changqing's chin was resting on Miss Han's mushroom head, and he didn't express his opinion. He wanted to listen to their opinions first.

"I agree with what Cai Huan said, but there shouldn't be any need for daughters to be ranked according to their seniority." Yu'er stroked her belly through her pajamas.

Caihuan nodded: "When a girl gets married, her children will not follow Chang Qing."

Her words reminded Ji Changqing, and he frowned slightly. If his surname was not Ji, was he still a member of his Ji family?

The most critical thing is that bubble rewards and the population of future generations require more than just blood relationships.

And it’s based on last name.

Once the surname is not Ji, it will be counted as another family and the reward will be invalid.

He considered it for a moment and said in a deep voice: "I will make the first clan rule."

"No children of my Ji family will marry outside."

"If you two are in love, then you can marry me into Ji's family."

"It's okay to marry outside, but the name must be removed from the family tree. Our Ji family will not support outsiders."

After hearing this, several people were stunned. They had never seen Ji Changqing so serious.

Caihuan lowered her head and thought deeply. When the child is born, if it is a girl, the family honor instructions must be taken seriously.

Otherwise, if you are really kicked out of the family, it will be a separation of flesh and blood.

Yu'er said in a clear voice: "Family rules cannot be messed up. Tomorrow I will instruct my subordinates to make a family rules and genealogy."

Ji Changqing nodded with satisfaction, and Yu'er became more and more like the mother of a clan.

The matter of naming was settled.

But Lizi generation has definitely been decided.

Jiaoyan said that she came according to her brother and uncle Ji.

Ji Changqing thought it was okay at first.

I just read it a few times and rejected it immediately.

Ji Bo... or something.

So fucked up.

Han Yunzhi changed her clothes and was pulled into the discussion.

After some discussion, we didn't even decide on the first character.

Everyone has a different opinion.

The night is long and there is no time to waste.

There is no elixir now, so cultivation is on hold for the time being.

The Palm Palm Vase is still running at full capacity, so there is no rush.

After looking through it, I found that there were some seven-star grasses in the storage bag, 33 of them in ten years.

They are all collected from major pharmacies.

Since Han Yunzhi is here.

Ji Changqing plans to ask for advice and cannot waste the opportunity to be alone.

(End of this chapter)

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