Chapter 65 The Peerless Double Pride
Dawn of the golden rooster.

Ji Changqingli's younger generation, Yu'er, and Caihuan took the paper and looked at it in turn.

When they saw the first word, they seemed to be relieved and agreed.

Do it for God.

For the children of their generation, the meaning of the word generation is indeed good.

Everything comes first.

There is a sense of the family's creation of a new world.

Ji Qian...?

The girls began to think about the last word.

Ji Changqing chose the most important name in the family and left it to them to think of the name themselves. If they think it is suitable, they will adopt it.

finish breakfast.

Ji Changqing leisurely feeds fish by the lotus pond
Han Yunping put his arm around his shoulder and talked about what he had seen last night.

"I'm telling you, it would be a shame if you didn't go."

"This exchange meeting seems to be particularly lively this year. Even the nearby casual cultivator families are here."

"You haven't seen it, but all three floors are full."

"Except for Tainanshan Xiaohui, I have never seen so many casual cultivators."

Han Yunping winked and said vividly.

Even Cai Huan on the side listened blankly.

Ji Changqing was dubious: "Are there so many casual cultivators nearby?"

"Can I still lie to you? Come with me tonight and you will know that there are many mountains nearby and there are many hidden cultivators." Han Yunping still wanted to take him to have a look.

Ji Changqing was unmoved and said with a smile: "Then you didn't get anything good in exchange?"

Han Yunping bared his teeth and smiled: "Sold a few ancestral Xuantian swords in exchange for three golden marrow pills!"

"Ha ha."

Ji Changqing's mouth twitched. The Han family's ancestral Xuantian Sword was probably more numerous than his ancestral bracelets.

"Fifteen rejuvenation charms were sold for ten spiritual stones, and I exchanged them for pure iron ore."

"Is the rejuvenation charm so easy to sell?"

Ji Changqing was a little surprised. The rejuvenation talisman only restored physical strength, and there were still people who wanted so many.

"It seems that the Kuyashan Wanjia family owns a mine and needs more of this kind of thing."

Ji Changqing nodded, thoughtfully, some seemingly useless talismans could be useful in certain situations.

Moreover, Wanjia actually has mines, while his Ji family has nothing.

It seems that family relocation should also be put on the agenda.

Whether it is cultivation or mining, you should look for a good spiritual mountain, preferably with abundant spiritual energy.

Han Yunping sighed: "There are a lot of good things. I'm greedy to see them. Spirit Beast Mountain also sells flying magic weapons, which not only saves mana, but is also much faster than using a sword."

"I really want to buy one. It will save us a lot of time on the road."

"That's pretty good." Ji Changqing also lacked the flying magic weapon.

"No, what they don't like is that it is a rare treasure for us casual cultivators, and they also sell various spiritual pets."

"Are you sure you won't go?"

Ji Changqing was a little strange: "Why do you keep asking me to go? I don't think I have a spirit stone, right?"

Han Yunping curled his lips: "Come on, your family is so big, it's easy to collect elixirs."

"To be honest, I am interested in a gold-eating beast. If you can buy it, I will buy it from you in the future."

"You are quite honest, but this calculation is all in my face." Ji Changqing looked calm and spread the bait.

Han Yunping glanced at Caihuan, and then sent a message: "If you go, I can let my sister stay here for a few more days."

The reason why he was so positive was entirely because of the scene in the morning.

There are at least twenty dozens of stacks of talisman papers. Calculate how many spiritual stones they can be sold for.

The most important thing is that Han Yunzhi is also practicing, although he is helping Ji Changqing draw.

But this kind of free prostitution experience can't be found even if you try hard to find it. Whose talisman paper is not reserved for your own practice?

All his little thoughts immediately became active, and it was completely beneficial and harmless to leave Yunzhi in his free prostitution.

Moreover, we can also discuss the conditions, and maybe even get some benefits.

Ji Changqing's mind moved. He could safely keep Han Yunzhi. The demon refining pot was at least half successful.

Seeing that his will had relaxed, Han Yunping whispered: "I forgot to tell you, this year, a pair of twin female cultivators came to Spirit Beast Mountain. Even I was moved when I saw them."

He clicked his tongue: "No wonder there are so many casual cultivators here. I can't say that half of them are here for them."


Ji Changqing glanced at him, clapped his hands, and turned to draw the talisman.

Cai Huan looked confused. He just came and left?

She didn't hear it because it was a voice transmission.

Han Yunping understood and followed Ji Changqing to the courtyard.There are several desks in the courtyard.

It's a pity that there are only two talisman pens.

His one was given by Shi Xiangjiang.

Currently, only he and Yunzhi are able to draw the rejuvenation talisman, and the success rate is higher.

Yunzhi's gold pen is [-]%, while Ji Changqing's is almost [-]%.

After some calculation, even if I get five rejuvenation talismans, I will actually still lose money. It is better to sell the talisman paper directly.

But no way.

Currently, the Rejuvenation Talisman has the highest success rate.

Selling talismans directly would be a waste of money.

Increased skill proficiency is fundamental.

Although Yu'er and the others wanted to give it a try, since they didn't have any talisman pens, they could only watch and learn from the side.

Ji Changqing agreed to buy some talisman pens for them in the evening, so he needed to draw some rejuvenation talismans to sell.

That's right, he only agreed to go to the exchange meeting just for the talisman pen.

If you only sell talismans, it shouldn't be a big problem.

The allure of elixirs is the greatest.

Anyway, there is no elixir now, so I can’t sell it even if I want to.

Just like that, two people and two pens, one day and one miracle.

Once you gain proficiency, it doesn't take even a quarter of an hour to draw a rejuvenation talisman.

I can draw about five pictures in an hour.

In a busy day, more than 130 sheets were consumed in total.

The final product is 49 rejuvenation talismans, calculated based on Han Yunping’s previous transaction price.

Probably, around thirty spirit stones?
This is the result of two busy days.

A dozen talismans contain an average of five spirit stones.

Not only did he make no profit, he also lost more than 20 spiritual stones.

Talisman is really profitable.


In the evening, in the dead of night.

I could hear the "tapping" footsteps of the two people and the barking of dogs in the alley.

Ji Changqing changed into night clothes and wore a green-faced fang mask. He wore too many clothes and looked bloated. Even his boots were ten centimeters taller.

Han Yunping was also forced to put on these: "There's no need to be so cautious. Why does it feel like we are the ones robbing families and homes?"

"You never go too far wrong with caution.".

He was different from Han Yunping. The Ji family was here, and it would be difficult to get into trouble if someone recognized him.

Ji Changqing's voice even became older.

Han Yunping had to sigh: "This is the first time I have seen someone as cautious as you. With our cultivation level, there is absolutely no need to be so careful. You regard casual cultivators as sect disciples."

Han Yunping has seen most of the casual cultivators, and they don't even have low-grade magic weapons.

The strength of two people's feet.

A cup of tea.

Familiar square, familiar restaurant.

Ji Changqing visited the thatched cottage three times before coming here again.

I have to say that this restaurant is very successful.

A stay-at-home immortal cultivator like him was forced to come here several times.

The two of them walked up the steps, and Ma Qi stepped forward to greet them at the door. He bowed respectfully and made a gesture of invitation: "Welcome the Immortal Master."

Ji Changqing hummed softly, and just as he raised his feet, a gust of fragrant wind blew by his side. He turned around in surprise, and saw three thousand green hairs, like a spring breeze, filtering through the tip of his nose. The two women looked back, and the world was eclipsed.

They disappeared from sight hand in hand.

"He's gone." Han Yunping patted him on the shoulder, "You still have to look at the head after it's gone."

Ji Changqing had to sigh, this world is so beautiful, and he should see more and walk more.

Qiu Biluo: Charm 48 (+14) (peerless)

Taoist Companion Reward: Talent: One Heart (Soul Strength +25%)

Every time a descendant is born, the reward is: Divine Mind*1
Qiu Wangshu: Charm 48 (+14) (peerless)

Taoist Companion Reward: Talent: Dual Use (Soul Strength +25%)

Every time a descendant is born, the reward is: Divine Mind*1
This time, it didn't come in vain.

Well, Ji Changqing remembered that he was here to buy talisman pens tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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