Chapter 189 Seeking accommodation
Wang Jian lowered his eyebrows and glanced under the table on the left, but he quickly lowered his head, not daring to take another look.

At this time, if Qin Xuan were here, he would be able to recognize at a glance that the young woman in the white gauze skirt who was sitting under the table on the left was the young woman in the white gauze skirt he met when he first arrived in Xiama Town.

However, right now, the young woman in the white gauze skirt has changed into another outfit.

Sitting upright, wearing a white pear flower cheongsam, her delicate figure held up the clothes perfectly.Although she was sitting there quietly, she looked like a fat girl's peach, which made people want to swallow it in one gulp.

But despite this, the serious and sacred expression on his face gives people a sense of inaccessibility that can only be seen from a distance.

But this is what makes it more and more unbearable.

Wang Jian forcibly restrained himself and did not look at the young woman. He spoke in a low voice to the long-bearded man sitting next to him who looked to be in his fifties or sixties. In fact, his real age was already in his eighties: "Report to the guard Zhao, the city sent The person has arrived, his name is Qin Xuan. Yang Mu received him, and he is currently staying in the small courtyard over at Sanli Hutong."


Zhao Cheng was stunned for a moment, then looked concerned, "How is this person's strength? Have you inquired about his situation?"

"This person's information has been sent over by telegram from the Municipal Council. Zhao Zhenzhen, please take a look."

Wang Jian respectfully handed a piece of paper to Zhao Cheng's hand.

Zhao Cheng took the note and immediately lowered his head to read it.

After a moment, he couldn't help but look surprised and interested, "Interesting. This Qin Xuan is really an interesting person. I am beginning to be interested in him."

"Does Guard Zhao want to see this person?"

Wang Jian seemed to have guessed Zhao Cheng's thoughts a long time ago and made a hurried and cautious proposal.

"Meet, of course I have to meet. Such an interesting person, how can I do it without meeting him? By the way, has this person met Lao Huang?"

Zhao Cheng nodded, looking very sure, but then suddenly thought of something.

"Not yet. Huang Zhenshou went out and hasn't come back yet."

Wang Jian answered seriously.

"Haha, then I will go to see him again after this person has met Lao Huang. During this period, let people keep an eye on him. Once this person comes back after seeing Lao Huang, I will be notified immediately."



The weather in autumn suddenly becomes humid, and it gets dark earlier.

Yang Mu was almost ready when he suddenly felt it was getting dark.

However, at this moment, he, who had been standing at the gate of the garrison compound, was suddenly shaken. He stood up directly from the stone pillow on the roadside, stared at the distance in surprise, and was quickly flying towards this side. A toned figure.

Although Huang Sigu, the guard of Xiama Town, is 93 years old, he does not look like an old man at all, especially with his vigorous skills. Instead, he looks more like a man in his forties and less than 50 years old.

At this time, with his body skills deployed, this person was extremely fast, almost like a phantom. In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the gate of the compound of the garrison.

"Meet the guard!"

Yang Mu happily took a step forward and bowed.

"Little Yang Mu, you are so thoughtful. Every time I go out, you will wait outside for me to come back."

Looking at Yang Mu who saluted him respectfully, Huang Sigu nodded with satisfaction.

What a good young man. There are not many young people nowadays who know how to respect the elderly like this.

Thinking of this, Huang Sigu couldn't help but turn his head and glance at a yard on the west side of the courtyard guard office. In his ears, he could faintly hear the sound of records coming from the yard over there, and he couldn't help but snort.

How old you are, to listen to such depressing music like a young man is really disrespectful.

"How dare you!"

Yang Mu stepped forward respectfully, and while taking the things from Huang Sigu's hands respectfully, he spoke cautiously, "Guardian, has Mr. Zhuoshan made it clear? Do you agree to join forces with us?"

Huang Sigu laughed and said with some satisfaction: "Zhuoshan has been a good friend of mine for many years. This time I took the initiative to ask for help. How can I not agree? Haha, as long as the traces of Liu Qian of the Black Spirit Sect are found this time, this old man will Friends, they will join us to destroy this person."

"Congratulations to the guard. With Mr. Zhuo's participation, we will definitely be sure of killing Liu Qian."

After hearing this, Yang Mu felt relieved and hurriedly congratulated Huang Sigu.

"Haha, do you even need to say that?"

Huang Sigu laughed loudly, looking as proud as ever.

However, immediately after, he turned to look at Yang Mu, as if he suddenly discovered something, and said in surprise: "Xiao Yang, your state doesn't seem right. Usually at this time, you have already gone back. Is there something you want to tell me this time?"

"Zhenshou Huang is really aware of everything."

Yang Mu hurriedly handed over his hand and took the opportunity to report: "The person appointed by the Municipal Council has arrived. Guard, do you want to see this person?"

"Already here? Who is this person? What is his name?"

Huang Sigu was stunned for a moment, and then immediately asked with concern on his face.

"For the guard, this man's name is Qin Xuan."

Yang Mu responded respectfully.

"Qin Xuan?"

After hearing this, Huang Sigu frowned, shook his head and said, "This name is so strange. I have never heard of it. How about you call him here."


When Yang Mu heard this, he suddenly hesitated.

Huang Zhenshou has always been conceited and a bit dependent on his elders.

Originally, Yang Mu was worried that this person did not respect Qin Xuan enough.

The current situation is exactly what he imagined.

As a result, he couldn't help but feel worried.

After thinking for a while, he cautiously suggested, "Guardian, after all, this person is from the city. He is from the city and may be related to a certain big shot. Do you want to go and see this person in person?"

"No need!"

Huang Sigu sneered and waved his hand disapprovingly, "A little-known boy, is he worthy of me visiting him personally? If it is the elder disciples, the second son and the third son, they are pretty much the same. Okay, let's go. Bring him here, I'll wait for him in the room, and when he comes, I have something to arrange for him to do."


Tuk Tuk Tuk!
Qin Xuan, who was practicing, was suddenly awakened by a knock on the door.

Open the door.

"Envoy Qin, please come over as we guard."

Yang Mu spoke very politely with a smile on his face.

"Please let me go?"

After Qin Xuan heard this, he suddenly felt unhappy in his heart.

As an envoy from the Municipal Council, theoretically speaking, his status is equal to that of Huang Sigu or Zhao Cheng.

This Huang Sigu, as a landowner, it would be fine if he didn't greet him personally, but he actually allowed himself to go over to see him?
Are you treating yourself as a subordinate?
He glanced at Yang Mu, who looked respectful, but couldn't tell anything from his expression.

But Qin Xuan still raised his face, "Where are you guarding? Are you feeling unwell?"


Yang Mu heard displeasure from Qin Xuan's words, and his expression immediately became cautious, and he answered cautiously, "Don't blame Qin Zun, we are guarding and have just returned from visiting friends. We are very tired and it is not easy to visit, so we are here." Let me come over and ask your envoy to come over."

"It's very tiring. Since it's very tiring, let's wait until your guard has rested before meeting him in person."

Qin Xuan glanced at Yang Mu and immediately guessed the hidden meaning behind it. He snorted and retreated directly into the yard, closing the door behind him.


Yang Mu was stunned.

The next moment, he smiled bitterly.

It seems that this Ambassador Qin is not a fuel-efficient lamp.Huang Zhenshou wanted to put on airs in front of him, but he was afraid it wouldn't work.


"Haha, hahahaha! What are you talking about? Lao Huang wanted to put on airs and ask Yang Mu to invite Qin Xuan to meet him at his residence, but he was hit with a big problem and Lao Huang got furious?"

In the courtyard, Zhao Cheng suddenly laughed heartily after listening to Wang Jian's report.

Wang Jian held his breath and concentrated, making a serious gesture.

Zhao Cheng could laugh at Huang Sigu unscrupulously, but he didn't have the courage.

Gong Jin said: "Report to Zhao Zhenshou, this is what happened."

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Cheng laughed heartily, "That old boy, Lao Huang, is really getting better and better as he gets older. Who of the young people today still do what you do? You actually want to treat people as subordinates and boss them around. It's a pity, this old boy, You must not have inquired about the origins of Qin Xuan, right? It seems that he treated him as a soft persimmon and wanted to rub him in. He deserves it, he really deserves it."

"What does Zhao Zhenshou plan to do?"

Wang Jian looked up curiously.

Zhao Cheng thought deeply and said: "Since Lao Huang and that old boy have fallen out with this person, it means that this person is worthy of my win over. Wang Jian."


Hearing the sudden seriousness in Zhao Cheng's voice, Wang Jian hurriedly braced himself and stood up straight.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Cheng smiled and ordered, "Go and make arrangements for Qingyuan to test this Qin Xuan. I want to see how powerful this person is who dares to confront Lao Huang head-on."


Wang Jian was stunned, and for a moment, his face was full of reluctance.

"What? You don't want to?"

Zhao Cheng stared at Wang Jian and his expression suddenly darkened.

When Wang Jian saw this, his heart suddenly became cold.

Zhao Cheng's appearance is really scary.

And based on his understanding of this person, he knew immediately that Zhao Cheng in front of him was definitely angry.

Next, if you don't respond well, you will most likely be punished.


But despite this, Wang Jian pondered for a while, but still bravely said: "Guardian, can someone else go? Qingyuan, Qingyuan has not been feeling well recently?"

Zhao Cheng's expression suddenly softened, his tone was gentle, and his speech became calmer. He said in a voice that made people feel comfortable, "Xiao Wang, the overall situation is the most important thing. I know that you and Qingyuan have been walking together recently. We are together, do you plan to get married after a while?"


Wang Jian's body trembled, but he quickly braced himself up and respectfully requested in a low voice, "Please Zhao Zhenshou to grant your permission."

"Perfect? ​​Haha, you have followed me for many years. Such a good thing, I am naturally willing to fulfill it for you. However, Xiao Wang, at the moment, I have no suitable candidates. Hong Ling has just gone to a distant place, and the others have not been trained yet. Okay, none of them are useful. For the time being, only Qingyuan, who knows the best and is the most suitable candidate for this matter."

"Qin Xuan is extremely important to me, so it's best to win him over."

"Don't worry, I promise you that this is the last time. As long as Qingyuan does this well, I will let her go free."

" you serious? If Qingyuan can do this well, will you let her go free?"

Wang Jian's body trembled violently, and he suddenly looked up at Zhao Cheng, his voice trembling uncontrollably.

"Do you think I mean what I say?"

Zhao Cheng glared at Wang Jian displeasedly.


As the night grew darker, a full moon rose, and the small courtyard where Qin Xuan was located suddenly became quiet.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door again.

Tuk Tuk Tuk!
Why are you here again?
Qin Xuan, who was about to go back to the house to rest, walked over and opened the door impatiently.

However, as soon as the door opened, he couldn't help but froze.

"Hello son!"

A 25-year-old woman in red from Pinting stood at the door and bowed to him delicately.

The woman's voice was very clear and soft. As she spoke, she seemed shy and suddenly lowered her head gently.

Qin Xuan lowered his head to look at the woman, but couldn't help but his heart immediately moved.

Although this woman looks delicate, she is actually quite tall and has a slightly wider frame than the average woman.

However, the more so, combined with his delicate and shy temperament, it actually gives people a strange and exciting feeling.

"Girl, do you need help with anything?"

Qin Xuan lowered his voice.

"The little girl was passing through the town at night. She just went to the inn and happened to find that the door of the inn was closed. I heard that the town has been very dangerous recently and it is not convenient to stay outside for the night. Sir, can I let the little girl stay overnight?"

The woman lowered her head and her voice became softer.


A strange color flashed across Qin Xuan's eyes.

The next moment, he immediately turned his head and looked around.

There was no one around, so Qin Xuan's eyes immediately fell on the woman.

I don’t know if it was intentional or accidental.

The distance between the woman and Qin Xuan was extremely close.

At such a close distance, Qin Xuan lowered his head and saw a section of the opponent's white neck behind him.

At the same time, the woman's gentle breathing could be clearly heard in the ears.

However, at this time, the breathing was a bit rapid, as if the woman was very nervous.

Qin Xuan suddenly and unceremoniously took a deep breath, and a warm fragrance suddenly hit his nose.

The woman's face suddenly turned red and she lowered her head slightly.

The soft hair flowed playfully across Qin Xuan's chin, gently and softly.

"Ha ha!"

However, at this moment, the woman suddenly heard a chuckle.

At the same time, Qin Xuan, who originally felt that he was getting closer to him, suddenly moved away from him.

This made the woman stunned for a moment, and she suddenly felt an extreme sense of loss in her heart.

"Ha ha!"

Qin Xuan's expression had become extremely cold. He looked at the delicate-looking woman in red and said with a faint smile: "It's time to finish the play. Are you going to announce your identity? Or do you want me to capture you?" Pressing for identity?"

"What are you talking about, young master? The little girl doesn't understand."

Qingyuan was startled by Qin Xuan's sudden change, but she forced herself to calm down and pretended to be confused and confused.

"It seems that the girl has chosen the latter. If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude. Asking for a place to stay in the middle of the night, this kind of fairy tale drama is used, and even ghosts won't believe it."

Qin Xuan's face suddenly became extremely cold, as if it was covered with a layer of frost.

(End of this chapter)

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