Chapter 21

The Taoist disciples solemnly raised their hands and agreed.

Others, including Qin Xuan, felt awe-inspiring.

Treated as a deserter, this punishment is not ordinary serious.

It seems that I will not be able to learn from this Liu Mu Tao in the future, and I must obey the Taoist Association's recruitment.

"lets go!"

Xia Jingwu waved his hand and issued the order.


The Taoist disciples respectfully agreed, turned around, and planned to give orders to everyone.

At this time, suddenly, outside the courtyard, in the direction of the courtyard door, a young Taoist priest was panting and running towards this side in a hurry.

"Wait for me!"

The young disciple shouted to this side while running.

Xia Jingwu stared at the newly arrived Taoist practitioner with an unsightly expression.

In the courtyard, all the Taoists and Dharma scholars also looked at this man.

The Taoist disciples' faces were heavy and their eyes were fixed on each other, so that they did not give the order to set off for the time being.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, fellow seniors, Mr. Xia, I'm late. I live far away from the road!"

The young disciple ran up to him and apologized and explained hurriedly.

But because he ran too fast and consumed a lot of energy, the man was out of breath.


The Taoist disciples had cold faces and stared at each other sternly.

"I'm sorry, senior brother. I'm Liu Mudao. Sorry, I'm a little late. Please forgive me, senior brother." The young disciple Liu Mudao obviously realized that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and panicked while apologizing and explaining.

"If you live far away, you should come here in advance. Liu Mudao, you dare to be late for the Taoist meeting recruitment and deduct three months of benefits as an example. Are you convinced?"

The disciples of the Taoist Association reprimanded Liu Mudao with a straight face and announced the punishment at the same time.

"I am convinced, I am convinced."

Liu Mudao responded in a panic. While he breathed a sigh of relief, his heart couldn't help but bleed.

The Taoist Association provides subsidies for Taoist disciples, and even individual disciples still receive subsidies.

Equivalent to a scholar, he can receive a certain amount of rice every month.

Moreover, these Taoist practitioners can receive a lot of monthly subsidies from the Taoist Association. Even a disciple who is in the early stages of Qi training can receive an ocean every month.

In this day and age, one dollar is not a small amount of money.

Some individual disciples can support themselves by relying on this subsidy if they don't do tasks.

This is why Liu Mudao felt his heart bleeding.

Three months of subsidies were deducted at once, which is a lot of money.

The Taoist disciples ignored Liu Mudao and waved their hands, giving orders to everyone, "Let's go! Mr. Xia, please!"

After saying that, he turned to Xia Jingwu and respectfully asked him to get in the car.

Xia Jingwu nodded and walked slowly towards the cart.

The Taoist disciple turned around after Xia Jingwu got on the bus and ordered everyone to get on the bus in order.

Qin Xuan and Huang Wulin got into the car almost at the end. After getting on the bus, they found seats at the very back of the car.

As soon as we sat down, the car started to move and set off.

The cart kept driving toward the outskirts of the city.

In the car, everyone was talking quietly.

Many people were communicating in low voices, planning how to make meritorious deeds.

In the ghost temple, in addition to the fierce ghosts Hu Misi, there will also be ordinary evil ghosts.

These evil spirits are the subordinates of Hu Mi Si.

Therefore, everyone does not have to worry about not having the opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

These ordinary evil spirits are enough for everyone to kill.Huang Wulin also discussed with Qin Xuan, planning how to kill the evil ghost after entering the ghost temple.

Don't pay attention to Li Guihu's mist, Xia Jingwu will deal with it himself.

What's more, this fierce ghost is not something they have the ability to deal with.

What they have to deal with are ordinary evil spirits.

Huang Wulin and Qin Xuan discussed, "Junior brother Qin, after entering the ghost temple in a while, we don't have to rush to the front. There must be a lot of evil spirits in the ghost temple, and they are definitely enough for us to kill. There is no need to worry about not having the chance to make meritorious deeds." "

Huang Wulin's words resonated deeply with Qin Xuan's thoughts. He smiled and nodded in response, "Senior brother is right."

Then the two began to discuss the details.

Qin Xuan can deal with the intermediate ones.

For advanced ones, Huang Wulin needs to take action.

After some discussion, the two decided to specifically select evil ghosts above the intermediate level to kill. If they encountered high-level evil ghosts, they would let Huang Wulin attack first, while Qin Xuan assisted in the sneak attack.

There will be a certain merit reward for killing evil ghosts. This reward is determined according to the quantity and quality of the kill.

The more evil ghosts you kill, the stronger you are, and the greater the reward.

Obviously it is more cost-effective to kill mid-level and high-level evil spirits.

The car drove straight to the outskirts of the city where the ghost temple was located.

After about an hour, we finally reached the outskirts of the city and entered the area where the ghost temple is located.

The car stopped far away from the ghost temple on the side of the road.

Everyone got out of the car and walked towards the ghost temple on foot, led by Xia Jingwu and the Taoist disciple in charge.

Because they are all Taoists, everyone was observing the ghost temple while walking.

So, after opening their spiritual eyes, everyone discovered that above the ghost temple, there was a faint black air and a strong ghost energy.

At the same time, the ghost energy was filled with blood and there was a faint evil energy.

This means that in the ghost temple, the evil ghosts have a strong murderous aura.

Next, once you enter the ghost temple, there is no doubt that a fierce battle is inevitable.

As a result, everyone immediately became nervous and subconsciously tightened their weapons.

Qin Xuan is also watching the ghost temple.

However, unlike others, he used the insight ability of his spiritual eyes.

The ability to see is unfolded, and from the external appearance, it is no different from ordinary spiritual eyes.

Therefore, none of the Taoist practitioners at the scene noticed the difference between Qin Xuan and himself.

And Qin Xuan couldn't help but frown slightly as soon as he used his insight to watch.

Above the ghost temple, with insight, among the black ghost energy and the blood-red evil light, Qin Xuan actually saw a dark and cold light with an aura of death.

This means that this place is a desperate place, and your life will be in danger after entering.

Moreover, people who enter the ghost temple can easily get trapped in it and never be able to escape.

"What's going on? The ghost temple is more dangerous than expected?"

"Is there an extremely powerful crisis hidden inside?"

Qin Xuan's face suddenly turned ugly.

After Nahumisi recovered, could it be that his strength was stronger than before?
Possess some extremely powerful means?

Otherwise, how could I have seen the strange and deadly scene from above the ghost temple?

Qin Xuan became more and more surprised.

He turned his head and looked at the others.

When I saw the other people, although they all had solemn expressions on their faces, as if they were facing a formidable enemy and were working hard to prepare for battle, no one had the anxiety of experiencing life or death.

"No one else noticed anything unusual in the ghost temple? No one saw this aura of death?"

Qin Xuan discovered the problem.

The combination of death energy and death energy is death energy.

(End of this chapter)

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