Chapter 210

"Senior brother, what happened? Are we going to go to war with the Black Spirit Sect?"

Hao Yuanyin was surprised. She heard something unusual in Liang Shangyu's tone.

"Start a war? It's possible, but not necessarily."

Liang Shangyu shook his head and soon discovered the anomaly in the camp, "Junior sister, what happened here? Why are there so many corpses? Are these people from the Black Ling Sect? Did you start a war with the Black Ling Sect? Killed them So many Black Spirit Sect disciples? How did you do it?"

From among the corpses on the ground, Liang Shangyu recognized that most of these corpses were people from the Black Ling Sect, and he was immediately shocked.

There were so many Black Spirit Sect corpses in the camp. It was not an ordinary battle, but a big war.

Especially the battle loss ratio between his own side and the Black Spirit Sect made him feel incredible.

With Hao Yuanyin's strength, could he kill so many Black Spirit Sect disciples with such a small loss?

Are you kidding me?


Hao Yuanyin hurriedly explained, telling Liang Shangyu the ins and outs of the entire battle.

"What? You said that Qin Xuan came up with a plan to lure the people from the Black Ling Sect in, so you could kill the disciples of the Black Ling Sect so easily?"

Liang Shangyu was surprised, with an expression on his face that wanted to laugh but couldn't for the moment.

However, the next moment, he smiled and shook his head, "Qin Xuan, this guy really surprises me at every turn. I thought that this guy would do something different when he came, but who would have thought that what he did , it still exceeded my expectations.”

"Junior sister, you and the Black Spirit Sect have been at odds for a long time, right? No one can do anything to anyone, but as soon as this guy came, he just wiped out the entire Black Spirit Sect, wizard, wizard."

Hao Yuanyin, who has always been strong and heroic, couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing these words.

This Qin Xuan is indeed powerful enough.

If it were him, at least there would be no way to take over a camp in the Black Spirit Sect at once.

But despite this, she immediately thought of Qin Xuan's situation and hurriedly said: "Senior brother, don't be too eager to rejoice. We don't know where Qin Xuan is yet."

"Oh, junior sister, do you have any hidden secrets?"

Liang Shangyu was stunned for a moment, then became concerned for a moment. He looked around and saw that Qin Xuan was not there. He hurriedly asked, "Where did Qin Xuan go? Why isn't he here?"

Hao Yuanyin hurriedly told Qin Xuan's situation. When he thought about Qin Xuan's situation, he was most likely confronting Lei Ming and Zheng Chu. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and he felt deeply worried.

Unexpectedly, when Liang Shangyu heard this, he burst into laughter and said disapprovingly: "Junior sister, don't worry, this guy Qin Xuan will definitely be fine. Although Lei Ming and Zheng Chu are not weaker than him, The two of them joining forces are much stronger than him."

"But I bet that with what Qin Xuan has done before, even if he deals with these two people at the same time, there will be no problems."

"In the end, after a battle, Lei Ming and Zheng Chu will definitely be the last to die."

"Senior brother, don't you have too much confidence in Qin Xuan?"

Hao Yuanyin felt incredible and looked at Liang Shangyu in disbelief.

She really didn't understand why Liang Shangyu had so much confidence in Qin Xuan.

It is true that even she herself thinks Qin Xuan is very strong and has created miracles many times. However, the absolute strength is there, no matter how good it is, it is unlikely to defeat Lei Ming and Zheng Chu.

"Haha, junior sister, let's wait and see."

Liang Shangyu laughed, but he seemed not to be affected by Hao Yuanyin's mentality at all.

He also knew Hao Yuanyin's worries. However, this still does not hinder his confidence in Qin Xuan at all.

Hao Yuanyin was suddenly speechless.

This senior brother had so much confidence in Qin Xuan that he had more confidence than Qin Xuan himself had in himself. This made her completely confused about what to say.

However, at this moment...

"Haha, look, junior sister, isn't that Qin Xuan? Qin Xuan is here. There are others, they should be from your camp, right?"

Liang Shangyu suddenly smiled and pointed in the direction outside the camp and spoke loudly.

What? coming?

Hao Yuanyin was slightly startled. Hearing this, he quickly turned his head and looked in the direction of Liang Shangyu's finger.

At this glance, he became even more surprised.

Ahead, in the distance, Qin Xuan and Zhao Shun, with more than a dozen people, were quickly escaping this way.

Qin Xuan is really back?
  Zhao Shun also rescued people.

No, Zhao Shun rescued people, this is normal. After all, the Black Spirit Sect must be out in force, and there is no resistance at all in the camp.

For him, rescuing people is very simple.

But, isn't this Qin Xuan together with Lei Ming Zheng Chu? How did he get rid of or defeat Lei Ming and Zheng Chu?
  Hao Yuanyin suddenly felt incredible.

Qin Xuan was in the late Huayuan realm, and his strength was at most about the same as either of Lei Ming or Zheng Chu. How could he possibly be able to get rid of or defeat Lei Ming and Zheng Chu.

"Xiao Qin, I knew you had created another miracle."

Liang Shangyu looked at Qin Xuan with a smile and spoke from a distance.

"Second Young Master is also here. I want to pay my respects to Second Young Master."

Qin Xuan greeted Liang Shangyu from a distance.

"elder brother!"

A delicate woman's voice came from the camp, and Yang Miaoling trotted towards one of the tall and thin men.

"This little girl's brother was also rescued?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Xuan subconsciously turned his head and looked over.

Yang Miaoling looked at him with eyes filled with gratitude.

"Everyone is back just in time. Pack your things quickly and leave here, this camp. Give up."

Hao Yuanyin opened his mouth and gave instructions, asking everyone to pack up their things and leave.

"Greetings to the Second Young Master. Fifth Young Lady, just now, we saw a strong man from the Black Spirit Sect's Yuan Qi Realm heading towards Lei Ming's camp. We didn't dare to disturb him. Once he left, we immediately returned to our camp. Now that person should have discovered the situation in Lei Ming's camp."

Zhao Shun stepped forward and quickly reported to Hao Yuanyin.

"Discovered a powerful person in the Yuan Qi realm?"

Hao Yuanyin was surprised when he heard this.

Looking at Zhao Shun, he also glanced at Qin Xuan, secretly feeling happy for everyone in his heart. Those who are strong in the vitality realm are so powerful. Fortunately, these people see the opportunity early. Otherwise, if they really fight against those strong in the vitality realm, even Qin Xuan will probably be slaughtered.

Liang Shangyu took the opportunity to speak, waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as I am here, the strong ones in the vitality realm will not dare to come and attack. Pack your things as soon as possible, leave with me quickly, and return to the base camp."

"Our Taoist Association may start a war with the Black Spirit Sect soon."


Zhao Shun was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly called to the others and went to clean up in the camp.

"Second Young Master, what happened? Why did something suddenly change? Are we about to start a war with the Black Spirit Sect?"

Qin Xuan was secretly frightened when he heard this, and hurriedly asked Liang Shangyu.

"A big war? Pretty much."

Regarding Qin Xuan, Liang Shangyu had nothing to hide and replied casually: "There are masters coming from the Black Spirit Sect. The three powerful Yuan Qi realms have all arrived here, including Guo Yuzhen, Lan Jinglin, and Zhang Chen. All arrived.”

"However, don't panic. In addition to my master, Grand Elder Liang Zongshan and Grand Elder Mo Jing are also here."

"Are they all here?"

When Qin Xuan heard this, he couldn't help being shocked again.

Even Hao Yuanyin couldn't help being surprised.

Whether it's our own side or the Black Spirit Sect's side, basically all the masters are here.

With so many experts gathered here, a war is about to break out.

Although the great elders Liu Jinchen and Liang Zongshan are not vegetarians, the masters from the Black Spirit Sect are not weak either.

Especially Guo Yuzhen, but it is said that he has reached the peak of Yuanqi Realm many years ago, and is only one step away from entering the terrifying existence of Ningzhen Realm.

With such strength, there is no difference compared to Liu Jinchen. He is a master at the same level.

"Pack your things as soon as possible and follow me out of here quickly. Otherwise, I'm afraid things will change later."

Liang Shangyu suddenly became anxious, "I'm not afraid of the powerful Yuan Qi realms you just mentioned, or the ordinary Yuan Qi realms. What I'm afraid of is those masters of the Yuan Qi realm, Guo Yuzhen, Lan Jinglin, Zhang Chen and others who suddenly take action."

"These are all powerful men at the advanced level of the Yuan Qi Realm. Once they take action, the damage caused will be unimaginable. Even though I am also in the Yuan Qi Realm, the early stage of the Yuan Qi Realm is completely incomparable compared to the late stage of the Yuan Qi Realm or the peak. Anything comparable."

"What if these people suddenly take action and we are too far away from the base camp, Master and the others will not be able to rescue us in time, and I am afraid we will all die without a burial place."

When Qin Xuan and Hao Yuanyin heard this, they immediately became anxious.

Not daring to delay at the moment, he quickly went back and packed up his things.

Everyone hurriedly packed up their things and immediately followed Liang Shangyu and retreated towards the base camp.

While Qin Xuan and others were retreating, in the camp of Lei Ming and others, a middle-aged man in blue got down from the huge black car.

The aura of this middle-aged man in blue is extremely powerful, and the aura of spirituality is extremely abundant.

If Qin Xuan were here, he would definitely be able to recognize at a glance from the aura on the other party that he was a strong man in the vitality realm, and his strength was no less than Liang Shangyu.

At this time, the middle-aged man in blue was silent, his eyes angrily sweeping over the corpses of Black Spirit Sect disciples on the ground all around.

"How is this possible? Lei Ming and the others are not low in strength, and they are even accompanied by three powerhouses at the peak of the Huayuan Realm. Theoretically, they should be able to suppress the Taoist people. How could they sneak attack the camp? Not a single one of my Black Spirit Sect disciples is left behind. Also, where did Lei Ming and the others go?"

Behind the powerful middle-aged man in blue, standing is a strong man like a black iron tower. This man only has Huayuan realm cultivation. Standing behind the middle-aged man in blue, he is like a servant.

At this time, the man's face was full of shock, and he looked at everything in the camp in complete disbelief.


The middle-aged man in blue laughed angrily, "It seems that there are capable people in the Huayuan realm over at the Daohui camp. Lei Ming and the other three joined forces, and they were also taken away by them. Seeing that Lei Ming and others were not there The camp must have been lured out."

"Someone else used a trick to lure Lei Ming and others away, and took the opportunity to sneak attack the camp and kill everyone in the camp. Awesome, awesome, who is this person, what kind of trick is he using, why did Lei Ming and others Will you be fooled?"

"Sir, Lei Ming and others may not necessarily die, right?"

The strong man like a black iron tower was shocked in his heart. He was secretly shocked by the guess of the middle-aged man in blue. He felt that the other party's guess was very accurate, but it was probably far from the truth.

The middle-aged man in blue shook his head and said, "How could he not die? The other party was able to use a strategy to successfully lure Lei Ming and others out. This strategy was successful from the beginning."

"Lei Ming and others must have been unable to survive at this time."

The man in the Black Iron Tower felt vaguely dissatisfied, but he did not dare to refute the other party.

After thinking for a while, "Sir, what should we do? Lei Ming and the others are said to be facing an opponent called Hao Yuanyin, who is Liu Jinchen's fifth disciple."

"Hao Yuanyin is not far from the opposite camp. Should we directly destroy her camp now?"

The middle-aged man in blue was suddenly moved when he heard this. He quickly raised his head and looked in the direction of Hao Yuanyin's camp in the distance.

After all, he is a strong person in the Yuan Qi realm and is strong enough.

From this look, although it was said that Hao Yuanyin's camp was far away from him, the specific situation was unclear.

However, vaguely, some situations were discovered.

"Huh? Hao Yuanyin and the others are breaking up camp and leaving? Does the Taoist Association know that a war is about to break out?"

The middle-aged man in blue spoke in surprise.

"Sir, do you want to take the opportunity to attack? Chase after them and kill them?"

The strong man in the Black Iron Tower hurriedly made suggestions, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

However, the middle-aged man in blue, who was still a little eager to give it a try, suddenly shook his head and said, "No need, someone from the Taoist headquarters must be here. Otherwise, how would Hao Yuanyin know that he should retreat?"

"And the person who came here to inform Hao Yuanyin to retreat must be quite strong. I'm afraid he is a person in the vitality realm just like me."

"That's all, you and I should leave quickly. Anyway, the war is about to start. By then, these Taoist people will definitely not be able to get away."

"There's no need to worry that Lei Ming and the others won't be able to get their revenge. By then, no one from these Taoist associations will be able to escape."

As he spoke, the middle-aged man in blue suddenly laughed. His smile looked very mysterious and full of confidence.

"Haha, the adults didn't say it, but the villain forgot. That's right, no one from the Taoist Association will be able to escape this time."

When the man from the Black Iron Tower heard this, he burst into laughter. He obviously believed deeply in what the middle-aged man in blue said.


"Hurry, get out of here quickly, a war may break out at any time."

Liang Shangyu took Qin Xuan, Hao Yuanyin and others on their way quickly. After a while, he couldn't help but start urging them, looking very anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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