Chapter 224 Finale

Just a small thunder dust formation, just want to scare yourself?

Also, this guy was being chased by two of his own, and knew he couldn't escape, so he had to use deceit to try to scare himself so that he wouldn't chase.

But, unfortunately, he miscalculated.

I know Xiao Lei Chen Zhen.

Do you think you can scare yourself with this level of formation?

Both Yuan Jing and Yang Lin felt ridiculous.

"Chase, don't let this person escape."

An angry laugh burst out from Yuan Jing's mouth.

Then, together with Yang Lin, he quickly rushed into the Xiao Lei Chen formation and rushed directly into the formation.

These two guys actually came in.



Senior Brother Qin's strategy actually worked.

The small thunder dust formation deceived the Four Elephants Locking Dragon Formation, making them think that there really was only the small thunder dust formation here.

So, Yuan Jing and Yang Lin really rushed into the formation.

It's time for you to die.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mu, who had been outside and presided over the formation, couldn't help but laugh crazily.

These two guys actually broke into the Four Elephants Locking Dragon Formation.

It’s hard for you not to die.

He actually broke in.

At this time, Qin Xuan was equally ecstatic in his heart.

He was still a little worried when Yuan Jing and Yang Lin were attracted from the front.

What if the two of them don't come in?

What if the two of them don’t know Xiao Lei Chen Zhen?

Right now, all these worries disappeared in an instant.


Amidst laughter, Qin Xuan stretched out his hand and pointed, and the formation plate appeared in his hand, and a ray of light shot directly into the formation.

"Array up!"

An angry shout came from Qin Xuan's mouth and spread to all directions in an instant.

With a rumble, four formation flags from the ground suddenly rose into the sky and turned directly into four huge pillars of light.

They are cyan, white, black, and red.

Among the pillars of light, the phantoms of the four divine beasts appeared, with a blue dragon tied to each of them.

Canglong locked himself on the formation flag, lowered his head and howled angrily.


A crazy howl came out, and the boundless and terrifying power shook the sky.

Four elephants locking the dragon formation.

This is not a small thunder formation.

No, the enemy used the Small Thunder Dust Formation to hide the Four Elephants Locking Dragon Formation, making us think that it only used the Small Thunder Dust Formation.


Whether it was Yuan Jing or Yang Lin, their expressions changed drastically at this time.

At the moment when four beams of light appeared at the same time, the shadows of the four divine beasts appeared, and the shadow of the blue dragon flew out directly, both of them became filled with horror.

This Four Elephant Locking Dragon Formation is no small matter.

It is a variant of the Small Four Elephant Formation, and it is powerful and tyrannical.

Even with their strength, they would still be trapped if they entered the formation.

How can it be?

The enemy actually has a four-elephant locking dragon formation.

Damn it, I was fooled!

In shock and anger, both Yuan Jing and Yang Lin panicked at this moment.


Yuan Jing reacted first, moving her feet wrongly, and black footprints appeared under her feet.

Black magic step.

The black footprints supported his body, and he planned to escape, trying to escape from the trap of the Four Elephants Locking Dragon Formation.

However, how could Qin Xuan let this person get what he wanted?

At this time, Yuan Jing and Yang Lin, who were trapped in the Four Elephants Locking Dragon Formation, were like fish on the chopping board to him, and their lives were all in his hands.

Seeing Yuan Jing unfold the black magic step, trying to escape.

Qin Xuan didn't even think about it. He held up the formation plate with his left hand and pointed at the formation with his right hand.

go with!

Amidst the angry shouts, brilliance flashed in the array, and immediately after, the phantom of the blue dragon roared again in the array.


In the midst of the roar, the huge dragon head suddenly raised, and a huge, abyss-like mouth opened directly and swallowed Yuan Jing directly.


Yuan Jing roared angrily, his face suddenly changing color.

Without hesitation, he pulled away and retreated sharply.

The Black Devil Steps unfolded and his body moved back quickly.

After all, at this time, he was trapped in the formation. He couldn't escape even if he wanted to. He could only move within the formation to a certain extent.


Seeing this scene, Qin Xuan's heart moved and he pointed another finger with his right hand.

As a result, the formation disk shook, the formation flag fluttered, and in the north, the Xuanwu flag trembled, and actually shot out a black light, like a rope, entangled Yuan Jing's feet.

Yuan Jing's movements were immediately blocked, and his entire movement was restricted.


Yuan Jing's face instantly turned as black as ink and turned pale.

But at this moment, his eyes suddenly went dark, and the huge dragon's mouth of Canglong Xuying swallowed his entire body with one opening.


Yang Lin watched Yuan Jing being swallowed by Canglong Xuying's huge mouth, and his heart instantly sank to the bottom.

Even Yuan Jing, a strong person in the Yuan Qi realm, can't compete with the Four Elephants Locking Dragon Formation, let alone himself?

So, like Yuan Jing, he immediately spread his body skills and tried to escape from the Four Elephants Locking Dragon Formation.

However, Qin Xuan has been watching this person for a long time, how can he be allowed to escape?

After killing Yuan Jing, his eyes also fell on Yang Lin.

Holding the array plate in his hand, he also reached out and pointed at Yang Lin.


He yelled, and at the same time, the phantoms of the four divine beasts appeared at the same time, and the four formation flags waved at the same time.

Canglong Xuying waved his head, and after swallowing Yuan Jing, he immediately rushed towards Yang Lin.

"Oops, damn it!"

Yang Lin was already escaping, but how could his speed compare to the speed of Canglong Xuying?

Seeing the phantom of the blue dragon, after killing Yuan Jing, he immediately rushed towards him.

After the man cursed wildly, he immediately twisted his body and sped up his movements, trying to avoid being swallowed by the giant mouth of the Canglong phantom.

However, even Yuan Jing could not escape from being swallowed by the phantom of the giant mouth of the blue dragon. How could he escape?

When Qin Xuan stretched out his hand again, the phantom of the Canglong's giant mouth suddenly accelerated its speed, swept over the ground, and directly swallowed the man into the giant mouth.


Painful screams came from the huge mouth of Canglong's phantom, and Yang Lin's body disappeared on the spot.

"Senior Brother Qin really has a great plan. The Four Elephant Locking Dragon Formation is indeed a variant of the Small Four Elephant Formation. It is so powerful."

Wang Mu walked out with a smile on his face and smiled at Qin Xuan from ear to ear.

It was too powerful. Yuan Jing and Yang Lin were so powerful in this formation, but after entering the formation, they were eventually trapped and killed by the formation.

In his heart, he was greatly shocked.

"Don't rush to praise me yet."

Qin Xuan walked out of the formation, panting, and his whole appearance looked a little sluggish.

Although the Four Elephants Locking Dragon Formation was powerful, the consumption it caused to him was equally huge.

Just now, although it didn't last too long, the consumption caused to him was no different than a fierce battle.

The whole person was almost exhausted. After all, the Four Elephants Locking Dragon Formation originally required four people to preside over it.

He, Qin Xuan, did the work of four people by himself, so it was strange that he wasn't tired.

"Let me rest for a while, and then we will figure out how to rescue the fifth lady and the others."

With that said, Qin Xuan sat down directly on the spot and began to meditate and regulate his breathing.

Wang Mu did not dare to be careless. He looked serious and walked away quickly to help Qin Xuan protect the law.

Fortunately, nothing happened after that. A few minutes later, Qin Xuan stood up.

His situation has improved a lot.

Although the consumption has not been completely replenished, it has almost been replenished.

"Although Yuan Jing and Yang Lin have been trapped and killed by me using the Four Elephants Locking Dragon Formation, there are still many masters among the people of the Black Spirit Sect."

"Especially at the peak of Huayuan Realm, there are several of them."

"Although these disciples are not truly at the peak of Huayuan Realm, if we join forces, I am no match for them."

Qin Xuan looked solemn and analyzed the situation.

Wang Mu listened quietly, and his mood became heavy.

"According to Senior Brother Qin, what should we do? Or use a Four-Elephant Locking Dragon Formation to lead people into the formation and kill them in one fell swoop?"

Wang Mu made suggestions.

"The method is good, but how to implement it is a problem."

Qin Xuan frowned slightly, "Besides, if Yuan Jing and Yang Lin left and never returned, wouldn't the people in the Black Ling Sect be suspicious? If I use the same method again, they won't be fooled."

"Besides, what if they know that we are rescuing people and threaten us with the lives of Fifth Miss and others? At that time, should we take action or not? Do we care about the safety of Fifth Miss and their lives?"


Wang Mu thought about it and thought it made sense, "Senior Brother Qin, what do we think we should do?"

"I do have a way, but it's hard to say whether it will work or not. Moreover, it requires taking a lot of risks. Even if you are not careful, you may even kill Miss Fifth and the others."

Qin Xuan pondered for a while, and finally had some ideas.


Wang Mu suddenly fell silent when he heard this.

If there are risks, then it cannot be implemented casually.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he found that he had no other better way, so he had no choice but to look at Qin Xuan again, "Senior Brother Qin, why don't you talk about it? Maybe we can come up with a better solution together. Woolen cloth."

"You should still remember that I have a method called Shapeshifting, right?"

Qin Xuan raised his head and looked at Wang Mu, "If I transform into Yang Lin, return to the Black Spirit Sect team, and use Yang Lin's identity to release the fifth lady and the others, do you think it is possible to succeed?"

"However, this method is not very effective. After all, Fifth Young Lady and the others are restrained. If I want to save them, I must lift the restraints on them."

"And once the restriction is lifted, the people from the Black Spirit Sect will notice it."

"When the time comes, the people in the Black Spirit Sect will be wary, and I will immediately leak it."

"Furthermore, in that case, I won't be able to lift the ban on too many people. Once the Black Spirit Sect discovers it, they will take action directly. Those who haven't had time to lift the ban will surely suffer."

"This is a problem. We must find a way to buy time for Senior Brother Qin to lift the restriction for Fifth Miss and others. But, is there any way to buy time for Senior Brother Qin?"

Wang Mu frowned and began to worry.

These problems Qin Xuan mentioned are indeed problems.

However, after listening to Wang Mu's words, Qin Xuan couldn't help but think of an idea.

He immediately said: "I suddenly thought of a way, but it may require you to take some risks, and it may even be life-threatening for you. I don't know if you are willing to give it a try."

"Senior Brother Qin, why don't you come and listen."

Wang Mu frowned again.

The risks Qin Xuan said naturally made him worried, especially if his life was in danger, which made him unwilling to take risks.

However, he didn't mind hearing what Qin Xuan's plan was.

"This method is not particularly good, but to a certain extent, it can still help save the lives of as many of our people as possible."

Qin Xuan looked solemn, "I will transform into Yang Lin. After I go back, you can go over and appear from the side, and then I will arrange for the peak masters of the Huayuan Realm from the Black Spirit Sect to chase you."

"In this way, there is naturally a certain risk for you, but as long as these peak masters of the Huayuan Realm of the Black Spirit Sect can leave, it will naturally be much safer for the fifth lady and the others."

"Once I rescue people and help Fifth Young Lady and the others lift the restriction, the people from the Black Spirit Sect will immediately notice it. At that time, they will naturally surround me. On the one hand, they will besiege me, and on the other hand, they will attack our people. .”

"So, Fifth Miss and the others will still be at risk. However, since you have taken away the peak master of the Huayuan Realm from the Black Spirit Sect, the risks faced by Fifth Miss and the others will naturally be greatly reduced."

"After all, the damage caused by ordinary people in the late stage of Huayuan Realm will definitely not be as good as those at the peak of Huayuan Realm."

"It's just that for you, you have to take a huge risk. If you are not careful, you may even lose your life."

"So, I won't force you. It's up to you to decide whether you want to implement this plan or not."


Wang Mu suddenly fell into deep thought after hearing this, and his expression became extremely solemn.

As Qin Xuan said, for him, doing so would indeed involve taking huge risks, and there was even the possibility of losing his life accidentally.

Deep down in his heart, he is still very reluctant to implement this plan.

After all, people are selfish.

However, if Hao Yuanyin and the others could not be rescued, how could he and Qin Xuan possibly defeat the Black Spirit Sect?

Even if the people from the Black Spirit Sect began to search and arrest him and Qin Xuan, Qin Xuan might be more confident in escaping. After all, he was much stronger than himself.

But how likely is it to escape?

On the other hand, if Hao Yuanyin and his party can be rescued, our side and the Black Spirit Sect will have greater confidence in fighting each other.

Theoretically speaking, rescuing people has a greater chance of getting out of the Demon-Subduing Mountain alive than escaping.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Qin Xuan, "Senior Brother Qin, I am willing to lead the people from the Black Spirit Sect away."

"If we don't save Fifth Miss and the others, can we fight against the people from the Black Spirit Sect?"

"Besides, even if I save someone, I may not be caught by the other party and will die, right?"

"My movement skills are not slow either. Even the peak experts of the Black Spirit Sect Huayuan Realm may not be able to catch me."

"And not to mention, once Senior Brother Qin takes action and the information is exposed, those peak masters of the Black Spirit Sect who are chasing me will definitely turn around immediately, right?"

"Moreover, the most important thing is that if we win this battle, right now, Senior Brother Qin and I will join forces to save people and kill the Black Spirit Sect disciples. This contribution will be huge enough, right? By then, what will the upper management do to us? , there should be a lot of rewards, right?"

"Besides, every time a Black Spirit Sect disciple is killed, there will be a reward of one hundred yuan. Even if it is just for the one hundred yuan, I think it is worth fighting for."

"If we can kill all the Black Spirit Sect disciples here, Senior Brother Qin, how much bonus do you think we can get?"

As he said this, Wang Mu suddenly smiled, looking very happy after receiving the bonus.


Qin Xuan took a deep look at the other person, and his eyes suddenly felt strange.

This guy is not a coward. It seems that this plan can be implemented.

The risks are high, but the rewards are not low either.


Qin Xuan and Wang Mu launched a plan. Their plan went smoothly and they successfully rescued Hao Yuanyin and others.

Later, other teams from the Black Spirit Sect also discovered something was wrong.

However, after Qin Xuan, Hao Yuanyin and others met, they immediately started planning again.

In the end, everyone successfully rescued the Taoist disciples who were captured by the Black Spirit Sect.

However, the Black Spirit Sect disciples who were not willing to fail immediately implemented the second plan.

They originally had several plans.

As a result, after the plan was implemented, the thousand-year-old ancient corpse king was awakened. Finally, Guo Yuzhen merged with himself and took the opportunity to break into the Ningzhen Realm.

In the end, the Daohui was completely defeated, and most of the disciples of the Daohui were caught by the Black Spirit Sect.

Qin Xuan took the opportunity to escape.

At this time, Heilingmen was planning a market meeting.

Qin Xuan, on the other hand, returned to the Shidaohui. Originally, he planned to obtain the Ning Qiao Pearl, but ended up having a battle of wits and courage with the Black Spirit Sect.

However, his story did not end there.

But that's another story.

Complete book.

(End of this chapter)

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