Chapter 33 Being Targeted
"Swordsmanship explosion type? Mobilizing the power of nine orifices?"

Hu Fangxian was startled when he heard this.

The next moment, he suddenly understood something and looked at Qin Xuandao: "Junior Brother Qin is planning to practice a secret book similar to the "Nine Apertures Exploding Yuan Sword". He hopes to be able to master the "Nine Apertures Exploding Yuan Sword" through practicing other secrets." Explosive Sword" to make a by-passing?"

"Senior sister is so smart, that's what I think."

Qin Xuan smiled and praised the other party.


Hu Fangxian looked at Qin Xuan speechlessly.

For a moment, I simply didn’t know what to say.

How can you think of a way that others can't think of?
Many people have tried similar methods, okay?
If this method could really help practice the "Nine Apertures Explosive Sword", others would have successfully practiced it long ago, right?

With this thought, she deliberately reminded Qin Xuan, "Junior Brother Qin's idea is good, but it may not be feasible."

Qin Xuan heard the hidden meaning in the other party's words and asked curiously: "From the meaning of senior sister's words, it seems that others have done this too?"

"How can other people think of a way that junior brother can think of?"

Hu Fangxian sighed and looked at Qin Xuan with pity on his face, "Actually, many people have done this, but it did not help the practice of "Nine Apertures Explosive Sword". In the end, these people still couldn't master it. Sword skills."

"Is there such a thing?"

Qin Xuan was startled when he heard this and couldn't help but ponder.

Hu Fangxian nodded and persuaded: "Junior Brother Qin, the sword technique of "Nine Apertures Exploding Yuan Sword" may be a sword technique that cannot be practiced at all. So many people cannot practice it. I think Junior Brother Qin should not practice it anymore. Well done, what a waste of energy and time.”

"Instead of wasting energy and time on this set of swordsmanship, junior brother, why not spend your time on choosing another swordsmanship?"

"Ha ha!"

Qin Xuan suddenly looked up.

At this moment, he figured it out and looked at Hu Fangxian calmly with a firm look on his face, "Sister, what I said makes sense, but I still want to give it another try."


Hu Fangxian glanced at Qin Xuan disappointedly, and suddenly sighed deeply.

This Junior Brother Qin was too disobedient and insisted on falling into trouble.

He said helplessly: "Now that junior brother has made the decision, I can't say anything else. Maybe junior brother is different from others, so it may not be impossible to give it a try."

He said this, but looking at his expression, it was obvious that what he said was just perfunctory, and in his heart he obviously did not think that Qin Xuan could succeed in cultivation.

Qin Xuan could easily see through the other person's thoughts from his expression.

However, he didn't care.

Others can't, that's because they don't have a cultivation panel.

It is impossible to accumulate and accumulate the experience gained through cultivation.

You can superimpose and solidify your cultivation status.

This means that once you successfully practice the explosive sword technique and the technique of mobilizing the power of the nine orifices, you can solidify these two states.

Then, using this solidified state to conquer the "Nine Apertures Explosive Sword", Qin Xuan didn't believe that he couldn't do it.

Unless this "Nine Apertures Exploding Yuan Sword" cannot be successfully practiced in the first place, or it is a fake secret book.

As long as it is true, theoretically speaking, there is no reason why you cannot succeed in cultivation.

This is why Qin Xuan insists on continuing to practice the "Nine Apertures Explosive Sword".Explosive attack methods that can almost match the top techniques and secrets of the Qi Realm in terms of power are too difficult to obtain.

Now that he has it, Qin Xuan cannot give up on cultivating it no matter what.

Hu Fangxian went to look for secret books for Qin Xuan. Soon, he found two secret books for Qin Xuan according to Qin Xuan's request.

One is "Ju Yuan Sword", an explosive type, intermediate level secret book for Qi training realm.

One is "Zhenqi Aperture Forging Technique", which is an auxiliary method. Practice can strengthen the nine orifices and enhance the power of the nine orifices to a certain extent.

The price of both cheat books is ten yuan.

After getting the secret book and paying the money, Qin Xuan's heart was bleeding.

This money is spent too fast. .

Fortunately, he got 100 yuan as a reward for conquering the ghost temple before. Otherwise, he wouldn't even know where to get the money to buy the secret book.

"It's best to have a stable way to make money."

Qin Xuan couldn't help but think about it.

After walking out of the Taoist meeting, I didn't meet Xia Jingwu again on the road.

However, the moment Qin Xuan had just walked out of the Taoist meeting, not long after, the two men who had targeted him last time suddenly appeared behind him.

The man, who was tall and thin, with slender eyes and a big nose, had cold eyes, "How sure are you that it's this person?"

The man with eyes like an eagle and a sinister aura said solemnly: "I am almost [-]% certain that it is this person."


The tall and thin man with slender eyes and big nose said in a cold tone, as if he was sternly warning the man with hawk-like eyes: "You should know that once we take action, we will definitely alert the snake, and may even expose what we are hiding. Information within the Taoist Association, if by then we find the wrong target, neither you nor I can afford the loss."

The man with eyes like an eagle said solemnly: "Senior brother, how could I not know what he said? Don't worry, senior brother, I am [-]% sure."


The tall and thin man with slender eyes and big nose interrupted the words of the man with hawk-like eyes in a deep voice, and his tone suddenly became stern.

Obviously, he wanted evidence, not empty assurance.

The man with eyes like an eagle was shocked when he was suddenly interrupted by the other party. While cursing secretly in his heart, he did not dare to make any rebuttal. He said honestly: "The evidence lies in the relationship between this person and Xia Jingwu. This person and Xia Jingwu didn't know each other at first, but after the trip to the ghost temple, they suddenly got closer. Also, this person was just a casual person, but after the trip to the ghost temple, he directly received the secret book reward from the classics room , which not only includes an advanced technique cheat book for Qi Lian Realm, but also the authority to purchase any intermediate Qi Lian Realm cheat book."

"Could these profits fall into this person's hands for no reason?"

"There is no doubt that it is because of the trip to the ghost temple. The Taoist Association will reward this person for his meritorious service."

"So, I can [-]% confirm that this person must be secretly helping Xia Jingwu behind the ghost temple trip. In fact, the reason why Xia Jingwu was able to kill Hu Misi and break the puppet technique must be because of this person."

"He is an ordinary San practitioner in the Qi training realm. What ability does he have to help Xia Jingwu?"

The man, who was tall and thin, with slender eyes and a big nose, pondered, looking confused and full of doubts.

"It's hard to say. To help Xia Jingwu kill Humisi, you don't necessarily have to participate in the battle personally, right? Maybe, this person has some kind of treasure, and maybe he can see through the puppet doll on Humisi?"

The man with eyes like an eagle whispered his guess.


The man, who was tall and thin, with slender eyes and a big nose, felt his heart suddenly move when he heard this, and his eyes suddenly became sharp when he looked at Qin Xuan's back.

(End of this chapter)

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