I am practicing in the Taoist world to gain proficiency

Chapter 4 Subduing demons and subduing demons

Chapter 4 Subduing demons and subduing demons
Do you need formation flags and formation disks when setting up a formation?
Qin Xuan's face suddenly turned ugly when he heard this.

This method of increasing the spiritual energy concentration through formation is obviously not suitable for me.

"Brother, is there any other way?"

Qin Xuan asked with a grimace.

Chen Deshao smiled and said: "Of course there is, there is always more than one way. In addition to increasing the concentration of spiritual energy through formations, there is also a way to find a place with rich spiritual energy and practice in a place with rich spiritual energy."

"However, the so-called places with rich spiritual energy are basically spiritual mountains and rivers. They are all owned by the owner. They are basically the residences of sects. They do not have certain interpersonal relationships, or they are not disciples of these famous sects. Basically, there are no It’s a chance to go in and practice.”

Why would you tell me if you didn't have a chance?
Qin Xuan secretly cursed in his heart.

He said to Chen Deshao with a grimace: "Senior brother, is there any simple method that is suitable for me?"

"Ha ha!"

Chen Deshao suddenly laughed, with a proud attitude as if he was teasing Qin Xuan for succeeding in his prank, "It turns out that Junior Brother Qin wants to find a way that suits him. If I had told him earlier, I would have told you earlier."

But after saying this, this person continued to keep it secret, as if he wanted to tease Qin Xuan to the end.

Qin Xuan's teeth were itching with hatred, but he didn't dare to show it at all on his face. He begged, "Senior brother, please give me some advice."

"Haha, it's actually very simple."

Chen Deshao had teased Qin Xuan enough, and then he calmed down and gave him serious instructions, "In addition to increasing the concentration of spiritual energy or increasing the speed of absorbing spiritual energy, there is actually another way to take medicine. The concentration of spiritual energy from the outside world If it cannot be increased, then increase the concentration of spiritual energy inside the body. Taking medicine can increase the concentration of spiritual energy inside the body, bypassing the problem of insufficient external spiritual energy and directly replenishing the concentration of spiritual energy inside the body, thereby increasing the speed of cultivation."

taking medicine?

Qin Xuan's heart moved.

As a time traveler, he is not unfamiliar with taking medicine to practice.

He hurriedly said to Chen Dezhao: "Senior brother, please tell me in detail how to get the medicine for this medicine?"

"The medicines are simple, and they are sold here at the Taoist Association. Do you want to buy medicines, junior brother? There are three types of medicines suitable for junior brothers: Benefiting Qi Pill, Qi Replenishing Pill, and Spiritual Qi Pill. I wonder which one junior brother wants to buy?"

Seeing Qin Xuan mentioning medicine, Chen Deshao immediately perked up and hurriedly took out three kinds of round pills from behind the counter and showed them to Qin Xuan, and his attitude suddenly became enthusiastic.

Ah... you...

Qin Xuan looked at the other party blankly, and for a moment he felt like he was being plotted.

He seriously suspected that this senior brother Chen Dezhao had been plotting against him just now.

Qin Xuan murmured secretly in his heart and silently cursed Senior Brother Chen Deshao several times in his heart.

But he said: "Excuse me, senior brother, what are the differences between these three medicines? What's the price?"

When it comes to drug sales, Chen Dezhao immediately talked about it with great enthusiasm, "The difference is not too big, it is mainly about the concentration of internal spiritual energy."

"For example, you can take three Qi-enhancing pills a day. You can take one Qi-boosting pill a day. You only need to take one Lingqi pill every three days."

"As for the price, the latter is almost three times the price of the former. For example, the Yiqi Pill costs ten cents a piece, the Qi-Building Pill costs thirty cents a piece, and the Spiritual Energy Pill costs one yuan a piece."

According to this price, taking the medicine for a month costs about ten yuan.

Qin Xuan silently calculated in his heart, but he couldn't help but secretly gasped the next moment.

In this era, the purchasing power of money is still very high.Ordinary people may not be able to earn a salary of one yuan a month.

Therefore, the expense of ten yuan a month is actually quite scary.

After thinking about it, Qin Xuan couldn't help but worry about a possibility, "Senior brother just said to take three pills a day, one pill a day and one pill every three days. If the spiritual energy in the medicine is not fully absorbed within the period of taking the medicine, What will happen to these spiritual energies? Will they dissipate?"

"Junior brother is really smart!"

Chen Deshao smiled enthusiastically and said: "The time I told you just now is actually the time the drug's effect remains in the human body. After this time, the spiritual energy in the drug has not been fully absorbed, and of course it will dissipate."

"In addition, if junior brother absorbs it fast enough, you can also take more medicine, such as one spiritual energy pill every three days. If you absorb it fast enough, you can take three pills a day."

"Of course, it is best to make sure that you can absorb the spiritual energy before taking it. Otherwise, if you cannot absorb it and take too much medicine again, the spiritual energy will explode in the body and seriously harm the human body. This point, Junior brother, please remember this."

Qin Xuan nodded silently. The situation Chen Deshao mentioned was within his expectation.

"How's it going? Junior Brother Qin, have you encountered a bottleneck in your cultivation? You feel that the external spiritual energy cannot meet the speed of your cultivation. Do you want to buy some medicine to assist in your cultivation?"

Chen Deshao asked with a smile, obviously guessing Qin Xuan's intention.

Qin Xuan fell silent. To be honest, he really wanted to buy some medicine to help him practice.

But the problem is, he has no money.

Of course, it is not that there is no money at all, there is still a small amount of savings.

But if you want to take large amounts of medicine for a long time, you have to find a way to make money. "Senior brother please give me thirty Qi Replenishing Pills to try."

After thinking for a moment, Qin Xuan took out three big pieces and placed them on the counter.

These three yuan are almost all his savings.

After spending it, he has to find a way to make money, otherwise he will have problems eating in the future.

"Haha, can't you tell, junior brother is quite rich!"

Chen Dezhao looked at the three pieces of ocean and smiled. He picked it up and checked the authenticity. After confirming that it was real money, he put away the three pieces of ocean and immediately took out thirty Qi Qi Pills for Qin Xuan, using a piece of oil paper. Wrap it up and give it to Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan took the Yiqi Pill in his hand, but did not leave immediately. Instead, he said to Chen Dezhao again: "Senior Brother Chen, as far as I know, the Taoist Association sometimes assigns tasks to conquer demons. Yeah?"

"Junior Brother Qin wants to conquer demons?"

Chen Deshao couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, and then looked at Qin Xuan in surprise.

As Qin Xuan said, the Taoist Association not only sells some necessary materials to Taoists, but sometimes also sends out some tasks to conquer demons.

After all, this is a world where gods and weirdness coexist.

In this world, ordinary people still have a high probability of encountering strange things from time to time.

And these ordinary people who encounter strange things usually go to the Taoist Association for help.

The Taoist Association that receives help will assign these tasks of conquering demons to nearby Taoists.

But the task of subduing demons is not so easy. If you are not lucky, you may encounter powerful evil things and die at any time.

Even if you are lucky and strong, because the tasks of subduing demons often involve dealing with strange things, you will be filled with resentment as soon as you enter the industry. Therefore, even if you are a Taoist and a practitioner, very few people in this industry can end well.

For example, Qin Xuan's master Lin Hongdao died in an unknown manner. As a Taoist scholar, he was not only in good health, but also proficient in magic. Originally, his lifespan should be much longer than that of ordinary people.

But suddenly, for unknown reasons, this man passed away inexplicably.

No one would believe that his death had nothing to do with weirdness.

Therefore, a large part of the Taoists in this world, even if they have practiced Taoism, are not willing to do this kind of work of subduing demons.

Because although this kind of work can make money and bring benefits to oneself, the hidden dangers are also too great.

This is why Chen Deshao was so surprised when he learned that Qin Xuan wanted to participate in the task of subduing demons.

Qin Xuan couldn't help but look depressed when he saw Chen Deshao's reaction. In fact, if he had a choice, he didn't want to engage in the job of subduing demons.

But isn’t there no choice now?
Regarding the house problem, the Lin family is waiting to take over the house from him.

There are also life issues. He has to find a way to eat for himself, right?At the moment, apart from making money by subduing demons, there doesn't seem to be any job suitable for him.

In addition to these, there is actually one more thing, but Qin Xuan seriously doubts that he is affected by his predecessor.

The master's death was unclear. He was a good person, but suddenly died inexplicably. Having inherited the memories of his previous life, he wanted to find out the cause of his master's death.

Not to mention avenging the master, but at least to find out what evil thing or person harmed the master, right?
Based on the above reasons, Qin Xuancai decided to participate in the task of subduing demons.

"Please, senior brother. If there is a suitable task, please take care of me."

Qin Xuan nodded solemnly, silently took out a Xian Da Yang, and quietly stuffed it into Chen Deshao's hand.

When he finished doing this, his heart couldn't help but bleed.

I really have no money.

Junior brother Qin is really on the right track.

Chen Dezhao smiled and calmly held Dayang in his hand.

Since Junior Brother Qin wholeheartedly wants to take over the task of subduing demons and subduing demons, how can he not fulfill his mission?
As for the mission of subduing demons and demons, it is dangerous, but what does that have to do with me?
He then smiled and said: "Junior Brother Qin, don't worry, Brother Yu will help you keep an eye on it. As for the Taoist Association, once there is a task of conquering demons, as long as it is suitable for Junior Brother, Brother Yu will definitely keep it for you."

"Senior Brother Lao is here!"

Qin Xuan nodded with satisfaction and bowed his hand to Chen Dezhao to express his gratitude.

The dollar just now was finally not wasted.


Chen Deshao suddenly straightened up his expression and said seriously: "Don't blame me for not reminding my junior brother that this task of subduing demons is not so easy to take on. Junior brother should know how dangerous it is, and once you enter the industry and be riddled with resentment, it will be difficult to escape. "

"Junior brother also has a master, so he should be very familiar with these situations. Therefore, if junior brother regrets it, he can change his mind before accepting the task. But once he accepts the task, it will be too late if he wants to change his mind. I hope that junior brother can think carefully about this during this period. If junior brother changes his mind, just let me know at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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