Chapter 6
Start tidying up.

It's said to be tidying up, but actually there aren't many things to tidy up.

Apart from the peach wood sword, there are only a few Taoist talismans left by the master.

Taking the Taoist talisman and peach wood sword with him, Qin Xuan set out from home and headed to the address left by Shiyue.

Qin Xuan stopped in front of a courtyard that was not very big and was slightly located on the outskirts of the city.

Looking at the two door god statues posted on the black wooden door, Qin Xuan knocked on the door.


Soon, an extremely impatient female voice came from the door.

This voice made Qin Xuan stunned.

The voice was unfamiliar, not Shiyue.

This made him even wonder if he was in the wrong place.

Soon, footsteps sounded in the yard, and someone walked to the door and opened it.


The door opened, and a 24-year-old woman with a good figure and a blue silk cheongsam appeared behind the door.

There was an impatience and impatience on this woman's face, giving people the impression that she was not easy to get along with.

"you are?"

The other party stared at Qin Xuan with an evil look in his eyes.

As a result, Qin Xuan became more and more suspicious that he had gone to the wrong place, but despite this, he politely asked, "Is this Shiyue's house?"


The woman snorted and ignored Qin Xuan. She put Qin Xuan down and suddenly turned around and walked towards the yard.

The door was left open and not closed.

This behavior made Qin Xuan more and more stunned.

Fortunately, at this moment, a familiar female voice sounded, with a firm tone, "Sister-in-law, wouldn't you be more polite when treating guests?"

"Huh! You're not my guest."

The woman snorted and retorted unceremoniously. Then, she quickened her pace and without looking back, she walked directly towards a circular arch on the right side of the yard. She quickly passed through the arch and disappeared.

"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. My family is rude. I'm here to apologize to Mr. Qin."

Shiyue walked over and apologized to Qin Xuan repeatedly, looking very ashamed.

"it's nothing."

Qin Xuan smiled and responded to the other party, but he was muttering secretly in his heart. At this time, the situation at home was so complicated. The relationship between the aunt and the sister-in-law seemed not to be good. In fact, not only was the relationship between the aunt and the sister-in-law not to be good, The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law or between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is probably not good either.

"Mr. Qin is generous."

Shiyue smiled and praised Qin Xuan, and then invited Qin Xuan to her home.

When Qin Xuan entered the house, she closed the courtyard door and took Qin Xuan home.

However, as soon as he walked into the yard of Shi's house, Qin Xuan felt something strange and was startled. At the same time, he subconsciously stopped.

In Shi's yard, the temperature was significantly lower.

And this kind of low temperature is not cool in the general sense, but full of cold air.

There seems to be poison in this cold air, corroding people's bone marrow. It is obviously an evil spirit.

Yin and evil spirits are related to evil spirits and ghosts, which not only promotes life expectancy, but also destroys people's physique.

When people live in this kind of environment for a long time, their physique becomes weak, their life span becomes shorter, and their luck becomes worse. It is easy for small things to become big ones, small disasters to become big disasters, and small disasters to become big disasters.

How could this be?
Qin Xuan was surprised and quickly opened his spiritual eyes and carefully observed the yard of Shi's house.

At this look, he became more and more surprised.

In Shi's courtyard, there was a black air hovering above the courtyard, covering the entire courtyard.

Under the black air, there was originally a ball of white air, but at this time, it was also suppressed by the black air.

The white air was compressed and squeezed into a ball.

This is a sign of your luck being stolen!Is an evil spirit trying to steal the family's luck?

Qin Xuan was startled and instantly guessed what happened.

The white energy is luck, and the black energy is ghost energy.

Of course, white does not necessarily mean luck, and black does not necessarily mean ghost energy.

However, Qin Xuan's spiritual eye has been cultivated to a great level, and he can still distinguish the subtle differences between various homogeneous auras.

And in the black air above Shi's courtyard, there was a faint air of resentment, a cold air, a heavy and gloomy air, and it was constantly releasing a cold and cold air, which was undoubtedly ghost air.

It seems that it has something to do with the evil ghost Shiyue's father encountered?
An evil ghost appeared in her home and possessed her father in the middle of the night. Was it to take away her family's fortune?

"Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin, what happened?"

At this time, Shiyue's voice suddenly sounded, calling to Qin Xuan, interrupting Qin Xuan's thoughts.

It turned out that when the woman saw Qin Xuan suddenly standing still, she was confused and couldn't help but ask.

"Ha ha!"

Qin Xuan smiled faintly when he came back to his senses. After discovering something at this time, he became confident.

He said to Shi Yue: "It's nothing, Miss Shi, please take me to see your father!"

"Oh, okay, Mr. Qin, please come with me!"

When Shiyue heard this, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

From Qin Xuan's performance, she vaguely felt that Mr. Qin must have discovered something.

However, the other party was vague and did not explain to herself. There was obviously an ulterior reason, so she was too embarrassed to continue asking.Immediately, after agreeing, he took Qin Xuan to the main hall.

As he walked, he called out, "Dad, Mr. Qin is here. Come out and see him quickly!"

"Mr. Qin is here? Is it the Mr. Qin you invited from the Taoist Association?"

As Shiyue opened her mouth to call, a man's voice soon came from the main hall, strong and powerful. Then, a man under 50 years old, strong, wearing a black mandarin jacket, bloomers and black cloth shoes walked out of the house with a high spirits. out.

Seeing this person, Qin Xuan was stunned immediately.

Is this Shiyue's father?
Who is possessed by an evil spirit and wants to steal his fortune?
This person is too unlucky, right?

No wonder Qin Xuan was stunned and felt unbelievable.

In front of me, this man walked out of the house. Although he was almost 50 years old, at first glance, he seemed to be an extremely strong and energetic man.

Moreover, this person's movements are full of strength and quick. At first glance, he gives people the impression of a martial arts practitioner.

Is Shiyue's father a martial artist?
A martial artist could be possessed by an evil spirit?

No wonder Qin Xuan felt unbelievable.

Generally speaking, evil spirits will only pick on the weak and bully them. The weaker the person, the more likely they are to be haunted by evil spirits.

Those who are physically strong and have strong qi and blood, theoretically speaking, evil spirits cannot easily mess with them.

Because compared with the former, it is much more difficult to seize the latter's destiny.

It’s no wonder that after being possessed by an evil spirit, although he felt like he was in a nightmare, Shiyue’s father was still struggling to wake up. After waking up, he grabbed the evil spirit and took off a piece of clothing from his body. sleeves.

However, such a person would be deprived of luck by evil spirits, which made Qin Xuan lament that his luck was really bad.

Otherwise, the probability that a strong person like a martial artist would be deprived of his luck by an evil spirit is extremely slim and basically impossible.

"I am sorry to hear that Mr. Qin is here to welcome me, but I am sorry to hear you come from afar. Please forgive me, Mr. Qin!"

As the old man spoke, he walked out with an apologetic look and held his hands to Qin Xuan while talking.

"Mr. Qin, this is my father. His name is Chuanxiawu."

Shiyue introduced Qin Xuan from the side.

"Dad, this is Mr. Qin Xuanqin. I went to the Taoist Association and the Taoist Association helped appoint a Taoist scholar."

"Mr. Qin, hello!"

Shi Chuanwu walked to Qin Xuan and raised his hand to Qin Xuan again.

"Mr. Shi, hello to you too!"

Qin Xuan returned the courtesy politely, and also bowed his hands in greeting to the other party.

"Mr. Qin, please come in!"

While welcoming Qin Xuan into the room, Shi Chuanwu ordered Shi Yue, "Xiaoyue, serve tea to Mr. Qin."

"Yes, Dad!"

Shiyue agreed and walked away quickly.

"Mr. Qin, please!"

Shi Chuanwu smiled and greeted Qin Xuan into the main hall room again.

"Mr. Shi, wait a minute!"

Qin Xuan's eyes were fixed on Shi Chuanwu without moving.

Suddenly, as if he had discovered something, he quickly reached out his hand and pressed the back of Shi Chuanwu's neck.

As a martial artist, Shi Chuanwu had quick movements, quick reactions, and nimble hands and feet. Originally, when he saw Qin Xuan reaching out to press him, he wanted to avoid it.

At the same time, with his ability, he was able to avoid Qin Xuan's press.

However, immediately after, he quickly realized that there must be a reason why Mr. Qin suddenly attacked him.

Therefore, he who originally planned to dodge immediately stopped his dodge and allowed Qin Xuan to press on the back of his neck.


The next moment, a scream suddenly came from Shi Chuanwu's mouth. Shi Chuanwu's face was twisted and in great pain, and he screamed uncontrollably.

Following this cry, the pain from the back of his neck was so severe that intense cold sweat immediately flowed down his forehead.

At the same time, its screams also seemed extremely miserable.

"Dad, what's wrong with you? Mr. Qin, what happened?"

She was about to go back to the house early to pour tea, but before she had taken a few steps, Shiyue heard a cry and was startled and stopped immediately.

He turned around and saw his screaming father and Qin Xuan who had just withdrawn his hand from the back of his father's neck. He suddenly asked questions with a puzzled look on his face.

But fortunately, this woman is obviously a smart person, so when she saw this situation, she immediately guessed that Qin Xuan must have discovered something from his father, and his father's sudden scream must also be related to Qin Xuan's discovery was related, so there was no impulse.

"Mr. Qin, could this happen?"

Shi Chuanwu was sweating profusely and looked at Qin Xuan in horror.

Like Shiyue, he realized that something strange must happen.

Otherwise, Qin Xuan just pressed lightly on the back of his neck and shouldn't have caused himself such pain.

"Miss Shi, please bring two mirrors over and let your father take a look with your own eyes."

Qin Xuan did not answer the other party, but directly gave instructions to Shiyue.

"Okay, Mr. Qin."

Although this girl Shiyue is not old, she is extremely calm.Seeing Qin Xuan's instructions, he immediately agreed calmly and quickly walked away to get the mirror.

Not long after, the woman came back with two glass mirrors, "Mr. Qin, the mirror you asked for is here, what should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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