I am practicing in the Taoist world to gain proficiency

Chapter 72 Understanding the Restoration Technique

Chapter 72 Understanding the Restoration Technique

Qin Xuan muttered: "I need a certain amount of time to prepare."

"Do you still need some time to prepare?"

'Tianshi Zhongkui' was stunned for a moment, but in the next moment, he seemed to understand something and nodded, "That's right, repairing such an important peach wood sword, how can it be done without a certain preparation time? Tell me, my friend, how long does it take to prepare? ?”

"Seven days. After seven days, it should be fine."

Qin Xuan pondered for a moment and finally proposed a time.

"Seven days? Is this too long? Does my friend need to prepare for such a long time?"

'Celestial Master Zhong Kui' looked at Qin Xuan in astonishment, apparently confused as to why Qin Xuan needed so long to prepare.

Upon hearing this, Qin Xuan felt that seven days was a bit too long, so he thought for a moment and gave another time, "at least five days."

"Five days?"

It can be seen that 'Tianshi Zhongkui' is still not satisfied with the time of five days, and still feels that this time is too long.

However, after pondering for a while, the man nodded and agreed to the time proposal proposed by Qin Xuan, "Okay, five days is five days. How about we still meet here in five days? At that time, I will bring my friends , I brought that mahogany sword to meet my friends here. Haha, in the black market, there is a black market as a guarantee, so my friends don’t have to worry about safety!"

"Okay, see you in five days!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Xuan immediately nodded in agreement.

I didn't take it to heart at all when 'Tianshi Zhongkui' said he would bring his friends with him.

As the other party said, there is no need to worry about the safety of transactions in the black market.

Saying goodbye to Tianshi Zhongkui, Qin Xuan walked out.

As soon as he walked out of the black market, he couldn't help but wave his fist vigorously with joy.

100 yuan, I actually earned 100 yuan in one fell swoop.

Not long ago, he was still worrying about the money needed to advance to the ninth level of Qi training, but now, he had earned it all at once.

Even some extra money came out.

"Haha, I have enough money, Xu Xiaoyao, just wait for me."

Waving his fist vigorously again, Qin Xuan quickened his pace and walked towards the outside of the black market.

This time, the process of leaving the black market was very smooth, and there was no situation of being secretly followed.

However, after leaving the black market, Qin Xuan immediately walked in the direction of the Taoist waste acquisition market.

After a period of time, at the entrance of the Taoist scrap market, Qin Xuan looked at the shop owner and said directly, "Boss, do you have any discarded peach wood swords?"

"Abandoned peach wood sword, yes, what do you want to do?"

The shop owner looked at Qin Xuan in surprise when he heard this. He was a little confused as to what the man wanted to do when he came to ask about the abandoned peach wood sword.

"Of course I bought it, otherwise, what else can I do? Boss, what is the price of the discarded peach wood sword here? How do you sell it? Don't cheat me on the price, otherwise I will go to the next one."

Qin Xuan laughed and teased the shop owner.

"Trick? I don't even want to ask. I, Hao Wuzhong, have always been honest in my business. When have I ever cheated anyone? I want to buy an abandoned mahogany sword. It costs ten cents a pound."

When the shop owner heard this, he immediately pretended to be unhappy and shouted, but he still immediately discussed the price with Qin Xuan.

"A dime a pound? Boss, you are just trying to trick me. Abandoned mahogany sword? It's discarded and can only be used as firewood. It costs five cents a pound. If you don't sell it, I'll go to another house if you don't."

When Qin Xuan heard this, he immediately shouted and discussed the price with the boss.

"It's five cents a pound, do you really use it as firewood? Eight cents a pound, do you want love?"

The shop owner was unhappy when he heard this, and shouted at Qin Xuan with a blushing face.

"Seven points! I want a hundred pounds."

Qin Xuan bit the price to death in one bite.

"Seven cents? No way. What? You want a hundred pounds? Damn it, deal!"

The shop owner originally looked reluctant, but after Qin Xuan said the quantity of one hundred catties, he immediately agreed to the price of seven cents per catty without hesitation.After a while, Qin Xuan walked directly to his home carrying a hundred kilograms of discarded mahogany sword wrapped in cloth.


The next day, Qin Xuan sat upright in his chair and looked at the discarded mahogany swords on the table in front of him indifferently. A smile soon appeared on his face.

The next moment, after picking up a peach wood sword, he immediately tried to repair the peach wood sword.

The so-called restoration is not actually a restoration.

In fact, most mahogany swords, especially the so-called abandoned mahogany swords, have not only the formation patterns on the sword worn, but also the sword body broken into two pieces.

It is impossible to truly repair such a mahogany sword.

But what Qin Xuan wants to do is simply repair the pattern.

After this kind of repair, the peach wood sword that was finally repaired could no longer be used even if it was repaired.


Qin Xuan continued to repair.

After a period of time, after the continuous recovery of the formation patterns on several peach wood swords.

Suddenly, Qin Xuan's face showed joy and he directly opened the training panel.

On the training panel, his eyes immediately fell on one of the lines of newly appeared text. Staring at this line of text, the smile on Qin Xuan's face became a little stronger.

Skill: Peach wood sword repair.

Progress: Getting Started 0/100.

"Ha ha!"

Overjoyed, Qin Xuan waved and clenched his fist, immediately picked up a peach wood sword again, and continued to repair the formation patterns on it.

After five days...

That night, Qin Xuan walked out of his home with a smile on his face and walked directly towards the black market.

The road to the black market is remote and dark.

Suddenly, Qin Xuan felt something was wrong and hurriedly rushed forward.

At the same time, the peach wood sword suddenly appeared in his hand and waved towards the back.

A few weird sounds came from the air.

At the same time, there was a sudden huge earthquake in Qin Xuan's hand, and a huge force came from the peach wood sword. Under the sudden impact, his peach wood sword almost flew out of his hand.

Chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi who who who who who who who who whom we whom whom who whom who who whom whom who who who who who who who who to our peach wood sword, the strange red rope and peach wood sword collided with each other more than a dozen times.

The next moment, Xu Xiaoyao's figure appeared. He laughed wildly and waved a strange red rope, and rolled it directly towards Qin Xuan.

It's this crazy woman again!
Qin Xuan's face showed anger.

But facing the opponent's strange red rope, his arm was numbed by the shock, so he did not continue to pick it up this time.

Instead, he directly launched Tiangang footwork and used instant dodge to avoid the opponent's attack.

Seeing that the other party avoided the attack of his strange red rope, Xu Xiaoyao immediately went crazy, "Hide? How dare you avoid my attack? Die! I want you to die, I want to skin you alive, I I will chop your body into pieces piece by piece while still alive."

Amidst the roar, Xu Xiaoyao waved the strange red rope again, forming circles one after another in the air, and rolled it towards Qin Xuan crazily again.

This crazy woman!

Seeing the opponent rushing towards him crazily, Qin Xuan cursed secretly and immediately retreated again. After avoiding the opponent's attack, he quickly launched the Ruyi Baji Step and fled directly to the far rear.

"Escape? Do you think I will let you escape this time?"

Xu Xiaoyao, who was watching Qin Xuan's escape, suddenly showed a ferocious and crazy smile. Under howling wildly, he stretched out his figure and also used a set of fast movements to hit Qin Xuan's back. , chasing after him, looking at the speed, it didn't seem to be much slower than the Ruyi Baji Step performed by Qin Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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