I am practicing in the Taoist world to gain proficiency

Chapter 74 The enhanced magic hidden in the texture

Chapter 74 The enhanced magic hidden in the texture


'Tianshi Zhongkui' was stunned on the spot when he heard this.

However, the next moment, thinking about Qin Xuan's character, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Based on this person's normal attitude towards him, it is quite normal for him to do what he is doing now.

He said helplessly: "Okay, in that case, let's start trading directly!"

On the other side, the 'Weaver Girl', who had not been introduced, couldn't help but reveal a trace of displeasure in her eyes. She couldn't help but secretly glance at Qin Xuan, and she felt some dissatisfaction in her heart.

Isn't this guy too unkind?
Qin Xuan obviously didn't think much about it. He just didn't want to have too much to do with people on the black market.

After all, everyone who comes here conceals their identity and wears a mask.

In this case, what's the point of communicating too much with the people here?

Besides causing unnecessary trouble, will it help you in any way?
The three of them quickly walked to the nearby cabin.

Entering the hut, the three of them sat down. 'Tianshi Zhongkui' immediately took off the long package from his back and untied the black cloth outside.

Then, an ancient peach wood sword was immediately displayed in front of Qin Xuan.

'Tianshi Zhongkui' carefully held up the peach wood sword with both hands and brought it to Qin Xuan, asking Qin Xuan to look at it.

However, he obviously attached great importance to this ancient peach wood sword. Therefore, while showing it to Qin Xuan, he immediately reminded Qin Xuan carefully, "Although this peach wood sword is only the most common type of peach wood sword, However, it is extremely important to us, so no matter what, this sword cannot be damaged in any way."

"So, my friend, please think carefully before repairing it. Make sure it can be repaired [-]% without damaging the Taomu Sword. Otherwise, if the Taomu Sword is damaged, I will ask for compensation from my friend."

Qin Xuan had been listening to the other party's words quietly. After the other party finished speaking, he looked at the ancient peach wood sword with excitement.

At this look, he couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

The peach wood sword is indeed just the most common type of peach wood sword.

If nothing else, the material for making this peach wood sword is only ten years old peach wood.

It is exactly the same material as the most common mahogany sword.

The difference is the pattern on the surface of this peach wood sword.

The difference in texture makes the peach wood sword different from the ordinary peach wood sword.

The texture of this mahogany sword is complex, and it is essentially different from the attack type formation patterns.

From this, it can be concluded that this mahogany sword is most likely not an offensive weapon.

And not only that, Qin Xuan also saw a thick layer of black energy from the Taomu Sword.

The black energy enveloped the Taomu Sword, wrapping the entire blade of the Taomu Sword inside.

The black energy is very strong, and it seems to be integrated with the entire peach wood sword.

In addition, this black air has a faint smell of evil.

Is it contaminated?
Qin Xuan's expression changed, and in an instant, he could tell what the problem with the sword was from the black air on the outside of the sword.

However, determining what the problem is does not mean it can be fixed.

He couldn't help but reach out his hand and caress the sword of Taomu Sword.

Feel the patterns on the sword.

After a moment, Qin Xuan couldn't help but his expression changed, and he felt something strange on his hand.

So, turning the sword over, Qin Xuan looked down.

Upon seeing this, he couldn't help but feel secretly shocked.It turned out to be text.

The patterns on the peach wood sword turned out to be words.

Moreover, the content of the text is profound, and you can tell at a glance that it looks like some kind of cultivation method.

As a result, Qin Xuan's heart immediately started beating uncontrollably and he was very nervous.

What text is this?
What kind of practice is it?

The next moment, Qin Xuan felt the urge to peek into the Taomu Sword's sword body cultivation method.

However, thinking that 'Tianshi Zhongkui' and 'Weaver Girl' were by his side, he did not act rashly immediately.

Otherwise, once the two of them notice something unusual, they will get into trouble.

However, immediately afterwards, Qin Xuan, who was attracted by the cultivation method after all, couldn't help but raise his head and observe the reactions of 'Celestial Master Zhong Kui' and 'Weaver Girl'.

He pretended to be careless and glanced at 'Tianshi Zhongkui' and 'Weaver Girl'.

After seeing this, Qin Xuan felt relieved.

Whether it was 'Tianshi Zhongkui' or 'Weaver Girl', although they were all looking at him, no one showed that kind of vigilance and supervision.

These two people don't know the words on the peach wood sword?

I don’t know that I discovered that the texture on the peach wood sword is actually a kind of writing?
That's right, after all, what I just observed was using the technique of insight.

The art of insight is a unique skill that can only be understood after the spiritual eye art is perfected.

These two people don't have such means.

Ha ha!

So, at this moment, Qin Xuan felt relieved.

He lowered his head, pretending to examine it, and continued to use the technique of insight to observe the Taomu Sword.

As a result, the words hidden in the texture of the Taomu Sword became increasingly clear to Qin Xuan.

After a short period of observation, Qin Xuan judged the function of this text from the content of the text.

It turned out to be a strange method in Taoism that can enhance the power of fire.

Qin Xuan, who realized this, was stunned for a moment, then became overjoyed.

Doesn't it mean that the means that can enhance the power of fire spells in Taoism can also be used in fire spells?
In this way, the power of my first-level fire spell can be enhanced?
Judging from the content introduced in this magic, this magic can enhance the power of fire magic by about 50.00% to 70.00%.

This enhancement made Qin Xuan even more surprised and happy.

You know, even the second-level fire spell is only twice as powerful as the first-level fire spell.

This strange technique can directly enhance the power of the first-level fire spell by 50.00% to 70.00%.

Doesn't this mean that after having this magical skill, even if you don't practice the second-level fire talisman skill?

The power of my first-level fire talisman is not much different from that of the second-level fire talisman?

In this way, doesn't it mean that even if you don't look for any top martial arts or second-level fire spells, after reaching the ninth level of Qi training, you will have powerful enough attack methods to deal with Xu Xiaoyao?
Also has the ability to deal with Xu Xiaoyao?
Thinking of this, Qin Xuan was even more ecstatic in his heart.

"How's it going? My friend, are you sure you can repair this mahogany sword?"

At this time, 'Tianshi Zhongkui', who saw that Qin Xuan had been observing the ancient peach wood sword, finally couldn't help but ask Qin Xuan.

He was obviously a little impatient.

(End of this chapter)

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