Chapter 8 Li Daitao Zombie Technique

Shiyue frowned.

Shi Chuanwu was deeply worried.

After a while, Shiyue asked, "Mr. Qin, why do evil spirits absorb fortune?"

"Ha ha!"

Qin Xuan laughed when he heard this.

Do you still need to ask this kind of question?
However, considering that Shiyue is just an ordinary person, it is reasonable to be unaware of the weird things about gods.

She smiled and said, "Miss Shi doesn't know something. What is an evil spirit? It's yin energy, filthy energy, dirty energy, and evil. What is its counterpart? It's yang energy, refreshing, kind thoughts, and beauty."

“Yin and Yang restrain each other, but they also feed each other.”

"Luck, also called luck, is the energy of good things."

"For evil spirits, by absorbing luck, they can grow and evolve. If they are lucky, they can even evolve into Yinshen."

"Do evil ghosts definitely want to be evil ghosts? Not necessarily? Therefore, these evil ghosts will find ways to absorb people's yang energy, luck, and good energy, so as to improve themselves and gain the opportunity to evolve or be reincarnated. "

"So, for evil spirits, absorbing people's yang energy and entangling living people is instinctive and does not require much reason."

"No, Mr. Qin, I mean, you misunderstood, why my dad? My dad's body is stronger than ordinary people, right? Why does the evil ghost come to pester my dad instead of pestering others?"

Shiyue hurriedly corrected her, knowing that Qin Xuan had misunderstood her meaning, so she hurriedly explained.

When Shi Chuanwu heard this, he immediately looked at Qin Xuan with concern.

Obviously, he also wondered about this question.

"Then you have to ask your father yourself. Maybe Miss Shi also knows something?"

Qin Xuan still had a smile on his face. As he spoke, he casually glanced at the nameless god's tablet.

Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.

A family of good deeds must have Yu Qing.

Generally speaking, if people don't do bad things, ghosts won't dare to bother them.

But if bad things are done, don’t blame the karma.


Shiyue's face looked unnatural for a while.

Shi Chuanwu's face couldn't help but darken.

Obviously, both father and daughter have thought of the reason.

After a while, Shi Chuanwu couldn't help but said: "Mr. Qin, what will happen after the luck is absorbed?"

Qin Xuan said seriously: "Luck is the key to support people's survival. Without luck, people will be unlucky. What will happen to unlucky people? Drinking cold water will clog your teeth, eating gruel will choke you to death, and you will fall when walking. The freshly cooked rice will go rancid, it will rain as soon as you go out, and even the gold hidden in the ground will be infested with insects.”

"In short, if a person loses his luck, he is not far from death."

Shiyue became worried. She looked at Shi Chuanwu, then at Qin Xuan, and said worriedly: "Mr. Qin, how long can my father last in this situation?"

Qin Xuan looked at Shi Chuanwu with his spiritual eyes and observed his body, "It's probably only ten days and a half. The evil ghost left the ghost mark on your father's body just to weaken his body."

"Your father is now in strong health and has strong qi and blood. It is difficult for evil spirits to get close to him. Even if they want to absorb the luck from him, they will not be able to absorb it."

"Only by using the ghost seal to weaken your father, causing his essence and blood to decline, can he come out and suck away the luck from your father."

Shiyue looked worried, thought for a while and asked: "Mr. Qin, is there any way to catch the evil ghost? Master Qin, he saw the crux of the matter as soon as he arrived at my house, and he found it immediately as soon as he entered my father's room. After understanding the cause of the problem and discovering the hiding place of the evil spirit, Mr. Qin must have a way to capture the evil spirit, right?"

"Miss Shi looks up to me."

Qin Xuan couldn't help but shook his head, "If the evil ghost comes out, I will naturally have a way to subdue the evil ghost, but if the evil ghost is underground, I can't do anything with it."

It's not completely impossible to dig out evil spirits from the ground.But the method that requires traveling to the underworld is far beyond what Qin Xuan can do now.

Shi Yueyi frowned, "Then what should I do? When my father's energy and blood are weakened and the evil ghost comes out to absorb my father's luck, can we ask Mr. Qin to take action? Mr. Qin should be able to subdue the evil ghost by then, right?"

As she said this, the woman couldn't help but feel worried.

Things may change later. Who knows what will happen then?

Qin Xuan shook his head again and said seriously: "When that time comes, it will be too late. The ghost seal consumes your father's energy and blood and wears away the essence of your body. This process is irreversible. At that time, your father's energy and blood will decline. , His life span has shortened, and he has become an octogenarian. Even if I can subdue the evil ghost by then, I will not be able to save your father."

The current Qin Xuan obviously does not have the ability to switch between life and death and restore the old man's youth, which really makes Shi Chuanwu an octogenarian. Even if he can subdue the evil ghost afterwards, it doesn't make much sense.

At that time, Shi Chuanwu was basically the same as death.

Shiyue became even more worried after hearing this, but as soon as she thought about it, the woman suddenly felt relieved.

He looked at Qin Xuan with a smile and said with a smile: "Mr. Qin must have a solution, right? I believe Mr. Qin must have a solution, right?"

Qin Xuan couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.

The authorities are obsessed, and so will Miss Shiyueshi.But the key is that even if she gets lost, she will get out of it quickly.

Just like now, he obviously thought of the crux of the matter and knew that he must have a way to solve Shi Chuanwu's problem.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have said so much to her.

"Miss Shi is so smart, she actually has a solution."

"Mr. Qin, please speak."

Shiyue spoke immediately, looking relaxed.

On the side, Shi Chuanwu was still staring at Qin Xuan and his daughter in confusion. He still felt confused and obviously didn't know what the two people were talking about.

Qin Xuandao: "I have a way to make your father as weak as if he was seriously ill."

"I understand, Mr. Qin, please follow this method!"

Before Qin Xuan finished speaking, Shi Yue looked like she had understood, suddenly realized, and started shouting.

The prerequisite for the evil ghost to absorb the fortune in Shi Chuanwu's body is that Shi Chuanwu's body is weakened, so the ghost mark will be left on Shi Chuanwu's body to weaken Shi Chuanwu's body.

Therefore, if Qin Xuan can weaken Shi Chuanwu's body, then obviously the evil ghost will come out of the ground in advance and absorb Shi Chuanwu's luck.

Taking this opportunity, Qin Xuan can naturally capture the evil ghost.

"Not urgent."

Qin Xuan smiled and said: "Before that, there is another problem that needs to be solved."

"Although I can weaken your father's body and draw out the evil ghost, it only takes a very short period of time for the evil ghost to absorb your father's luck. In the blink of an eye, the evil ghost absorbs the luck."

"And when that time comes, I can't stay by your father's side. Otherwise, how will the evil spirits dare to come out of the ground when they see me?"

"But I was not with your father, and the evil ghost suddenly came out of the ground, absorbing the luck from your father, and sucked it away in the blink of an eye. How could I have time to stop it?" "If I can't stop it, wouldn't it be harming your father by then?"

When Shi Chuanwu next to him heard this, he immediately became worried.

Shiyue, on the other hand, still looked at Qin Xuan with a smile, "Mr. Qin must have a solution, right? Why don't we just tell him what the solution is."

"Miss Shi is so smart!"

Qin Xuan couldn't help but praise and said with a smile: "My method is quite simple. It's called Li Daitao's method. I make a wooden puppet, and then I cast a spell to replace your father and put it on your father's bed to attract evil spirits. Please give me your time. The lady asked someone to imitate your father's appearance and use plum wood that is more than ten years old to carve a statue of your father. It doesn't need to be too big, but it can't be too small. It should be bigger than the palm of your hand. After it is carved, call me. , I’ll cast the spell.”

"Don't worry, Mr. Qin, I will definitely do a good job."

Shiyue made a promise in one breath, very firmly.

"Well, after Miss Shi is done, call me. Tomorrow at the latest, preferably this afternoon. The sooner, the better. The ghost mark is on your father's body and is consuming your father every moment. The more you The faster, the less your father will lose."

Qin Xuan waved his hand and prepared to leave.

When Shiyue heard this, she immediately became anxious, "I'll do it right away and try to finish it this afternoon. Why don't Mr. Qin stay?"

With that said, he extended an invitation to Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan heard the words and refused: "No, I also have to go back and prepare. Miss Shi, let's see you in the evening."

If Shiyue could make the wooden puppet before night, Qin Xuan could just use the time at night to cast spells and find out the evil ghost.

After all, the evil ghost itself will appear at night. Although there is a possibility of appearing during the day, the possibility is too low.

Because the strength of evil ghosts will be weakened during the day, most evil ghosts are not willing to appear during the day.

But if Shiyue can't prepare the wooden puppet tomorrow, then Qin Xuan can only wait until tomorrow to surrender the evil ghost.

"Dad, you go see Mr. Qin off, and I'll prepare it."

Shiyue acted quickly and asked Shi Chuanwu to send Qin Xuan out.

Qin Xuan secretly praised Miss Shi for her high efficiency, and left the Shi family with Shi Chuanwu seeing her off.

Returning to his residence, he began to prepare.

Mainly to arrange for evil spirits.

How to deal with evil ghosts, how to prevent evil ghosts from leaving, etc. Qin Xuan began to make plans.

Taking out the book on the basic knowledge of Taoism, Qin Xuan read it carefully again, simulating the battle scene after the evil ghost appeared, trying his best to be confident.

Towards evening, Shiyue sent someone to invite him, and he was obviously ready.

This time, Miss Shi specially borrowed a car to pick up Qin Xuan.

Take a car to Shijia.

In Shi Chuanwu's house at Shi's house, Shi Yue took out a wooden puppet made of plum wood and handed it to Qin Xuan, "Mr. Qin, this is the wooden puppet you want. Do you think it's feasible?"

Qin Xuan took the wooden puppet and looked at it carefully, and was immediately satisfied.

This wooden puppet was made of plum wood according to his own requirements. It is about thirty centimeters in length. Its appearance completely imitates Shi Chuanwu's appearance. It is lifelike and perfectly meets the conditions for him to perform the Li Dai Tao Jing Technique.

He nodded, holding the wooden puppet in his hand, and looked at Shi Chuanwu, "Mr. Shi, please give me a drop of blood."

"Mr. Qin, please!"

When Chuan Wu heard the words, he didn't ask any questions and directly extended his hand to Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan asked Shiyue to take a sewing needle, prick it on Shi Chuanwu's fingertip, and draw a drop of blood from the fingertip.

Drop the blood from your fingertips on the wooden puppet's heart.

Then, Qin Xuan reached out and pointed at the wooden puppet's heart. Under the Taoist Qi, the blood from his fingertips immediately seeped into the wooden puppet and merged into the wooden puppet's body.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Xuan reached out and pointed at the wooden puppet again. The surface of the wooden puppet immediately released spiritual light, full of spiritual aura.


Shi Chuanwu was taken aback, and suddenly felt something strange.

There is an extra connection between the self-consciousness and the wooden puppet, as if the wooden puppet has become himself.

Qin Xuan ignored Shi Chuanwu and directly placed the wooden puppet on Shi Chuanwu's bed and covered him with a quilt.

Then he reached out and pointed at the wooden puppet again.

So, on the bed, the wooden puppet immediately turned into Shi Chuanwu, sleeping, as if Shi Chuanwu was asleep.

Shiyue and Shi Chuanwu watched all this silently, feeling shocked in their hearts.

This Mr. Qin has quite a lot of magic power.

"Mr. Shi, please swallow this Taoist Talisman."

At this time, Qin Xuan suddenly took out a black Taoist talisman and handed it to Shi Chuanwu.

This jet-black Taoist talisman has a faint black light on the surface and is full of evil smell. It feels permeable at first glance, and it is obviously an evil thing.

"Dad, swallow it quickly."

Shiyue knew what Qin Xuan was going to do, so she quickly greeted Shi Chuanwu.

Shi Chuanwu obviously thought of Qin Xuan's intention. Looking at the black Taoist talisman, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

The look of the Taoist Talisman made him feel sick and uncomfortable, but after a slight hesitation, he reached out and took the Taoist Talisman from Qin Xuan's hand, balled it up in his hand, put it in his mouth and swallowed it with a frown.

With a gurgle, the Shichuan general swallowed the Tao Fu into his stomach.

The next moment, he couldn't help but frown, looking uncomfortable, frowning, and cold sweat could not help but flow down his forehead.

His face instantly turned sallow, and his aura declined, as if he had turned into an old man. His body was weak. He had just experienced a serious illness, and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

"Father, be careful!"

Shiyue hurriedly stretched out her hand to support Shi Chuanwu.

"Mr. Qin, what should we do next?"

Shiyue looked at Qin Xuan for help.

Qin Xuan hasn't answered yet.

Suddenly, there was a black light flashing on the ground, under Shi Chuanwu's bed, and a cold breath was escaping, so that the room instantly became cold.

Obviously, after Shi Chuanwu took the black Taoist talisman, his body declined, and the evil ghost underground immediately sensed it.

At this time, it was preparing to come out of the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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