Chapter 18 Experiment! (Please collect and read the new book!)
The next night!
Li Yun took advantage of the opportunity of others entering and exiting the laboratory to enter Osborne's secret laboratory again.

In the laboratory, the scientific research team of less than ten people is very busy, constantly communicating and moving.

Li Yun stayed quietly in the corner. He was invisible through the snake charm and was not noticed by anyone.

It wasn't until after [-] o'clock in the evening that Osborne arrived belatedly.

At this point, the preparations for the experiment have been completed.

After Osborne arrived, he immediately issued an order: "Start the experiment!"

Following his order, the scientific research team immediately took action and controlled two tubes of medicine, one green and one red, to be injected into a death row prisoner in the experimental cabin at the same time!
At this time, the prisoners on death row have already been injected with anesthetics by scientific researchers, and they have no reaction to the outside world at all!

With the injection of the two medicines, reactions began to occur within a short time.

The death row prisoner's eyes suddenly opened wide. He got rid of the effects of the anesthetic!

As he woke up, the drastic changes taking place inside his body caused his brain to send him heartbreaking pain all the time.


The prisoner on death row began to twitch and struggle, and howled horribly.

"It's been 1 minutes!"

The scientific researchers outside the experimental cabin did not show unbearable expressions. On the contrary, they looked at the death row prisoners who were conducting experiments in the experimental cabin with fanatical expressions.

"This method works!" the chief scientist said excitedly, pushing up his glasses.

Since they started conducting human experiments, no one has been able to last for one minute, and their body will swell and burst to death in more than ten seconds.

But now, the body of the experimental subject injected with the regenerative agent has not swelled, and still maintains the physique of a normal person. Of course, the body parts of the experimental subject that bulge from time to time are normal in their eyes. As long as it does not explode, it means everything is fine. Still under control.

Osborn remained expressionless and continued to look at the experimental subject.

After 3 minutes passed, the experimental subject had changed, and its body shape had changed from a thin state to a burly man.

But at the same time, the vital signs monitoring device began to glow red.

The chief scientist did not panic at all, and calmly said to the scientists working on the side: "Inject nutrients!"

Soon, injection after injection of nutrients was injected into the experimental subject to ensure that he had enough nutrition during his transformation!
Fifteen minutes passed quickly. At this time, the experimental subject had gone through the most violent transformation period and returned to calm.

"Did the experiment succeed?" Osborne turned around and asked.

The chief scientist looked at the quiet experimental subjects and said with suppressed excitement: "It's almost successful. As long as the experimental subjects can wake up, it will be considered a success."

"Huh? Wake up?"

"Yes, when the body undergoes such drastic changes, the human consciousness will suffer unprecedented pain. If the experimental subject cannot hold on, his consciousness will be broken due to the intense pain during the experiment. That is, we The so-called vegetative state!”

"But even if he is a vegetative state, his body has already transformed and he is still a super soldier!"

"As long as we can succeed the first time, we can then find ways to protect consciousness and complete the real super soldier plan!"

"I hope so!" Before Osborne could finish his words, the experimental body that had been quiet suddenly expanded and then exploded into minced meat in the experimental cabin!
"Drip, drip, drip~"

The alarm sounded immediately, and the disinfection and disinfection process in the experimental cabin started immediately.

After a while, the experimental cabin that was originally a mess of flesh and blood became brand new again.

Upon seeing this, Osborne's face immediately darkened, and everyone in the scientific research team became silent. "Continue the experiment!" the chief scientist ordered with a dark face.

The experimental object exploded just after he finished speaking. Wasn't this a slap in the face?

This time, they directly replaced it with the first-generation regeneration potion.

What they used just now was the second-generation medicine improved by Connors. Judging from the experimental data just now, it was because the speed of destruction in the experimental subject's body exceeded the healing speed of the regeneration medicine.

Therefore, this time, they ignored the side effects warned by Connors and directly used the first-generation regeneration potion.

The effect of the first-generation regeneration potion was remarkable. This time, the body of Experimental Subject No. [-] did not undergo any changes from the beginning of the experiment. All changes were resolved the moment they appeared.

This experiment was successful, and they successfully obtained a super vegetable!

During the entire experiment, the consciousness of the experimental subject has been destroyed by pain and completely annihilated. The body without consciousness is useless!

But the chief scientist was not discouraged. This situation was expected by them.

After the experiment was completed, they immediately obtained the body cells of the super vegetative person and compared them one by one.

At two o'clock in the morning, after experiencing the super vegetative state, the Osborne research team improved the experiment and started the third experiment.

After the previous two experiences, this experiment went very smoothly, and they successfully created the first super soldier!
The moment the experiment was successful, a dark metal cage popped up outside the entire experimental cabin, trapping the experimental cabin firmly inside.

Almost at the same time, the death row prisoner who had just become a super soldier immediately broke the bonds that bound him, jumped up, and looked at Osborn and others outside the experimental cabin, his eyes filled with anger.

He directly lifted the one-ton experimental bed next to him and threw it towards the outside.

When Osborn saw this scene, his eyes were full of excitement, this is the super soldier!

With great strength, he could easily lift a ton of things and throw them away.

The experimental bed instantly shattered the experimental cabin and collided with the metal cage outside, making a deafening golden sound.

The scientific research team outside covered their ears in pain, but Osborne remained unmoved.

"let me out!"

The prisoner on death row came to the cage and tried hard to break the metal cage to both sides, but it had no effect!
Osborne smiled mockingly at the death row prisoner. This cage was made of Adamantium alloy. It was really overthinking to bend it with just this little strength.

Li Yun, who was hiding in the dark, watched this scene coldly. He knew very well that this was not the limit for prisoners on death row at all.

The super soldier produced by mixing the super soldier potion and the regeneration potion is no joke.

But Osborne didn't know that. He came to the experimental console.

Following his operations, dense gun muzzles appeared in every corner of the laboratory.

The next moment, all the muzzles made a slight biubiu sound.

The prisoners on death row in the cage were suddenly covered with syringes.

"Uh uh~ you."

The prisoner on death row went limp and pointed at Osborne, who fell limply to the ground.

Osborne watched quietly as the prisoners on death row closed their eyes. Every injection in the prisoners on death row contained an anesthetic that could anesthetize an elephant.

There are dozens of such needles on death row inmates.
(End of this chapter)

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