Meizong: Start by getting the twelve talismans

Chapter 210 The new Guardian Alliance!

new York.

Guardian Alliance Headquarters.

Li Yun looked at the person who asked the question again.

Unexpectedly, it was Dr. Lizard Connors.

When did he join the Guardians?

A thought flashed through Li Yun's mind, and then he smiled and said, "Connors, long time no see!"

Connors stood up, nodded and smiled: "It's been a long time indeed."

"If you have any questions, let's talk first. We can catch up with each other after we come down." Li Yun said.

Connors lowered his head and pondered, then said: "I want to ask, can one person have multiple rule seeds?"

After thinking about it, Li Yun said: "In principle, it is possible, but I will not let this happen."

"Because everyone's energy is limited. If you want to become a cosmic powerhouse in your lifetime, you must concentrate on it."

"Moreover, there will be competition and conflict between the rules. If there is not enough strength to suppress the two rule seeds, one of the two rule seeds will inevitably be damaged."

"I don't want this to happen."

"Rule seeds are very precious and cannot be wasted on such uses."

"I understand!" Connors nodded and sat down.

In the next few minutes, Li Yun answered several more questions.

Ten minutes later, Li Yun stood up again, looked at everyone and said: "Friends, a new era has arrived. If we want to span the multiverse, we must accelerate our growth. Now, the opportunity has come!"

"I hope you will improve your strength after obtaining the rules seeds. I look forward to the day when you will become a cosmic powerhouse."

"At the same time, after conquering each universe, we will extract the three rules of that universe as rewards for those who have made outstanding achievements in the battle, helping them to be promoted to Heavenly Father-level powerhouses after breaking through to become universe-level powerhouses."

"That's right!"

Listening to the noise in the audience, Li Yun smiled and nodded, and then said loudly: "It's just what you think, becoming a heavenly father-level powerhouse like me and Master Gu Yi!"

"We are waiting for your efforts!"

"You can ask the artificial intelligence on your own regarding related matters."

"The Zodiac branch will be completed within a month, please wait patiently."

After that, the meeting ended.

But the impact of the conference was far from over.

After attending the meeting of the Guardian Alliance, representatives of the major powers and the Earth Federation immediately reported the matter to the highest authority.

It's so scary that the Guardians can wholesale produce superpowers, and they have to react quickly.

Soon, that evening, representatives from various countries and the federation arrived at the Guardian Alliance headquarters in New York.

But they did not see Li Yun, but Tony showed up to receive them.

"Tony, I want to ask, is what Mr. Li said at the meeting true?"

The federal representative looked at Tony and confirmed again.

"Of course it's true, we've already started building the Zodiac Branch building."

Tony nods.

"Mr. Tony, President White Bear asked me to ask, can your Zodiac branch be open to our major countries? We also want to contribute our own strength to the future of the earth and the world."

"Yes, so does our country. Tony, why don't you ask Mr. Li? No matter what the price is, we can discuss it!"

After hearing what Bai Xiong said, representatives from other countries immediately took over.

Tony glanced at the White Bear Country and the representatives from each country with a half-smile.

Although these guys said it politely, they were actually asking if their people could become superpowers.

But how is this possible!
Only tools and names cannot be faked by people and hands!

Tony didn't give them hope, he shook his head and refused: "No, if you want to conduct testing, you must be from our Guardian Alliance."

Li Yun had discussed with him the requirements of the major powers. He hoped that through this meeting, the major powers would realize the changes of the times and prepare for the true reunification in the future.

There are too many countries on the earth. Although the Earth Federation is working in the middle, a lot of internal strife still occurs.

It's okay now, but the world will change a lot in the future. If internal friction continues like this, it will not be a good thing for the earth.

Therefore, they decided to continue to instill the idea of ​​unification in these countries while exploring the world.

Start with small countries first, and gradually encroach on the living space of big countries.

When the stability of these big powers is no longer needed, they will send out super-powered armies to suppress the rebellion and completely unify the earth.

After hearing this, representatives from many countries expressed their true feelings.

After the White Bear Nation representative pondered, he added, "Mr. Tony, if people from our country are willing to join the Guardian Alliance, will they be eligible?"

Tony smiled slightly and took the bait!
"Of course you are qualified. As long as you join the Guardian Alliance and pass the test, you can be given a super seed."

"But those who have been given super seeds must participate in the development project of another world, and must make certain contributions before they have the opportunity to leave the Guardian Alliance."

Tony knows very well that there are actually many good ideas in major countries, but they are all hidden from the outside world.

The reason why Li Yun announced this plan is to attract talents from all over the world.

As for leaving the Guardian Alliance after getting the seeds, I'm afraid no one would dare to do that.

Do you really think that Li Yun, who lives on Earth, is just a decoration?
After hearing this, the national representatives were thoughtful.

"Then I understand, thank you, Mr. Tony."

"How about we make a deal with you?"

"What agreement?" Tony looked at the White Bear Country representative and asked.

"Set up a testing agency in our country, and we will encourage people across the country to test. If we find people who can withstand super seeds, I hope that after screening, you can absorb them into the Guardian Alliance and let them contribute to the future. strength."

"Of course, I hope they can keep it from beginning to end. After a certain number of years or a certain amount of contribution, they can choose to return to their hometown to benefit their hometown."

Of course Tony couldn't ask for this.

Just based on the people in the Guardian Alliance, the test results may not be too many.

After all, if you want to accommodate extraordinary seeds, you must have adaptability.

If they can recruit talents from all over the world, they can grow as quickly as possible so that they can open the next space-time tunnel for training and conquest.

After pretending to think deeply for a long time, Tony raised his head and said to the representatives of various countries: "No problem, I can agree to this request, but the specific service years and contribution must be determined by our Guardian Alliance."

"Of course it's fine!"

The White Bear Country representative looked slightly happy and agreed happily.

He is not worried that the Guardian Alliance will stumble.

Judging from their large population, as long as one or two universe-level powerhouses return to the country, their country's power will greatly increase and they will be able to divide domains in the universe.

The earth is still too small, and the universe is their main battlefield.

What's more, the world will definitely continue to grow bigger in the future. They should prepare as soon as possible and be able to control the universe as soon as possible!

Seeing that Tony agreed to the White Bear Country's request, representatives from other countries also stepped forward.

Tony snickered in his heart and signed agreements with various countries, and finally returned to Li Yun's office with agreements from countries around the world.

"Li, your method is better. If this continues, boiling frogs in warm water will cook them all. Maybe in a few worlds, we will be able to completely unify the earth's civilization." "Maybe it will bloom all over the ground! "

Li Yun was not so optimistic, but analyzed calmly: "If there are really people who are very determined to rise up their own country, then they will have the opportunity to expand into the universe without having to stay on earth to compete with other countries."

"It doesn't matter, this is a good thing."

"As long as the earth can be unified."

Tony said with an indifferent expression.

"That's true." Li Yun smiled.

"The earth is the most special and must be in our hands."

"In the future, there will be countless more secret realms on the earth. These are the things our people rely on to become stronger."

"Yeah!" Tony nodded and continued: "By the way, Li, will you start exploring time and space after you finish instilling the super seeds in one month?"

"Well, train your troops by exploring other universes. Otherwise, how can you become stronger?"

Li Yun affirmed.

"Inform a few of our core people. If anyone needs my rules seeds, report to you and let you transform first so that you can manage others."

"no problem!"

The corner of Tony's mouth raised slightly and he said, "Can you give me two rules seeds?"

"You? Which two do you want?" Li Yun asked after hesitating.

He was not that resistant to Tony. After all, Tony was a man cursed by knowledge, and he could still withstand two rules seeds.

"Well, dragon and tiger!" Tony said directly without thinking.

Obviously, he has a deep understanding of Li Yun's twelve talismans and understands that the dragon and tiger talismans are the core of the twelve talismans.

Li Yun took a deep look at Tony. This guy must have already made a counterattack plan against him.

"No problem, as long as your test meets the standard, I'll give you these two."

"We have agreed that it must be based on the test results."

Li Yun did not refuse, but nodded in agreement.

Hearing this, Tony chuckled, threw out his test report and said: "I'm sorry, all twelve kinds of spells are suitable, and the matching ratio is very high."

Li Yun looked at the test report and shook his head speechlessly.

All I can say is that he deserves to be Tony Stark.

According to the test report, the adaptability of the power of the twelve spell rules has reached over 80.00%.

You know, as long as the fitness degree can reach more than 50.00%, it is considered a genius.

And the proportion of super seeds according to their rules is only 20.00%.

What does this mean?
This is enough to show that if the Twelve Talisman had not been integrated with him, Tony might be the person who is more suitable for the Twelve Talisman than him.

"You're such a pervert."

Li Yun couldn't help but complain.

"Hey, thanks for the compliment!"

Tony smiled cheekily.

"What are your plans after you get the rules seed?"

Li Yun shook his head and asked curiously.

He was really curious, what would a brilliant genius like Tony do once he had the seed of rules?

“It’s simple, tap into the potential of seeds!”

"I decided to use the rules of Dragon Tiger Seed as a seesaw to help me understand the rules of yin and yang."

"How about it? I have studied Chinese culture, and Yin and Yang are one of the most powerful rules."

Tony replied to Li Yun seriously.

"..." Li Yun looked at Tony complicatedly. If it were him, he might really be able to understand the law of yin and yang.

"That's good, I wish you good luck." Li Yun did not deny Tony's idea. If he could really understand and create his own yin and yang rules, he would definitely become one of the powerful Heavenly Father-level experts.

The two contradictory and contradictory regular attributes of one yin and one yang appear in the same person. This kind of power is unimaginable for a single rule to achieve the heavenly father level.

"Okay, if that's the case, then we've made a deal!"

Tony put aside all the country's agreements and turned around and walked out the door, "I'll inform them that you can give us the rules super seeds tonight, right?"

"No problem, just tonight." Li Yun nodded.

In the evening, Tony took Captain America and others to the room where Li Yun was.

Seeing everyone coming, Li Yun nodded slightly.

It seems that everyone wants to become stronger!

"One at a time, Tony, you go first!"

After Li Yun finished speaking, he looked at Tony.

Tony's expression tightened, and then he came to Li Yun nervously and whispered: "Don't make me look embarrassed!"

"Don't worry, how could I not be such a person!" Li Yun smiled and stretched out his finger.

"That's good! Huh? What did you say?" Tony relaxed and then became nervous again.

With a bell ringing in his heart, Tony was shocked and his eyes were confused.

In the eyes of others, Li Yun suddenly burst out with the momentum of the Twelve Talisman Rules.

Vaguely, they seemed to see twelve zodiac signs lingering around Li Yun.

For Tony, as the bells rang in his heart, a tiger's roar and a dragon's roar immediately resounded in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, in his sea of ​​consciousness, two seeds printed with the appearance of the tiger talisman and the dragon talisman appeared, attracting each other and rotating.

The next moment, he only felt a strong burning sensation suddenly emanating from his heart, and his consciousness was divided into two halves, one half was extremely kind, and the other half was extremely evil.

"Concentrate your mind and don't pay attention to those changes! Calm down and understand the rhythm inside the seed!"

Just when Tony was panicking, Li Yun's voice woke him up.

Tony immediately calmed down and poured all his energy into the dragon and tiger rules seeds.

After the award was over, Tony opened his eyes in a daze.

He has already felt the changes brought about by the seed entering his body.

The Dragon Talisman gave him a huge amount of energy in his body. Upon closer inspection, this energy was comparable to the Ark nuclear reactor in his chest.

Not only that, he also felt that he could do two things at once without being disturbed at all.

"Is this extraordinary power?"

Tony stood up and walked aside to quietly realize his changes.

At this moment, countless inspirations burst out from his heart.

After Li Yun took a breath, he looked at everyone and said with a smile, "Who's coming next?"
(End of this chapter)

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