Meizong: Start by getting the twelve talismans

Chapter 24 The desperate Osborne!

Chapter 24 The desperate Osborne! (Please collect and read the new book!)

Osborne Building.

Connors and Li Yun returned here, looking at the Osborne Building that had been taken care of by the military, and looked at each other.

When Connors saw this, he immediately took out his cell phone and called Osborne directly.

The heads of each of their funded experiments had Osborne's phone number.


After several busy signals, Osborne's unusually tired voice came from the phone receiver.


"Mr. Osborne, this is Connors."

"Oh, Professor Connors, what's the matter?" Osborne stood on the top floor, watching the military people coming in and out, and asked with a stern face.

"That's right. I wanted to go back to the laboratory to get some things, but the soldiers downstairs said that the building has been militarized and no outsiders are allowed to enter."

Hearing this, Osborne's temples began to throb and hurt. Now he is facing inspection by the military. What happened in the past two days made the military very dissatisfied.

He pressed his temples, thought for a while, and said: "A lot of things have happened in the building in the past few days, so in order to protect the building, the military has implemented militarized protection and management since early this morning. You go home and rest for a while, and wait for notification from the company. Bar."

"But my information is very important."

Connors became anxious after hearing this. He had injected the optimized regeneration medicine without human experimentation. He urgently needed the testing equipment in the laboratory to test himself. If he couldn't go up, he and Li Yun would not be able to complete their affairs. Yes!


Osborne's words immediately became louder, "The company is in crisis now. Is your information that important? It is more important than the survival of the company?"

"Don't worry, no one will touch your experimental data. After this period of time passes, I will notify you as soon as possible!"

"Next, your job is to have a good rest. The regeneration potion is very important. You are the person in charge of the experiment. You must have a good rest before you can carry out the following work!"


After Connors was silent for a moment, he had no choice but to compromise: "Okay, sir, we must do it as soon as possible, I'm in a hurry!"

"Well, hang up first!" Osborne saw a colonel walking towards him and hung up the phone directly.

"Colonel Holder!"

After seeing the colonel approaching, Osborne took the initiative to extend his right hand to shake hands with him.

"Mr. Osborne, the general will arrive at six o'clock in the afternoon. I hope you will be mentally prepared."

The colonel said calmly after letting go of his hand.

Osborne smiled bitterly and begged: "Colonel, can you give me another week of grace? I will definitely give the general a satisfactory answer."

"No time! Mr. Osborne!" The colonel shook his head slightly and looked at Osborne with pity. "For more than a year, you have spent military funds and death row prisoners, but you can't produce complete results. The general has no patience." Got it!"

"We have achieved results!" Osborne said anxiously, "The lizard man who attacked the building yesterday was one of our achievements. We also successfully created the super soldier that the general needed."

"Where are the people?" The colonel directly interrupted Osborne and sneered: "Is the super soldier you are talking about the same lizard man who was beaten to a pulp by a helicopter last night?"

"Or the little lizard monster that was shot in the head by our soldiers outside the Osborne Building last night?"

"Osborn, what our military wants is a super soldier like Captain America, not a lizard monster without any intelligence!"

Osborn choked, a trace of embarrassment flashed in his eyes, and he quickly said, "We can solve this problem. Don't worry, as long as you give me time, a super soldier will be born!" "No need!"

At this moment, a powerful voice came from behind the colonel.

Da da da!
The general with the rank of two-star lieutenant general walked out of the passage.


The colonel heard the sound and immediately turned and straightened up.

Osborne's face froze, he glanced down at his watch, and immediately complained about the colonel in his heart.

Didn't it say that the general won't arrive until six o'clock?Why is it an hour early?
Although he was complaining in his heart, Osborne kept his appearance and smiled as he greeted the general and said, "General Chris."

"Needless to say, Osborne, the military's projects will definitely be defunded, and immediately!"

General Chris ignored the livid Osborne and turned directly to the colonel and ordered: "Holder, notify all soldiers immediately and return to the training base. The Osborne Building no longer needs protection!"

"Yes!" the colonel puffed out his chest and saluted back.

"General!" Osborne spoke again in despair, but General Chris ignored Osborne completely and turned back and left in a helicopter.

After these two days, the stock price of Osborne Industries was extremely bleak in the stock market. After seeing this, the military directly chose to abandon Osborne Industries and stop the losses in time.

Osborne looked ashen as he watched the soldiers withdraw from the building one by one.

"No, I will never give in!"

Osborn looked at the building that was soon deserted, gritted his teeth, and headed towards the secret laboratory.

In the laboratory, Osborne looked at the control panel and directly entered a mysterious password. Then, the control panel immediately sank down, split into two halves and contracted, and two potions, one red and one green, popped out.

This is the super soldier potion and regeneration potion that he hid behind everyone's back.

"You forced me!"

Osborn picked up the two potions, looked at the Green Goblin soldier suit in the laboratory with a distorted face, and poured all the potions into his body with hatred!

"I will not fail, just wait, I will definitely take revenge!"

Osborne thought of the insults General Chris and Colonel Holder had just given him, and turned pain into strength, constantly feeling the turbulent changes in his body.

And in his mind, the dark personality began to laugh wildly, and he could finally see the light of day again!

Pushing forward a little, when Connors hung up the phone, he turned around and said to Li Yun very embarrassedly: "Sorry, Li, I didn't know such a thing would happen."

"It's okay." Li Yun shook his head, "I'm okay. It's mainly you. Regenerative medicine that has not been tested on humans has been injected into your body. If you don't find a testing instrument to conduct a comprehensive physical examination, I will be worried."

Li Yun hesitated to speak.

Although Connors has not transformed into a lizard man so far, there is no guarantee that he will not change in the future.

This is like a reincarnation of fate. Li Yun has a feeling that Dr. Lizard will eventually appear!
Connors nodded in agreement: "I understand what you mean, so now we can only go to other places to seek help!"

"I have a friend who has experimental equipment exactly like mine. I can use his equipment to conduct self-examination!"

After saying that, Connors took out his cell phone and directly dialed a number in his address book.

"Hey! Banner."
(End of this chapter)

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