Meizong: Start by getting the twelve talismans

Chapter 244 Time and space are no match for the zodiac, and all the destruction-level monsters are w

Prophetic civilization.

Above the sea, as the spear condensed with the original energy of the metallic universe of the Jin Yuan Monster was shot out, a bottomless crack was cut into the sea by the sharp metallic energy.

But the female golden prophet's face was extremely heavy.

Because she found that the time and space trap jointly created by her space insect mother and the time demon was becoming increasingly unstable.

The source of its instability is clearly Li Yun, whose momentum continues to rise.

"No, we must not let this guy escape."

The female golden prophet bit her silver teeth and let out a low cry inside the space insect mother. The next moment, the insect mother's hundred eyes suddenly bulged, and the majestic space origin power rushed out.

When the Time Demon on the side felt the strength of the Insect Mother, he also hissed and increased the output of the time source.

For a time, the space-time trap that was becoming increasingly unstable suddenly became extremely solid.

Li Yun felt the stagnation around him and the sharp energy spear getting closer and closer, and the smile on his lips remained.

Boom boom boom!

As Li Yun completely exploded, the power of the twelve talismans rushed out of the body and condensed into a twelve zodiac circle in the outside world, completely resolving the power of freezing time and space.

The metallic spear that could shake the sea was completely destroyed in the air at this moment.

The power of the zodiac talisman inherently follows the rules of the passage of time. A mere metallic spear cannot shake the power of the talisman at all.

"What kind of power is this!?"

The female golden prophet hiding in the mother insect's body suddenly widened her eyes and was extremely shocked when she saw the twelve rings composed of special energy.

"How come that kind of power feels more powerful than the original power of the universe!"

The three views shaped by the female golden prophet for thousands of years collapsed at this moment.

They have traversed the universe for tens of thousands of years and have never encountered anything as bizarre as today.

"I will never allow this to happen!"

The female golden prophet felt the impressive intimidation coming from Li Yun, and could not help but feel panic in her heart.

Not only her, but the other prophets who were attracted by this battle were trembling all over. The ordinary monsters living on the planet collapsed to the ground one after another, as if they had encountered an unprecedented natural enemy.


Later, feeling Li Yun's power, the Time Demon and other destruction-level monsters came back to their senses and realized that Li Yun's life breath did not exceed them by much.

For a moment, the fear in his heart was restrained, and he became more angry and embarrassed.

The three destruction-level monsters roared towards Li Yun and continued to launch their original energy attacks, vowing to smash Li Yun to pieces.

“I really won’t give up until I reach the Yellow River!”

Li Yun rarely stretched his body. He had never used his strength so fully since he came to this universe.

Li Yun waved lightly as he watched the thick and roaring energy attacks evaporating the sea.

The zodiac ring formed by the power of the twelve talismans behind him buzzed non-stop, and then flew out directly, resisting the light waves condensed by the three original rules of energy, and constantly suppressing the light waves and sending them back.

This is a combination of rules attacks created by Li Yun in this universe.

Different from the chaotic power formed by the fusion of the energy of the twelve talismans, this twelve zodiac power consumes less energy through continuous circulation, and the operation is also very simple, not as difficult to control as the chaotic power.

This ring is a bit like an eight-point light wheel, which can be divided into countless light wheels under Li Yun's control.

Therefore, Li Yun named this trick the Eight-Point Light Wheel.

This move is very effective against such a behemoth. Its constantly rotating law power has sharper attributes, which is enough to cut off any items with condensed law attributes.

A mere monster body, of course, is no exception!


As the monster's light wave became shorter and shorter, the contact between the eight-point light wheel and the light wave became more and more shrill and noisy.

The regular energy it continuously splashed out fell on the seabed, erupting with extremely powerful power, blasting the seabed into craters and making it no longer flat.

Those huge amounts of sea water were evaporated into the sky and condensed into clouds, constantly inspiring the thunder and power of heaven and earth.

"Hold on, insect mother, if we can't hold on, we will suffer!"

Hearing the voice of the female golden prophet within her, the insect mother let out a mournful cry.

Immediately afterwards, the insect mother's regular energy light wave suddenly broke off.

It has overloaded the use of the origin crystal of the universe, and must wait for a while before it can use the origin power again.

"not good!"

After the insect mother lost her energy and light waves, the light waves of the Time Demon and the Jin Yuan Monster were no match for Li Yun's twelve zodiac eight-point light wheel.

The connection between the light waves was quickly cut off by the light wheel, causing bursts of green smoke to erupt from the body parts where the Time Demon and the Jin Yuan Monster released their energy.

After this wave, the energy-emitting parts of these two destruction-level monsters will be unusable for a short period of time.

But Li Yun's eight-point light wheel continued to charge at the three destruction-level monsters with unabated momentum!

The female golden prophet saw the aura exuding fatal danger and immediately issued orders to the space insect mother and the time demon.

"Give up the Golden Yuan Monster and escape!"

The female golden prophet had given up the idea of ​​revenge for the leader at this time.

Such an enemy is simply not something they can deal with.

What she can do now is to cut off her wrist and exchange a weaker destruction-level monster for a destruction-level monster with time and space attributes to escape from her home planet.

As long as the two destruction-level monsters of time and space are still alive, the prophet civilization will not be cut off.

Therefore, after the female golden prophet issued the order, the Time Demon and the Space Insect Mother glanced at the Golden Yuan Monster, and directly activated the original power of time and space to place the Golden Yuan Monster in front of the two monsters to deal with Li Yun's eight-point light wheel.


Jin Yuangui's eyes flashed, and he saw that he appeared very prominently in front of the Time Demon and the Insect Mother.

Looking at the eight-point light wheel that was so close at hand, Jin Yuan Monster did not feel dead. Instead, he exploded with all the power of the original crystal of the universe, covering his whole body and turning into a metal monster.

Trying to use the metal body transformed by the power of rules to block the eight-point light wheel and buy time for the time demon and the space insect mother to escape from here.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Time Demon and the Space Insect Mother immediately jumped up, spread out the huge wings hidden behind them, and flew towards the singularity passage high in the sky.

Under the guidance of the female golden prophet, they decided to go to other life planets in the universe to avoid the devil Li Yun!


As the eight-point light wheel approached the Jin Yuan Monster, the light wheel immediately split into dozens of smaller light wheels under Li Yun's control, whizzing around the Jin Yuan Monster and passing through its body.

The metal body of the Jin Yuan Monster condensed from the origin of the metallic universe did not block the eight-point light wheel condensed from the power of the twelve zodiac rules.

After a few roars, the huge Golden Yuan Monster was directly dismembered into dozens of pieces by the eight-point light wheel.

The powerful aura of the destructive monster suddenly disappeared at this moment.

After feeling the disappearance of the Golden Yuan Monster's aura, the Time Demon and the Space Insect Mother flew faster. Almost instantly, they arrived at the nearest singularity channel.

Give them another ten seconds, and they will be able to enter the singularity passage, destroy the passage, and stop the devil behind them!     “Want to escape?”

Li Yun teleported to the place where the Jin Yuan Monster died and beckoned to take the metallic universe origin crystal into his hand. Then he looked at the two space-time destruction monsters in the sky who were trying to drill the singularity passage and smiled slightly.


In an instant, Li Yun's figure suddenly appeared behind the Time Demon and the Space Insect Mother.

The female golden prophet who was always paying attention to Li Yun saw Li Yun's appearance, her pupils dilated, and she immediately controlled the space insect mother to pull the time demon around her back, allowing the space insect mother she was parasitizing to escape into immediately. In the singularity channel.


Shi Mo was stunned for a moment, then roared angrily. Just as he was about to continue drilling into the singularity passage, Li Yun reached out and grabbed its tail.

"Come out!"

As the power of the Ox Talisman exploded, Li Yun shook the Time Demon's body weighing tens of thousands of tons with his own body, directly picked up the Time Demon's tail and slammed it into the seabed where seawater was condensing below.

"There is still one!"

Li Yun did not stop, and immediately escaped into the entrance of the ruined singularity passage.

Reach out and grab it!

The smooth insect body of the Space Insect Mother was deeply embedded by Li Yun's hand.


The mother insect roared in pain, and then Li Yun broke through the space and was pulled out of the singularity channel.

"The whole family will go to hell neatly!"

Li Yun returned to his old ways and threw the insect mother down. Its heavy insect body directly pressed on the time demon who was struggling to get up.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yun clasped his hands together in mid-air, and the eight-point light wheel condensed by twelve talismans appeared again.

This time, the eight-point light wheel directly transformed into thousands of light wheels, roaring towards the two destruction-level monsters.

"hold head high!"

Time Demon felt the pain of his body being split, and immediately activated the power of the time universe in his body, allowing his body to return to one minute ago.

But this was all in vain, and the Time Demon who recovered from his injuries was once again cut by the light wheels flying in the sky.

In an instant, the two most powerful and core destruction-level monsters in the Prophet civilization died at the same time.

As the momentum of the destruction-level monster disappeared, the many prophets who were hiding and watching around were terrified. They did not dare to show their heads and disappeared directly into the numerous singularity passages.

Everyone understands that civilization is over and they must escape from their home planet as soon as possible to avoid being killed by this devil.

Li Yun felt the fluctuations in the singularity space around him and sneered. After recovering the space-time origin crystal, he immediately activated the power of the space-time origin crystal and destroyed all singularity spaces and passages.

Only a few singularity channels exuding the aura of the origin of the universe were left.

In addition to several origin crystals of the prophet civilization, there is also a universe origin crystal whose whereabouts are unknown. The planets behind these passages are very likely to have the remaining origin crystal.

Following Li Yun's actions, almost all the prophets died in the singularity space. Only a handful of prophets escaped a step slower and stopped awkwardly on the planet. They looked at Li Yun in fear and waited. On trial.

Li Yun casually glanced at the remaining prophets, waved his hand, and an eight-point light wheel appeared. In an instant, all the remaining prophets died.

There are only ordinary monsters left on the entire planet that are constantly screaming in panic.

Afterwards, Li Yun scanned the planet with his mind, and after confirming that all the people of the Prophet Civilization were dead, he headed towards the abyss of the seabed.

In the abyss, Tony and the others are still fighting hard!

After a while, Li Yun returned to the abyss.

Looking at the scene under the abyss, Li Yun nodded lightly.

It didn't take him long to resolve the battle. The three destruction-level monsters here were fighting wantonly with the three Tonys.

However, Li Yun did find something fishy.

The three destruction-level monsters kept getting closer during the battle and prepared ways to escape.

"It seems they have noticed the death of the other three destruction-level monsters."

Li Yun shook his head slightly and immediately sent a message to Tony: "Tony, these three destruction-level monsters are trying to escape, so you should pay attention."


Tony was controlling the Titan mecha in a fierce battle when he suddenly heard Li Yun's voice. He trembled all over, and then said with a complicated look on his face: "Have you killed those three monsters of destruction?"

"So fast?"

Tony felt extremely melancholy in his heart. He had already become a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, but in the end, he could not compare to Li Yun's incarnation.

It seems that Li Yun's strength has reached an even stronger level!

Tony came back to his senses and looked at the Wood Elemental Monster and the Earth Elemental Monster that were waving their tails and flanking them. He immediately gritted his teeth and then burst out the rules of his spiritual wisdom.

In an instant, Tony's Titan mecha shined brightly, and then, Tony's mecha's skills immediately became extremely agile.

The Tu Yuan monster, which directly dodged the flanking attack, grabbed the Wood Yuan monster's tail and swung it with all his strength.

The next moment, the Wood Yuan Monster and the Earth Yuan Monster collided immediately.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the two monsters were together, Tony immediately overloaded the Titan mecha and concentrated most of the energy and his own regular power on the Titan cannon on his chest.


A thick, flashing light wave shot out immediately, sweeping directly across the Wood Elemental Monster and the Earth Elemental Monster, breaking them in half!

Then another vertical sweep.

The two destruction-level monsters that were broken in half immediately lost their breath.

Eight monster corpses of about the same size were floating directly in the sea, with dark green blood constantly flowing out.

"The power is pretty good!"

Li Yun was surprised when he saw this scene from above.

Tony is worthy of being a man cursed by wisdom. He has just awakened his power of rules and created such a powerful rule attack.


Tony kept breathing heavily inside the Titan mecha.

This move placed a heavy load on him. After using this move, he basically had no ability to do anything anymore.

Li Yun also noticed Tony's embarrassment. After laughing, he directly threw out his eight-point light wheel and dismembered the water elemental monster that was still entangled with Yu Kong and Banner.


This time, the two people who were fighting fiercely were stunned on the spot.

The destruction-level monster that made the two of them feel like they were facing a formidable enemy died like this?

"The teacher's strength is too abnormal!"

King Kong looked at Li Yun over the abyss with admiration, and vowed in his heart to catch up with Li Yun as soon as possible!

Banner, on the other hand, looked towards Tony and made a decision in his heart.

"We must awaken the rules as soon as possible to break through to the Heavenly Father level!"

(End of this chapter)

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