Meizong: Start by getting the twelve talismans

Chapter 246 Return to the chapter, feedback from the world!

green planet.

Tony and others felt the changes in the ground beneath their feet and immediately flew into the air.

In an instant, the clearing sank, revealing an extremely large root system.

As the underground veins continued to tremble, the surrounding plants all began to shake. Finally, with a whooshing sound, they quickly penetrated into the ground, revealing huge holes one after another.

"What's happening here?"

King Kong looked at the ground curiously. In his eyes, the sapling, which was as tall as a person, was constantly rising due to the continuous intertwining of underground root veins.

Finally, an earthy-colored root giant appeared in front of everyone.

This giant's entire body is made up of roots, and the sapling as tall as a person fell on the top of the earth-yellow giant's head, becoming the only bit of green on his body.

As the earth-yellow giant formed, the surrounding plant ocean of thousands of acres disappeared, leaving behind the pitted yellow land.

"Is this the plant monster that grew up by absorbing the power of the origin crystal of the universe?"

Tony and Banner's eyes flashed in mid-air, seeming to be very interested in the plant monster.

They have seen many flesh and blood monsters, but this is the first time they have seen such a plant attribute monster!

"Tony, let's go back, let's go back and use the mecha to dismember this monster, and then we can study it again!"

Banner spoke very excitedly, then looked at King Kong on the side and said: "King Kong, just stay here and struggle with this plant monster for a while. We will go back and drive the Titan mecha to support."

King Kong originally thought that he could deal with this monster, but as soon as he felt the unknown fluctuations on the monster's body, he changed his mind.

'The teacher has said that in future battles, whether it is a one-on-one fight or a group fight, you must ensure the safety of your life, and you must not let yourself fall into the most dangerous situation. ’

Adhering to Li Yun's teachings, King Kong patted his chest, nodded and said: "No problem, Teacher Banner, I'll go down and hold him down, you just hurry up and come over!"

Tony and Banner nodded, then swung their bodies and flew quickly towards the base.

They are very excited. As long as they deal with this plant monster, they can collect all the universe origin crystals in this world and return to this world for world traction!


Just as Tony and Banner were leaving, this earth-yellow plant monster with a green head shook its thick arm roots and made a whining sound that broke through the air and attacked King Kong who was staying in the air.

Although this plant monster has a simple mind, he has a powerful telepathy and can sense the evil thoughts that Tony and the other three exude towards him.

In order to protect itself, the plant monster can only strike first, crushing these malicious bugs just like it crushed all the living creatures on this planet!

Seeing the powerful root arm attack, King Kong's face was calm, and then he activated the power of the monkey charm rules in his body.

With a bang, King Kong, who was originally as tall as a person, turned into a towering gorilla over 200 meters tall.

After returning to his true body, King Kong easily caught the incoming root vein arm in his arm.

The nano-mecha on his body exploded at this moment, spreading from his chest and covering his whole body.

The plant monster didn't seem to know how to make a sound. After seeing King Kong getting bigger, he was stunned for a second, and then he exerted force to take his arm back!

But King Kong is not someone who lets go so easily.

He raised his head, and the nanofactors immediately enveloped his face, making him look extremely mysterious and powerful!


King Kong shouted angrily, and the mecha power was superimposed all over his body and began to exert force!

For a moment, the root arm extended by the plant monster was stretched straight by two forces.

Immediately afterwards, a crunching sound came from the center of Genmai's arm, as if the arm could not withstand the struggle between the two powerful forces and was about to collapse.

The plant monster looked at King Kong's mask and immediately carved a rough face on its head.

Then, the plant monster directly gave up the root arm and took the initiative to cut off the arm. After the monster cut off one arm, the green plants in the distance began to shrink again, and new arms quickly grew where the monster had broken off its arm. .

"Restore yourself by recycling your roots?"

King Kong dropped the root arm in his hand on the ground and thought silently as he watched the plant monster's movements.

"In this case..." King Kong thought, looked at the green forest in the distance, opened his bloody mouth, and the golden burning divine fire condensed into an energy ball and rushed towards the distance!


As a small mushroom cloud appeared, the green forest in the distance began to burst into flames.

The divine fire appeared to be extremely spiritual. It penetrated directly into the ground along the forest trunks and began to burn the roots of the underground.

As soon as the fire burned, the main body that turned into a plant monster immediately reacted, and its huge body immediately started dancing, as if it was burned to the feet by the flames.

good chance!

King Kong's eyes lit up, and then he used his burning power again to attack the plant monster.


The burning divine fireball hit the plant monster, causing a roar and bursts of smoke.

But after the smoke cleared, a trace of disappointment flashed in King Kong's eyes.

The burning fireball that was sweeping through the forest did not have its intended effect on the plant monster. It only caused black streaks to appear on the plant monster's resisting arms.

An angry look appeared on the face of the plant monster that had just appeared. As a plant, what it hates most is fire.

Dangdang Dangdang!

The plant monster didn't give King Kong a chance to take action anymore. He trampled the ground violently with his big feet, and then, boundless and majestic green plants poured out overwhelmingly from King Kong's feet.

Seeing this situation, King Kong was of course unwilling to be controlled like this, and immediately summoned up his strength to break free from the constraints of the green plants.

But in the next moment, his expression changed slightly.

These green plants were not ordinary plants at all. He only felt that the energy in his body was draining rapidly.

“These plants absorb energy!”

King Kong suddenly thought, and then controlled the burning power to spread directly outside his body, trying to use flames to fight these green plants.

But to his disappointment, these green plants were as resistant to the burning power as the green monster.

The helpless King Kong had no choice but to convert the power of the talisman and use the power of the monkey talisman to quickly shrink his body and directly transform into the size of an adult, freeing himself from the constraints of green plants!

"King Kong, here we come!"

Just when King Kong escaped and came behind the plant monster, not far away, Tony and Banner arrived in time in a Titan mecha.

"Teacher Tony, Teacher Banner, be careful of the green plants that suddenly pop up underground. These plants will absorb energy."

Upon hearing this, King Kong immediately told the two of them some of the characteristics of the plant monster.

After receiving the information, Tony and Banner chuckled, then sat in the mecha and said: "King Kong, come on, the three of us work together, a mere plant monster is nothing to worry about!"

Soon, facing the Titan mecha holding a sharp weapon, the fire-proof and energy-absorbing characteristics of the plant monster could not be used at all.

In less than a moment, he was silently dismembered by three people. The moment the plant monster died, the green planet suddenly turned an earthy color.

All the green plants withered, and all the roots turned gray and died deep underground.

"Is this the last Origin Crystal?"

Tony and the other two took out the emerald crystal from the top of the plant monster's head, and couldn't help but sigh after feeling the full vitality in it.

"It is indeed the source of life that creates plant monsters. It is indeed very powerful."

Banner held the spar in his hand and felt the life energy in the spar constantly washing through his body, making his state more energetic!

"Tony, with this thing, we can have a blast!"

Banner was wildly surprised. The life crystal can be said to be an artifact for scientific researchers!

Tony pursed his lips. For him, he didn't need the blessing of this thing at all now.

With the blessing of the rules of spiritual wisdom, nothing can become a problem for him.

For him, the small sapling above the plant monster's head attracted him even more.

Looking at the plant monster's splintered head and the still emerald sapling rooted on its skull, Tony touched his chin and thought for a long time.

After Li Yun flew down from the sky, Tony asked Li Yun directly: "Li, do you know what this thing is?"

Li Yun looked at the small sapling that was still alive and shook his head, "I don't know, but I can feel that this sapling did not die with the plant monster."

Tony nodded thoughtfully, "Lee, I have a feeling that if we don't bring this thing back to this world, we may regret it for the rest of our lives."

"Furthermore, facing this little sapling, my spiritual wisdom rules are particularly active. Do you think we should bring this sapling back to this universe?"

Li Yun smiled and nodded: "Of course."

It's just a sapling. In this universe, with the main body sitting in charge, there is no need to worry about what problems the sapling will cause.

Moreover, the universe has been changed, and it is unknown whether the sapling can adapt to the new universe.

"Then let's go, let's return to the base, notify everyone, prepare to return, let's go home!"

Soon, the four returned to the base and began to issue notices to all members of the expeditionary force!

Half a day passed, and all the members of the expeditionary force all over the planet returned to the base. While cleaning up the base, they waited for the time and space tunnel to appear.

The time and space tunnel did not keep everyone waiting for too long. I wonder if the technology of this universe has made another breakthrough. The time and space tunnel that appeared this time was more stable and larger than the one before they came.

Thanks to such a huge space-time tunnel, several Titan mechas that Tony and Banner worked hard to build in this world can also enter the space-time tunnel and return to this universe.

"Come on, King Kong, come home with us!"

Li Yun looked at the uneasy King Kong, smiled and comforted him for a moment, then took King Kong into the scope of the space-time tunnel, turned into a quantum state and was sucked into the space-time tunnel.

In this universe, in the city of time and space suspended in the air, many scientific researchers are constantly controlling the running time and space machine No. 1.

"The space-time detection machine has detected quantum life signals, be prepared, they are coming back!"

As a scientific researcher looked at the screen opening, the disinfection team, medical team and other logistics teams immediately increased their vigilance and looked at the square below the space-time machine.


As the shaking of the space-time machine intensified, a space-time tunnel appeared in front of everyone. Groups of quanta were swallowed up by the space-time tunnel, and finally turned into humanoid shapes one after another.

"Expeditionary Force No. 956 returned successfully!"


As people appeared one after another, the number of each person who appeared was also heard from the loudspeaker.

Soon, all 968 members of the expeditionary force were teleported back.

"Where's Tony, where's Banner? And where's Mr. Lee's incarnation?"

The person in charge of the No. 1 space-time machine sitting on the operating table saw that Tony and the others were not among the people who appeared. He suddenly panicked and asked quickly.

The members of the expeditionary force who had just experienced time travel endured the dizziness and quickly replied to the loudspeaker: "Boss Tony and the others are behind."

Then, other members of the expeditionary force took a look around and shouted loudly: "Everyone, please stay away from the platform immediately, wait for the big guys to come over!"

"big guy?"

The scientific researchers in the audience were stunned. Before they could recover, the space-time tunnel that was about to return to calm suddenly shook violently!

Immediately afterwards, several huge parts of the Titan mecha erupted from the tunnel, then condensed and landed on the platform, making a roaring and collision sound.

Fortunately, the space-time platform used the hardest and most powerful materials on the earth when it was built. Otherwise, the platform would collapse the moment these Titan mecha parts fell.

"What is this?"

The scientific researchers were even more stunned when they looked at the behemoth that suddenly appeared on the platform.

The medical team and logistics team on the side were not sluggish. They entered the platform wearing protective clothing and began to rescue those members of the expeditionary force who were almost hit by the behemoth.


With the final shaking of the space-time tunnel, Li Yun, King Kong, and Tony Banner just walked out of the tunnel.

Finally back!

Li Yun and others were not affected by the time and space tunnel at all, and they were extremely energetic as soon as they came out.

And the moment they came back, the twelve universe origin crystals contained in Tony were immediately sensed by this universe.

The twelve origins of the universe are integrated into this universe, making the original power of this universe deeper.

Accordingly, all members of the expedition received rich rewards from the universe!

With a roar of thunder, all the members of the expeditionary force in the square, including Tony and others, fell into a state of enlightenment.

Among them, the cosmic reward reward obtained by Li Yun's incarnation was replaced by King Kong's ID card in this world, making King Kong completely a living being in this universe.

With this identity, King Kong will also be favored by the universe after returning from a world expedition.

Not long after, the members of the expeditionary force continued to show signs of rising momentum.

They woke up one after another, and then looked surprised.

Isn’t this the kind of progress that you work so hard to explore in another world? ——

(End of this chapter)

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