Meizong: Start by getting the twelve talismans

Chapter 249 Time travel again, black-robed pickets!

This world earth.

All the Heavenly Father-level powerhouses sat on the Tianzhu where Li Yun was sitting.

"After so many days of discussion, we have finally finalized the management regulations for Heavenly Father-level powerhouses. So starting from tomorrow, everyone will start to implement the management regulations. Don't take any chances."

Li Yun looked at all the Heavenly Father-level experts and spoke in a deep voice. Ever since Banner took out the set of management regulations, everyone had expressed their different opinions.

In order to implement the management regulations smoothly, Li Yun made a decisive decision a few days ago and brought all the Heavenly Father-level experts to his Tianzhu for retreat and discussion until now.

"I agree!" Gu Yi sat on the lower left side of Li Yun and raised his hand in agreement.

"I agree too!" Tony and Banner looked at each other and raised their hands together.

To put it bluntly, most of the contents of this management regulation were added by them, and of course they have to agree!

Seeing that the most powerful Heavenly Father-level experts had already agreed, Magneto pondered for a long time before sighing and nodding: "Okay, I agree too!"

At this moment, everyone's eyes turned to Sister Wanda and Johnny, the three newly promoted Heavenly Father-level powerhouses.

Wanda and Pietro looked at Li Yun and said with a smile: "Look at what we are doing. This is a management regulation implemented by the boss. We definitely support it!"

Johnny also nodded secretly, "Me too."

Seeing that everyone agreed, Li Yun nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Since everyone has agreed, everyone must uphold the management regulations. No matter how many Heavenly Father-level powerful people are born on earth in the future, they must act in accordance with these regulations. Otherwise, we will fight against all Heavenly Father-level powerhouses!”

"Okay, let's go and have a rest!" After several days of meetings, Li Yun was a little tired and said directly.

Swish swish!

As soon as Li Yun finished speaking, almost all the Heavenly Father-level experts and Li Yun nodded and left. Only Wanda did not leave, but looked at Li Yun with a smile.

"Boss, I have succeeded. Should we fulfill our promise?"

Hearing Wanda's words, Li Yun was shocked, then smiled bitterly and said: "Hey, I really can't do anything about you!"

As soon as Li Yun finished speaking, Wanda rushed into Li Yun's arms with a look of surprise on her face.

Wanda inhaled the scent of Li Yun deeply, and then said sweetly: "Boss, I have been waiting for this day for a long time! It's great!"

Li Yun stiffened, then slowly put his hand on Wanda's back and held her in his arms.

"Don't worry, I'm always here."


Half a month later, the No. 1 space-time machine began to roar with the majestic energy injection!

"Boss, see you next time!"

Wanda looked at Li Yun who was watching outside the space-time platform with a smile, shook her hand, and then disappeared into the space-time tunnel.

According to the Heavenly Father-level powerhouse management regulations, every Heavenly Father-level powerhouse must lead others to explore a new world after staying there for a period of time.

Not only that, every Heavenly Father-level powerhouse also has to schedule a team to suppress the earth's time and space to prevent the earth's time and space from being invaded by other enemies and accidents.

"Li, the person has gone far, you don't have to look!"

Tony came to Li Yun quietly and looked at Li Yundao who didn't speak.

"Have all the Heavenly Father-level powerful men left the earth?"

Li Yun didn't remain silent for long and asked back.

"Except for me and Banner, who will stay on Earth for duty, everyone else has left."

"The sixth space-time machine is under construction. You can find a new world to travel through in another half month."

"Yeah!" Li Yun nodded slightly, "I don't need to prepare manpower to come with me, I can do it by myself!"

"Okay!" Tony nodded. With Li Yun's current strength, he could go anywhere in the world, so he didn't need to worry at all.

"Okay, I'll leave first then, you can continue your work!"

Li Yun was feeling a little depressed now and teleported away from here.

Tony laughed, then went to the scientific research room to give extra lessons to all the scientists!

With his rules of spiritual wisdom, all people who are interested in scientific research can improve their learning progress and make greater progress for the earth.

Half a month later, with the completion of a larger space-time machine than the previous five, Li Yun, Tony and others also came here.

"Li, we have used newer materials for this space-time machine. Its exploration distance is farther, and its response is faster. As long as you need it, press the space-time button, and the space-time tunnel will appear in less than half an hour!"

"What's more important is that this time and space machine has communication connections, which allows us to understand the situation of the world you are traveling through in this world. Even if you need support, you can give us orders!

"It's just that there will be a big delay in communication between us."

"The delay depends on the distance between your world and our own."

Tony introduced this time and space machine to Li Yun.

Li Yun looked at the silver-white space-time machine in front of him, nodded and said: "Yes, now that the sixth space-time machine has been built, then you arrange the construction team to seize the time to improve the first five space-time machines, and strive to make the other five worlds The expeditionary forces received help from our world."

"Already making preparations!"

Tony closed the document and said calmly: "How long will it take for you to set off? Which world will you go to?"

After hearing Tony's inquiry, Li Yun pondered and said: "Since it is a new machine, I will test the limit values ​​of the new space-time machine and provide you with data so that you can continue to improve the space-time machine."

"Do you mean to directly search the world farthest from the time and space machine?"

"Do you really want to take such a risk? According to the laws of space and time, our space and time were originally in a medium-to-upper dimensional space. Worlds that are farther than us are very powerful. But now, looking at it, the strength of our world should be able to Be among the best in the world. But even so, is it really okay for you to go to a world that is almost as powerful as ours?"

"Are you looking down on me too much? You can't fathom the power of a multi-dimensional emperor. Just do it!" Li Yun smiled at Tony and then disappeared.

The time and space machine needs the supply of energy equipment to start, which will take a long time, so he doesn't have to wait here!

the next day.

Under the high-efficiency operation of the earth, the sixth brand-new space-time machine is ready!

Tony and Banner watched Li Yun's body appear in front of the time and space machine, and then nodded to Li Yun with a slightly solemn expression before starting the new time and space machine.

"Set a goal, five hundred dimension years away from this universe!"

"Retrieving range targets!"

"Didi didi! The suitable world has been retrieved. Do you want to travel through time and space?"

Listening to the cold sound of the machine, Tony nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Accept the order, please prepare the time traveler, time and space travel will begin immediately!"

"Countdown, three, two, one!"    buzz buzz~

As the new space-time machine continued to vibrate, the increasingly solid space-time film of this space-time was torn apart, turning into a space-time tunnel and appearing in front of Li Yun.

Li Yun casually glanced at the space-time watch on his wrist, then stepped into the space-time tunnel and disappeared into a quantum state.

"I hope everything goes well for you!"

Tony looked at the disappearing time and space tunnel and thought deeply.

New world!

On the top floor of a high-rise building, a space-time vortex quietly appeared, and Li Yun's figure quickly solidified.

After he completely appeared in this world, the time and space tunnel disappeared silently.

This is an improvement of the new generation of space-time machines. It is not like the previous space-time machines that absorbed the material of the new world into the space-time tunnel.

here it is?

Li Yun glanced around with his eyes, feeling a little confused.

He is the farthest world he has searched for. Why is everything on this world not so advanced?

While Li Yun was thinking, a news screen appeared on the large display screen on a tall building in the distance.

On the TV, a white female in gorgeous clothes was leading a black man in a strange uniform. The man in black uniform spoke to the camera and said: "Here, I would like to express my most sincere apology and best wishes to Iris' family. My deepest condolences, we all don’t want to encounter this kind of thing, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean it.”

"At that time, I was chasing an escaped bank robber, and she was running in the middle of the road. At that moment, she happened to stop in the middle of the road, so I couldn't avoid it at all..."

Looking at the words spoken on the big screen and the images captured by the surveillance camera, a bolt of lightning roared across Li Yun's heart.

"This is... the world of black-robed pickets?"

"Super world?"

Li Yun couldn't believe it. In his heart, he believed from the bottom of his heart that this world had not reached the same level of strength as their world!


Since such a world has appeared, it must mean that his appearance in this world must be justified.

The people of the motherland have the abilities of a weaker superman, but they do not have the weaknesses of superman.

A locomotive with super speed...

A transparent person with the ability to become invisible...

These mass-produced superpowers, as well as the Vought company that manufactures them...

Li Yun recalled some of the things he knew, and suddenly felt that there were unknown things buried deep in this world.

Can that unknown compound No. 5 be produced by one company?

"There is definitely a secret in this!"

After Li Yun knew that this was the world of black-robed pickets, he immediately wanted to go to Walter Company to find out.

Relying on his strong strength, Li Yun did whatever he thought of!

He directly cast the rabbit charm and turned it into a flash of light. After finding the map of the city, he went straight to the outside of the Walter Company building.

Li Yun looked coldly at the tightly protected Watt Company and did not take immediate action. Instead, he flew directly into the air and made his way to the top floor of Watt Company invisibly.

When Li Yun landed lightly, the ears of the Chinese who were resting in the company suddenly moved. He looked at the vice president Madeline who was breastfeeding, with a flash of envy in his eyes and asked: "I remember that the top floor of the company was blocked. It’s over, right?”

"Yes what's the matter?"

When Madeleine saw the delicate expression of her motherland, she immediately put down the child in her hands and got dressed.

"It's okay. There seems to be a little bug in our company. I'll go and be back."

The motherland man got up, went directly to the glass door of the window that could be opened, and flew out.


Just as Li Yun was about to enter the building, he heard the sound of breaking through the air behind him, and immediately dodged to avoid the sudden attack of fists.


The motherland man took out his arm that was deep into the wall, looked at the empty place in front of him, and said with an ugly expression: "Transparent man, why are you here on the top floor if you don't go to deal with the tasks assigned by the company?"

Li Yun stared at the burly man from the motherland in front of him, with a flash of surprise in his heart.

He didn't expect that this native of the motherland was so powerful that he would arrive as soon as he set foot in this building.

"Perhaps this is the power of this world?!"

This thought suddenly flashed through Li Yun's mind.

We must know that Walter Company can produce people with abilities like the people of the motherland at any time.

"Show me your true identity, you transparent man!" The motherland man looked at the empty space without movement, frowned and said angrily.

He hates people on the super-powered team disobeying his orders.

"If you don't listen, don't blame me for being ruthless." The motherland man's eyes turned red and he warned again.

Seeing that the people of his motherland had already done this, Li Yun chuckled, maintained the ability of the snake charm, and said calmly: "So what if you don't show mercy?"

Hearing this voice that was different from that of a transparent person, the faces of the people of the motherland changed, and they immediately took action!

This is not a transparent person at all!

The people of the motherland knew very well that since they were not transparent people, then this suddenly appeared transparent superpower must be the enemy, so he released his laser without hesitation!


As the people of the motherland took action, Li Yun immediately escaped to another dimension.

But he was surprised to find that the laser of the motherland could actually affect another dimension.

Li Yun clearly felt that the dimension in which he was hiding began to heat up, although this temperature had no effect on him.

But it is enough to show how powerful the people of this motherland are!


When the people of the motherland saw a big hole in the top floor melted by their own lasers, their expressions changed again and again.

Who is this guy? Can you dodge my laser? !

The motherland did not continue to use the laser, but looked around from left to right.

As Li Yun entered other dimensions, the motherland lost Li Yun's position. He thought Li Yun had left, so he snorted and flew down.

"Are you from the motherland!"

Li Yun looked at the hole that was still braving the high temperature, reappeared in the earth dimension, and then flew into the sky, temporarily leaving the Watt Company.

Now that the motherland is in Watt Company, his idea of ​​quietly entering Watt Company to check the situation will be postponed.

After a brief confrontation with the people of his motherland, he became more and more curious about these artificial superpowers.

Since you can't enter Walter Company yet, let's go find other superpowers to research first!

With this idea in mind, Li Yun flew towards the edge of the city.

After Li Yun left, the motherland man returned to the top floor again. Looking at the still empty top floor, he snorted and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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