Meizong: Start by getting the twelve talismans

Chapter 26 Awakening Horse Talisman!

Chapter 26 Awakening Horse Talisman! (Please collect and read the new book!)
Columbia University.

Banner Labs.

After waking up and having a full meal, Li Yun and the others returned to the laboratory. All the results of yesterday's examination were saved on the computer.

After comparing all the results, Connors and Banner smiled happily.

Banner looked at Connors' right hand that had grown into a palm, smiled and congratulated: "Connors, congratulations, your regeneration experiment is finally successful! The next Nobel Prize in Biology must be yours!" "

Connors couldn't stop smiling, "I don't want to win any prizes. As long as my right hand can grow back, I'll be satisfied!"

Looking at his right hand that was about to be fully grown, Connors had mixed feelings in his heart.

For this right hand, he refused to fall in love or get married. He was buried in the laboratory for more than ten years and even indirectly killed Peter and his wife.

Li Yun also smiled happily after learning that the regeneration potion was successful.

The awakening of my horse charm is just around the corner!

Connors did not remain intoxicated for long. Soon, he looked up at Li Yun and said, "Li, I'm really grateful to you. If it weren't for you, I might never be able to find my right hand again in this life."

"Don't worry, I will keep my promise to you. Banner has complete experimental equipment here. As long as I get the lizards and related medicines, I can make regeneration potions immediately."

Upon hearing this, Banner immediately asked: "If you need anything, I can do it directly if I have it here."

"By the way, Connors, I have helped you so much, should you also send me some regeneration potions?"

Banner laughed. He knew very well that this kind of regeneration potion would definitely not appear on the market on a large scale, and it might even become a secret.

Now you have the opportunity to get the regeneration potion, so don't miss it.

It is inevitable that you and your family will encounter some harm. With the regeneration potion, you can protect yourself and your family as much as possible.

"No problem." Connors also knew very well that the regeneration potion would never be left in his hands, so he would certainly not be polite if he could benefit his friends.

Soon, Connors wrote down everything he needed for the regeneration potion on paper.

Banner took a look and nodded: "I have backups of most of these things here."

"If I don't have it, I can buy it immediately through the laboratory fund, and it will be delivered tomorrow."

"With only this green lizard gene, I can't do anything about it."

After Banner finished speaking, Connors frowned and added: "I still have lizard genes in my laboratory, but I can't go back now. It seems that I have to ask my friends to send a few more back. That's it, It will take until the day after tomorrow to make the regeneration potion."

Li Yun heard this and smiled: "Connors, have you forgotten me?"


Connors' eyes lit up.

"Li, the lizard genes are up to you!"

Connors understood Li Yun's ability very well. He could even get the decay formula that had not been heard for more than ten years. How could a mere lizard gene stump him?

Li Yun nodded and said: "Well, let's start production tomorrow. I can't wait!"

"Okay, just tomorrow!" Banner was also a little anxious. Such a magical potion must be obtained as soon as possible to feel at ease.

"Then I'll leave first. I'll come with the lizard gene tomorrow!" After Li Yun said that, he said goodbye and left.

Connors and Banner were left excitedly discussing academic research in the laboratory.

After leaving Columbia University, Li Yun came to an uninhabited corner, immediately opened the small bag he carried with him, changed his clothes in an instant, and then headed towards the Moore Manor in the wilderness.

Regarding the lizard gene, it's not too late at night. Now he should complete the daily recharging.Although the regeneration potion is about to be obtained, who can be sure that the regeneration potion will work.

Therefore, the charging habits accumulated over time must be maintained!
On the other side, Peter accompanied Harry to the Osborne Building again.

Last night, they searched the entire building but could not find any trace of Norman.

Harry didn't believe in evil and took Peter to the dilapidated building again in the morning.

Harry had a hunch that his father was definitely still somewhere here, waiting for him!
When they entered the building, in the hidden laboratory on the top floor, the Green Goblin took off the Green Goblin suit with the help of a robotic arm, added a glass of wine with ice, turned on the TV, and watched the burning military base and news host on the TV. After the handover, I enjoyed it intoxicatedly.

Just last night, he went directly to the military base where the lieutenant general was located, and brutally killed the colonel and lieutenant general who looked down on him.

Not only that, he also wreaked havoc in the base, which greatly satisfied his desire for destruction.

"It's delicious!"

The Green Goblin took a sip of ice-cold wine and sat comfortably on the sofa in the laboratory.

"Drip drop~"

At this moment, the monitor in the laboratory suddenly sounded. The Green Goblin glanced and saw Harry and Peter who were going up to the top floor.

"Isn't this my poor son?" The Green Goblin showed an evil smile and thought of a good idea.

"Cowardly Norman, tell me, wouldn't it be great if I asked Harry to join me?"

As the Green Goblin muttered to himself, a sudden dizziness came over his mind.

The Green Goblin suddenly slapped his head and growled: "Don't even think about it, this is my world!"

It took him a while to suppress the dizziness in his mind.

By this time, Harry had already left the building disappointed.

"Damn Norman!" the Green Goblin cursed secretly, giving up the idea of ​​hurting Harry.

After all, he didn't want to irritate Norman and make him fall into that lonely dark room again.

"Next, what should I do?"

The Green Goblin watched the TV and thought silently.

Although Norman was injected with the regeneration potion, due to the existence of his dark personality, he was not changed by the regeneration potion, but became a perfect adaptable body like Peter.

That is to say, it has the characteristics of a lizard but does not have the disadvantages of a lizard.

The desire to expand the number of races is not reflected in him!
Just then, a picture of Spider-Man appeared on the TV.

As the host narrated, the Green Goblin's eyes became brighter and brighter.

If Spider-Man is killed, will the entire Queens community know about him?
People are coming and going on the streets of New York, and the city lights are turning on silently and unconsciously.

Li Yun arrived outside the Osborne Building and without hesitation, immediately activated the power of the Rabbit Charm and the Snake Charm.

An invisible light quickly went up the wall of the building, passed through the gap outside the window of Connors' laboratory, and came inside.

"found it!"

Soon, Li Yun found the lizard gene placed in the refrigerator room and put it safely into the small ice box he carried with him.

Just when Li Yun was about to leave, a sudden sound from the top of the Osborne Building attracted Li Yun's attention.
(End of this chapter)

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