Meizong: Start by getting the twelve talismans

Chapter 71 The Fantastic Four appear for the first time!

Chapter 71 The Fantastic Four appear! (Please subscribe!)

A week passed quickly.

The crisis in Raccoon City suddenly disappeared, catching everyone off guard.

Umbrella companies also lost numerous foreign bases under Beautiful Country supervision.

Only five underground bases in Meili China and four overseas underground bases in Footpot Chicken, Great Korea, Australia and South America are left.

At the same time, due to pressure from all parties, Umbrella Company announced the antidote to the T-virus to reassure all parties.

Of course, these are all done under Yaya's control.

After all, a large and bloated umbrella company is not a good company for them.

The sophisticated and small model is suitable for them.

As the umbrella company cut itself off, its stock price plummeted.

Yaya accepted Li Yun's instructions, took the opportunity to acquire all the shares of the umbrella company, completed the delisting process, and became an independent company.

This time only took a week!
The time that originally took several months or even a year to complete these goals was shortened to a week under the control of Yaya, a digital life.

Its work efficiency is astonishingly high.

"Boss, the company has been reorganized, what do you need me to do next?"

In X Academy, Li Yun lowered his head and pondered when he heard Yaya's voice in his headphones.

After a moment, he said softly: "Send me a copy of the T-Virus, and then you continue to develop the intelligence department and collect information. I will try to find where the people on the list you can find are."

“Then fund them accordingly!”

Li Yun knew very well that he must awaken most of the twelve talismans before Loki led the Chitauri to invade the earth, so that he could turn the tide and seize the Mind Stone and Space Stone that appeared in New York.

Not only that, he guessed that if he wanted to awaken the Tiger Talisman, he might need the help of the Etheric Reality Stone.

Because the Tiger Talisman represents the power of balance, it is the most important thing that allows him to balance the power of the twelve talismans in his body without conflict.

If the tiger talisman is not awakened, other talisman powers cannot be fully utilized.

As for the Tiger Talisman's ability to absorb awakening energy factors, he thought about it for a long time, but he never thought that there would be a suitable candidate with such a characteristic.

Only reality gems!

The real world carries many forces that keep everything running in balance.

The reality gem is the embodiment of the law of reality!
It can modify reality, it can also repair reality, it can balance and carry other forces.

Such power may be just what the Tiger Talisman requires.

Therefore, he must get the Ether Reality Stone, but the Reality Stone first appeared in the hands of the dark elf Malekith, in the form of ether particles.

If he wants to obtain the Reality Stone, he must master the Space Stone and use the power of the Space Stone to teleport to the world where the Dark Elves live to seize it!
Therefore, he must speed up and awaken the power of other spells before the Qirael people arrive.

Li Yun lowered his head and looked at the locations of the scientists and Mystique that Yaya had found for him.

"Yaya, contact Dr. Richard and tell him we want to fund his project!"

"Understood, I've sent an email to Dr. Richard!"

"Okay, you have been running the umbrella company well recently. If you need any help, just tell me. The energy of the rat charm is stored every day and can be used!"

"Okay, boss, Yaya got it." Yaya smiled sweetly and then disconnected the call from Li Yun.

"Fantastic Four, I hope you won't disappoint me!"

Li Yun murmured in his heart, then stood up and left the room.It's the day of X-Men training again, and he's going to use energy!
[Dragon Talisman Awakening Progress: 30.00%]

[Pig Talisman Awakening Progress: 20.00% Three]

For some reason, after returning from Raccoon City, Cyclops and Qin changed their usual lazy temperament and started training hard.

Even the number of their favorite dates has been reduced a lot.

Although he didn't know what happened in Raccoon City, Li Yun was happy to see this happen.

After all, the harder they train, the more energy factors they absorb, and the faster their awakening progress can be filled up.

According to the current progress, he can increase his progress by eight to ten percent a week, and he will be able to awaken the Dragon Talisman and Pig Talisman in eight weeks.

As for why the progress was completely different from when the Rabbit Charm awakened, it was because Cyclops Scott and Jean were training every day, while Pietro only trained twice a week at that time. The training frequency and intensity were different, and their absorption The progress is of course different.

Stark Tower!
Stark, who had just finished his retreat, was eating a burger and looking at the news about Raccoon City on the projection, he couldn't help but shake his head.

What is there to study about biological viruses? After all, this world is still dominated by energy.

Tony looked at the finalized Mark II in the laboratory and felt very satisfied.

From now on, he can finally not be afraid of others attacking him.

Tony finished the last bite of his burger and began to think about the next step in the company's transformation.

He has already built the Ark nuclear reactor. With such a reduced nuclear reactor, Stark Industries will no longer have energy shortages and can even start an energy business.

“It’s time to eliminate corporate weapons divisions.”

He had this idea as early as in the Middle East when he saw weapons manufactured by his company appearing in the hands of terrorists!

Now that our own safety is guaranteed, we can close the weapons department and carry out the strategic transformation of becoming an energy supply company.

He will definitely make this transformation, and he will continue even if it offends people in the domestic military.

Moreover, he also wanted to take advantage of this transformation to bring out all the snakes, ghosts and gods hidden in the company.

The last attack on him must have been leaked by an insider, and he had been hiding this fact for fear of alerting the enemy.

And now!
Tony snorted coldly, looked at Mark II and said calmly: "Jarvis, inform the outside world that tomorrow morning, I will hold a press conference in the lobby of Stark Tower. There will be major news released at this press conference."

"Okay, sir!"

As Jarvis broke the news, the entire New York journalism industry began to stir.

This is a message sent by Tony Stark himself!
Something big is sure to happen!

This thought is on the minds of everyone in the news media.

In the New York S.H.I.E.L.D. branch, Director Black Braised Egg also received intelligence from his agents while inspecting the branch's work.

"This Tony, what is going to happen again!"

It was the first time that Black Braised Egg was irritated by someone who could toss things like this.

Tony's behavior repeatedly interrupted his arrangements for Tony.

People in the military also received the news immediately. After all, Stark Industries is the largest supplier of weapons and equipment to the military. If they have any news, they must be informed.

But this time, Tony actually announced major news behind their backs, which made the military leaders a little angry.

"I want to see what Tony Stark wants to do!"

The military boss put down the information and snorted coldly.
(End of this chapter)

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