Meizong: Start by getting the twelve talismans

Chapter 78 Injection of T virus!

Chapter 78 Injection of T virus! (Please subscribe!)


The heavy rain is coming, and the sound of thunder is heard constantly in the sky.

In three days, Li Yun once again increased the awakening progress bar of the Dragon Talisman and the Pig Talisman. Now, he is only a few percentage points away from awakening the two talismans.

He glanced at the sky and said to Yaya in the headset: "Are you sure?"

"Confirm, boss. Through the Umbrella Company's satellite, I have accurately calculated the time when the next cosmic storm will erupt. It will be Friday next week."

"Have Reed Richards and the others determined the time to go to space?"

"It's confirmed that next Monday, they will carry the NASA space shuttle to the space station for a week of scientific experiments."

"I understand." Li Yun nodded and continued to give instructions: "Continue to pay attention to their movements. If anything happens, contact me immediately!"

Although Yaya doesn't know why her boss pays so much attention to a scientist, as a digital life, the meaning of her birth is to help Li Yun.

"Yaya understands!"

"By the way, boss, the improvement of the T-virus has been completed. How often do you have time to visit the Raccoon City base?"

"Has it been completed?" Li Yun's eyes showed a hint of joy.

Since the end of the Resident Evil Crisis, he has been asking Yaya to improve the T-virus, with the purpose of increasing the probability of gaining telekinesis after being injected with the T-virus.

"Yes, after human experiments, people injected with the modified T virus have an 80.00% chance of becoming a super soldier after being neutralized by the antidote, and a 50.00% chance of awakening telekinesis on the basis of a super soldier."

"Can't it be higher?" Li Yun frowned slightly after hearing Yaya's report.

Yaya changed her voice and said regretfully: "Boss, it's no longer possible. After many human experiments, the T-virus can only be improved to this extent. If it is improved again, it will cause indelible damage to the human body, that is, it will become a zombie." !”

For the Umbrella Company, there is no shortage of experimental subjects. After all, they have the best cloning technology and can produce an endless supply of clones.

The clone used for human experiments on the improved T virus was Li Yun's clone.

Although the clone does not have the twelve talismans with him, other genetic information is exactly the same as him.

Therefore, the success rate of the clone is the success rate of the T virus injected into it.

"Okay." Li Yun sighed. It seems that no medicine can be perfect. This is true for regeneration medicine, and the same is true for T-virus medicine.

"Then make arrangements and I'll come over tonight."

Now that the improvement of the T virus has reached its limit, there is no reason for him to wait any longer. The current situation is a bit unstable. He needs to awaken the power of the Chicken Spell to gain telekinesis and the ability to fly.

"No problem, boss, we're looking forward to your big show tonight!" Yaya's sweet voice sounded in the headset.

Soon, Li Yun greeted everyone in X College and then left X College.

When he left, he felt an inexplicable flutter in his heart. He looked back at X Academy in the darkness, thoughtfully.

No way?
No way?
After just leaving for a day or two, X Academy wouldn't be invaded by such a coincidence, right?

Li Yun shook his head to expel the random thoughts from his mind.

I really think too much. With Wanda and Pietro in the academy, X Academy is stronger than ever. How could it be possible that they could all be wiped out in one fell swoop?

An hour later, Li Yun's figure emerged, and Raccoon City, which had been destroyed by the biohazard, appeared in front of him again.

After the attack of the biochemical crisis, Raccoon City was abandoned. Most of the survivors were heartbroken about this place and left it directly.Only a small number of people who were reluctant to leave their homeland and had no way to leave chose to stay in Raccoon City.

The Beautiful Country government has also adopted a laissez-faire policy towards Raccoon City. After all, it is just a small city on the western border and does not have much value for the Beautiful Country government to renovate.

Just like that, Raccoon City was abandoned by everyone.

Here, what Li Yun saw was still the same as when he left, with traces of gunfire and smoke etched everywhere in the city.

Li Yun shook his head, and in a flash he came directly to the abandoned villa area and entered directly under the hive.

"Boss, you are finally here!"

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Yaya's holographic projection appeared next to Li Yun.

She looked up at Li Yun, her eyes full of admiration and said: "The improved T-virus is ready and waiting for your orders at any time."

"Lead the way!" Li Yun smiled at Yaya and said, "What happened to my clones in the end?"

Although Li Yun does not rule out using clones for human experiments, he still has deep concerns about clones.

Although those clones will be injected with the T virus before they have their own consciousness.

But he still has some worries, after all, there are many crises caused by clones.

He didn't want to become a part of the clone crisis.

Although these clones cannot become the real him even if they escape his control, it is always unpleasant when it happens.

Yaya also understood Li Yun's worries, she smiled cutely and said: "Don't worry, after completing the T virus experiment, all the cloned experimental subjects were destroyed, and no one was left."

"The creation and destruction of your clone are all under my sole control and are not handled by any outsiders."

"That's good!" Li Yun nodded with satisfaction.

He has no doubt about Yaya. The lives inspired by the rat charm are 100% loyal to him. This loyalty is eternal and they will be loyal as long as their lives still exist!
Soon, Li Yun was led by Yaya to a closed laboratory.

There are three red, three blue and six tubes of medicine in the laboratory as well as several boxes of sticks that are as white as jade and [-] centimeters high.

This is the improved T-virus, antidote and energy bar.

"Sir, the high-energy food bars and potions are ready, you can give the injection!"

Yaya greeted Li Yun slightly and signaled him to enter the laboratory.

After Li Yun took a deep breath, he walked into the laboratory calmly.

Then the laboratory was completely closed, waiting for Li Yun's action.

"I'm starting!"

Li Yun didn't hesitate too much, and immediately picked up a pair of T-virus and antidote, and injected both into his body.


The virus began to take effect as soon as it entered the body. Li Yun made a dull sound, resisting the urge to use the power of the horse charm to expel the T-virus, and his mind sank into his body to feel the changes.

The T virus and its antidote were neutralized in the body, emitting inexplicable energy fluctuations. Just when this energy fluctuation was about to transform Li Yun's body, a suction force suddenly appeared!

Li Yun thought to himself and immediately opened the spell panel.
(End of this chapter)

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