Meizong: Start by getting the twelve talismans

Chapter 81 Return, Magneto’s decision!

Chapter 81 Return, Magneto’s decision! (Please subscribe!)
X Academy.

Stryker looked at Blue Devil with cold eyes and sneered again and again.

Since he dared to come to X Academy for trouble, he must have made sufficient preparations. This power grid is not ordinary. It is made of Adamantium alloy wire drawing and can withstand the high-temperature laser of Cyclops.

The appearance of his son, the Master of Illusion, can also interfere with their vision, making it impossible for them to organize an effective attack.

Stryker looked at Wanda, who had red chaos magic emerging from her hands. Everything about his plan was fine, except for this accident.

Since Wanda entered the academy, she has been living in seclusion, immersed in studying and doing experiments, and Stryker's intelligence has not discovered Wanda.

"This man can't be kept!" Thinking that Wanda almost killed his son just now, the murderous intention appeared in Stryker's eyes.

This mutant who can restrain the Master of Illusions must die!

On the opposite side, Wanda didn't know what Stryker was thinking. She glanced at the student dormitory.

The existence of the illusion just now made her very worried about Pietro. He only had super speed, so he would definitely fall victim to such a mental blockage.

You must leave the academy first!

Wanda made a decision in her heart.

In this situation, she had no time to rescue her brother. The only way to escape from the overwhelming power grid was first.

With a thought in her mind, Wanda flicked her hands, and the majestic chaotic magic energy was thrown out by her.

She skillfully pushed aside a piece of paper grid, revealing a passage for everyone to leave.

"Come on!"

With Wanda's shout, everyone realized that the enemy was well prepared. This special grid material was very special. Any of their attacks could not damage the net at all, so they were very restrained.

Everyone understood that if they didn't leave now, they would be caught in one fell swoop, so they followed Wanda and started to move.

A mutant with the ability to create fog also took the opportunity to spread the fog, covering everyone's retreat.

After the fog dissipated, Stryker looked at the many power grids that had fallen on the ground, his expression a little gloomy.

In his imagination, this operation could catch everyone in one go.

As a result, now, only all the X Academy students and a teacher with super speed are left, as well as Storm Girl and Blue Devil who are trapped in the power grid.

Although the main purpose of this mission was to obtain Professor X's mind enhancer, the escaped X-Men still made Stryker a little unhappy.

"Take everyone, let's go back to base!"

Stryker suppressed his displeasure and walked directly onto the helicopter that appeared behind him.

On the other side, the X-Men, led by Wanda, escaped from the X Academy and came to an uninhabited unfinished construction site.

The devastated people were silent, not knowing what to say.

As the X-Men, they have never experienced such a huge setback.

In the past, they had always taken the initiative, but today, their home was stolen by others and they were reduced to bereft dogs.

"What should I do next?"

Scott looked at the few people left and asked in confusion.

Without the guidance of the beast and the teachings of Professor X, he suddenly didn't know how to save everything.

Qin's mouth was filled with bitterness, and she didn't know what to do. If it was the professor, he would definitely lead them to victory.

"Let's go find the professor first!"

A college teacher suggested in a low voice.When Scott heard this, he smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I have been contacting the professor and the beast on the way back, but I have not been able to contact them. I am afraid it is not in danger."

"Then what should we do?"

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Wanda did not participate in their deliberations, but walked aside and called Li Yun who was far away under the hive.

"Boss, something happened in the academy!"

Under the hive, after hearing Wanda's words, Li Yun was stunned for a moment.

Isn't it?I've only been out for a while and the academy has been stolen?

"Just stay where you are and don't move. I'll be here right away!"

After Li Yun finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone, then looked at Yaya and said, "Yaya, you immediately use all your resources to find out the identities of the people who attacked the academy, and then try your best to find the place where they last appeared."

Although Li Yun knew that this was Stryker's fault, without Yaya's help, it would be very difficult for him to find Stryker.

"Okay, boss, I'll do it right away!" Yaya understood the seriousness of the matter, and the holographic projection disappeared immediately, and she began to collect intelligence on the Internet.

Then Li Yun quickly left the hive and galloped through the air in the direction of Wanda and others.

After possessing the Chicken Talisman, he finally no longer had to run on the ground and could move directly in the air, and the time and distance required were greatly reduced.

On the other side, after Wanda hung up the phone, she interrupted everyone who was still discussing: "Everyone, be quiet. I have notified my boss Li, and he will rush over immediately. He said he has a solution!"

Hearing this, Scott and Qin looked at each other and felt a little more relaxed.

Li Yun has been acting as a therapist since he was in the academy, but Scott and Qin know very well that Li Yun's energy is more than this.

During this period, Professor

They were so panicked just now that they didn't think of Li Yun's presence.

"Okay, Wanda, let's wait for Li here." Scott nodded, then looked at everyone and said softly: "Everyone, let's rest here for a while."

In the underground plastic prison, Magneto looked at the guard who came to deliver food and showed a smile.

It's time for him to be released from prison!

A moment later, after Magneto put on his costume, he looked at Mystique Raven beside him, opening her hands.

"Long time no see, Ruiwen."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Eric." Mystique Raven stepped forward and hugged Magneto, feeling very relaxed.

During the days when Magneto was absent, her mind was very tight, not only to maintain Magneto's subordinates, but also to rescue the trapped X mutants everywhere.

Now that Magneto is back, she can finally let go.

"How's the situation?"

Magneto felt the colorful world outside, closing his eyes and breathing the air.

"The situation is not good. I just received news that Professor X and College X have been controlled by Stryker."

"In other words, he has already obtained the mind amplifier?" Magneto's face changed slightly, he opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at Raven with sharp eyes.

"That's right." Ruiwen nodded in silence for a moment.

"It seems that time is very tight!" Magneto pondered slightly, and then said: "Immediately find and contact the escaped X-Men. We must cooperate!"

Magneto is still worried about the survival of his old friend Professor X and the X mutants, so he decides to put aside his prejudices and fight against the enemy together.
(End of this chapter)

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