Chapter 84 Rescue Professor X! (Please subscribe!)



still none!

Li Yun used his super speed to shuttle from room to room, but still found nothing.

And on the other side, on the negative fifth floor.

Stryker looked at the unconscious Professor X in front of him and put on the mind enhancer without any expression.

He didn't care whether the upper floors of the base had fallen, as long as he didn't break through to the fifth floor before he completed his plan.

Moreover, between the fifth and fourth floors, there is a female guardian of death, so the X-Men cannot break in so easily.

Looking at Professor X, Stryker nodded with satisfaction, then walked aside and pushed the Master of Illusion in front of Professor X.

"let's start!"

The Master of Illusion looked dazed, and then the psychic power in his mind began to flow towards Professor X.

The stimulated Professor

"I knew it, Stryker, you were the one responsible for Jason's disappearance."

Facing Professor

"He took the initiative to seek refuge with me!"


"How could Jason join you, a person who hates mutants?" Professor X didn't believe what Stryker said at all. In his heart, Jason was a very outstanding mutant.

Originally, he was preparing to train Jason as his successor, but what he didn't expect was that after Jason went out one night, he never came back.

Professor X also searched for Jason, but found nothing, and over time gave up searching for Jason.

Stryker suddenly laughed loudly, looked at Jason with a ferocious face and said, "How is it impossible? He is my dear son!"

"Because of him, my wife died tragically. If possible, I would rather not have his son!"

When Stryker said that, he kicked Jason bitterly.

A tear slipped quietly from the corner of Jason's eyes.

Although he became very sluggish due to excessive use of his superpowers, he instinctively felt sad when faced with his father's words.

Professor X was speechless for a long time, and all his words finally turned into a sigh.

"Hmph, it's useless to say more. Today, I will put an end to all evil mutants."

"The world does not need mutants!"

"What do you want to do?" Professor X suddenly felt something bad in his heart.

Stryker didn't pay attention to Professor

The Master of Illusion was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly, and the majestic spiritual power poured out towards Professor X.

Although the overuse of his superpowers caused him to become extremely sluggish, the constant use of his superpowers also made his mental energy and proficiency in using abilities terrifying.

Even Professor

While resisting with difficulty, Professor X immediately understood after coming into contact with Jason's spiritual power.

He looked at Jason and Stryker in horror, actually wanting to rely on him to destroy all mutants.

Professor X, who knew his abilities well, gritted his teeth and refused to let his mind fall.

But the weak professor couldn't withstand Jason's offensive at all, and gradually, his eyes began to lose focus.

A moment later, just when Jason was about to successfully control Professor

"Huh?" Stryker's face changed slightly, why did someone come over so quickly.

Didn't Death Girl stop him?

He huddled behind Professor X with a sullen face, took out his pistol, and put it against Professor

At this time, Professor X and Jason were in a state of mental conflict and had no idea what was going on outside.

As Li Yun briefly cast the Ox Talisman, infinite power emerged and kicked the heavy iron door open.

This door is opened with physical assistance. Without the assistance of people on the fifth floor, it would be impossible to open it from the outside.

But now, the door was kicked in and hung to the side.

Li Yun squinted slightly and quickly adapted to the dim light on the fifth floor.

When he saw Stryker hiding behind Professor X, he couldn't help but chuckle.

Do you think you can escape this way?

Li Yun flashed, and the pistol held against Professor X's back was instantly dismantled into parts.

Stryker's pupils dilated and when he reached out to take out another thing from his body, Li Yun gave him no chance.

Li Yun grabbed Stryker and threw him towards Jason.

Jason, who was in the middle of a confrontation, was hit by Stryker and was disturbed. He failed to construct the illusion and suffered mental backlash. With a whoosh, he spat out a pool of red and black blood.

Professor X also made a dull sound, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Although he won the confrontation, the confrontation was still conducted in his own consciousness, which still caused some harm to himself.

Seeing Li Yun next to him, Professor X showed a relieved smile and said weakly: "Fortunately, you came in time."

"Otherwise it will be miserable."

Thinking of the confrontation in the spiritual world, Professor X was also frightened.

"Even without me, you can still save the day." Li Yun said with a smile.

Because before he came down, Magneto and the others had already arrived at the door of the fourth floor.

After Death Girl heard the noise, she went directly to the lobby on the fourth floor, which gave Li Yun, who was still sweeping, a chance.

He turned invisible and sprinted, arriving here without any obstacles.

Thinking about it, Magneto and the others should also have dealt with Death Girl by now.


After Li Yun saw that Professor X was okay, he went directly to Stryker, who was struggling to get up, and lifted him up.

Then he glanced at the Master of Illusion who was completely demented after suffering the backlash, then turned to Professor

"no problem!"

The professor nodded and said with difficulty.

As Li Yun disappeared, his last words came out, "By the way, professor, remember to keep it a secret. I don't want everyone to know."

Professor X sighed inwardly, stopped talking, and nodded in agreement.

The professor understood that Li Yun was reminding himself that he did not want to be bound to X College.

"It's really a pity."

The professor felt a little helpless. He had a hunch that Li Yun was the best person to help Qin, so he was so tolerant to Li Yun because he wanted Li Yun to stay in X College.

But judging from today's situation, Li Yun won't be able to stay in X College for long.

After all, Li Yun has already demonstrated several superpowers in front of him!
This is a silent advice to him! ——
(End of this chapter)

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