Chapter 101 Boyfriend

"Request a draft?" Fu Jinye raised his eyebrows, "Forget it, I can't draw what you want."

Ye Qi coughed twice, "Ahem, what are you talking about?"

Not right.

There was something very wrong between the two of them.

Xia Zhi was a little curious, what did Ye Qi want?
What manuscript are you planning to write?

Xia Zhi was not the only one who was curious.

There are also a lot of netizens.

【Um?What kind of riddle are these two people doing here?]

[I always feel that Qiqizi’s date is not a good one, I’m so excited, hahahaha]

[So you are such a Qiqizi, I love you even more! 】

[Fu Konno’s paintings are beautiful, and the starry sky in the background is also beautiful. The lines of Ultraman and butterfly on it are soft and don’t feel abrupt at all]

【What a nice view!Can it be collected?want to! ! ! 】

【I want too! ! ! 】

[Director Fan, if you really can’t do it, hold an auction. I’m willing to spend money to buy it.]

"It's so beautiful." Zhou Yiran couldn't help but sigh, "actor Fu turns out to be such a good painter."

She took out her mobile phone and took a photo of her Q-version character, "I decided to use this photo as my avatar. Will Actor Fu mind?"

"Yes." Fu Jinye responded lightly.

Doesn't seem to care.

Zhou Yiran immediately changed her avatar to VX.

It is the Q version of the portrait painted by Fu Jinye.

Shen Jiangqi suggested, "How about we each sign our names, which means we indirectly participated in the production."


"no problem!"

"it is good."


Everyone agreed with Shen Jiangqi's proposal.

The ingredients are prepared and the background board is painted.

The director team on the beach has already made arrangements.

Several people each took their children and walked towards the seaside.

In the evening, the beach, the sea breeze, and the waves one after another.

Everything is romantic and beautiful.

"Time flies so fast." Ye Qi sighed with emotion, "Xia Xia, what are you going to do during this time before the next recording starts?"

Xia Zhi shook her head, "I haven't thought about it yet."

To be honest, I originally joined this show to make money.

After what happened in the hospital, she was a little scared.

What should I do if I get targeted by bad guys when I get home?
But it’s not realistic to change houses.

"Are you interested in developing in the industry?" Ye Qi asked proactively.

Judging from her posture, it felt like Xia Zhi was nodding and she was introducing resources to Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi shook her head, "I'll forget it.

After all, he is not from a major and has no acting skills.

After the show is over, I will find a leisurely job. "

Xia Zhi paused and said, "If it doesn't work out, I'll learn how to write scripts. Maybe the scenes you film will be written by me."

The latter sentence is quite joking.

Seeing that Xia Zhi insisted on this, Ye Qi no longer wanted to stay, "Okay, then I'll wait. If you really write a good script, I will be the first to support you!"


Xia Zhi didn't take this matter to heart.

write script?
She felt that she didn't have that ability yet.

It’s just that it’s hard to refuse Sister Qi’s invitation, so I came up with this reason.

When the recording of the show is over, she will have some money on hand, so she should have no problem until Ranbao graduates from university.

When the time comes, she can do some part-time work and earn some extra money. Wouldn't it be great for her?

Fantasy is beautiful.

Soon, Xia Zhi will be severely slapped in the face by reality.Sometimes, the future does not depend on her will.

After everyone set up the barbecue grill, they started to barbecue.

Meat, seafood and vegetables were all skewered and signed.

Fortunately, the grill is long enough for several people to chat and make food at the same time.

On the other side, the backdrop is in place.

The stage is also completed.

Then it was time for the three little ones to perform on stage.

The first one to appear was Xia Ran.

The program he performed was reciting "Pipa Xing".

Shen Jiangqi's eyes widened, "Can you carry the burning treasure?"

Xia Zhi and Yourong nodded, "Yes, I was shocked when I heard about it."

Ye Qi said with some envy, "Are you sure you don't want to take your son to try the gifted class?"

Xia Zhi was very open-minded about this, "It depends on Ranbao's own wishes.

In fact, I prefer to let Ranbao grow up happy and healthy and have a complete childhood. "

Of course, this is just her personal opinion.

If Ranbao wants to have another life, she will support him.

Xia Ran's voice is sonorous and powerful. Although it is a little immature, it is very smooth.

"The Xunyang River sees off the guests at night, and the maple leaves and grasses rustle in autumn.

The owner disembarked from the boat, drinking wine without restraint.

Who cried the most in the audience? Sima Jiangzhou's green shirt was wet. "

The whole poem flows smoothly without any pause.

After reciting it, everyone applauded and cheered.

Xia Ran's performance is also explosive in the circle of 15-year-old children.

[This, are you sure Xia Ran wasn't penetrated by someone's soul? 】

[Next, this one is not bad]

[I’m convinced, really!Xia Ran is a genius, I suggest you go to college directly]

[Hey, it turns out he is Xia Ran. I know him. He was in front of me during the college entrance examination.]

[16 years old, can’t memorize the completed "Pipa Xing", can Ranbao lend your brain to ee for two days]

[I worship the top student, I will not pass Conan in the final exam, I will pass Xia Ran directly! 】

Xia Ran bowed politely, and after stepping off the stage, he ran straight to Xia Zhi.

He is still who he is.

The halo of being a top student does not conceal the true nature of a mother's baby.

Only in front of Xia Zhi, he behaved like a five-year-old child.

The second person to play was Zhou Jiajia.

The show she brought was "Ballet Princess Dream".

Wearing a ballet costume and a crown, Zhou Jiajia looks like a princess.

As the music slowly sounded, Zhou Jiajia began her performance.

"If I had a daughter, I would also let her learn ballet." Ye Qi couldn't hide her envy in her tone.

As the mother of a son, Xia Zhi can completely understand Ye Qi's mood.

Zhou Yiran smiled and said, "Jiajia likes ballet very much and is very active in learning from the teacher during class."

"No wonder she dances so well." Xia Zhi complimented, "She is just like a real little princess!"

"No way." Zhou Yiran said modestly, "Xia Ran is very talented and can recite poems.

Xiao Heng probably sings, he must be pretty good too. "

The three mothers are each humble and complimentary.

The men prepare the barbecue and watch the show.

Fu Jinye's cell phone vibrated in his pocket.

He took it out, but found that it was not his cell phone.

I just took Xia Zhi's cell phone and forgot to give it back to her.

Just as she was about to hand it over, she accidentally caught a glimpse of the caller ID on her phone - her boyfriend.

(End of this chapter)

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