Chapter 105 Let’s go have supper together
Xia Zhi returned to the room.

Turning on the phone, Rong Yun's messages poured in one after another.

[Rong Yun: OK, go ahead and take a good photo]

[Rong Yun: Let me go, I saw the melon you mentioned]

[Rong Yun: I doubt Song Xin’s mental state]

[Rong Yun: There is something special about this Song Xin]

[Rong Yun: Haven’t you finished recording yet? 】

[Rong Yun: I watched your live broadcast, hahahahahaha, I laughed so hard, you dare to perform in public with your Taekwondo level, sister, I respect you as a man! 】

[Rong Yun: The show is over, do you want to come and play with me for two days, and I will reimburse you for your accommodation expenses]

That's all for the news.

Xia Zhi curled her lips when she saw the last message.

[Xia Zhi: You are so generous. Is it the accommodation fee that I am missing when I go abroad? 】

[Rong Yun: If you spend [-] yuan or more, you’ll get a discount of [-] yuan, so don’t give it up for free]

[Xia Zhi: Thank you for the invitation, let’s meet in China]

[Xia Zhi: I’m going to wash up first. I still have a lot of things to pack. Let’s talk later]

[Rong Yun: OK]

After turning off her phone, Xia Zhi got out of bed and started packing her things.

She took out her suitcase and prepared to put all her clothes in it.

This way, you don’t have to get up early to clean up the next day.

After taking out the clothes for the next day, Xia Zhi prepared to take a shower.

As soon as she finished taking off her clothes, there was a knock on the door outside.

Fu Jinye?
Xia Zhi came to the door wrapped in a bath towel, "What's wrong?"

Fu Jinye's voice came, "Look at your phone."

Xia Zhi was confused and walked to the bed and picked up her phone.

No new news.

She inadvertently glanced at the small group created today, which showed her content.

It turns out that after joining the group today, Xia Zhi set up Do Not Disturb messages.

I was packing my things just now and didn't pay attention to the group messages.

Xia Zhi opened the group, and Ye Qi and others were chatting in the group.

Xia Zhi flipped to the top chat history.

It turned out that the director organized everyone to go out for supper together.

Others agreed, but she remained silent.

[Xia Zhi: Yes, but what about the child? 】

[Fan Yimin: Don’t worry, I will arrange for staff to take care of them. If they wake up, I will notify you as soon as possible. 】

After arranging the burning treasure, Xia Zhi had no objection to it.

She opened the door and Fu Jinye was still standing at the door.

Xia Zhi is wrapped in a bath towel, with fair skin, a slender neck, and a few strands of hair falling on her delicate collarbone, like a blooming white lotus, exuding a charming and bewitching aura.

"You" A hint of darkness flashed in Fu Jinye's eyes.

Xia Zhi quickly closed the door, "Thank you."

"I'll change my clothes first and go downstairs later."

Fu Jinye said hoarsely, "Okay."

Meet unexpectedly.

Xia Zhi didn't expect that Fu Jinye was still outside the door.

She opened the door mainly because she wanted to go to Ranbao's room to get the clothes she had left behind.

I didn't expect to meet Fu Jinye.

There is still a faint lingering fragrance in the air.

Fu Jinye looked at the closed door, clenching and loosening his hands.

Forget it, just wait.

Now is not the time.

Xia Zhi put her clothes back on today.

They all need to be washed anyway, so I won’t waste one more piece.

After getting dressed, Xia Zhi tied her hair into a high ponytail.

She had already taken off her makeup and was not going to put it on again, so she went downstairs without makeup.

Fu Jinye changed into casual clothes.When she came downstairs, he was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed like an old man.

Yu Qian stood opposite Fu Jinye, and the two seemed to be discussing something.

Seeing Xia Zhi, Yu Qian took the initiative to say hello, "Hello, Sister Xia."

Xia Zhi nodded towards her. ,

Fu Jinye stood up, glanced at Yu Qian, and said in a calm tone, "I will discuss work matters with Tao Yuan."

"Okay." Yu Qian nodded, and then she said with some restraint, "Brother Fu, Brother Yuan said that you should pay attention to your diet."

They say they should pay attention to their diet, but they are actually asking him to eat less.

Xia Zhi "tsk".

It’s not easy being a star.

Fortunately, she doesn't have to suffer like this.

"Yeah." Fu Jinye responded.

Yu Qian looked at Xia Zhi again, "Sister Xia, just leave the burning treasure to me. I will take good care of him."

"Thank you." Xia Zhi nodded to Yu Qian.

"Let's go." Fu Jinye said to Xia Zhi.

"it is good."

The two left the room side by side.

Yu Qian, who was behind her, had quick eyes and quick hands. She took out her mobile phone and took a photo of the two people's backs.

The photos were then sent.

The two of them were walking in the night, the atmosphere was a little quiet.

Xia Zhi couldn't stand the silence and deliberately looked for a topic, "What are we going to eat later?"

Fu Jinye said, "Let's have hot pot."

There are not many shops still open at this point on the island.

There is a separate booth for the hotpot, which is perfect for them.

The evening breeze blew by, and the kiss that night suddenly appeared in Xia Zhi's mind.

She didn't have time to ask Fu Jinye why he kissed her.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhi fell silent for a moment.

Even walking with Fu Jinye was inexplicably awkward.

She knows how to be embarrassed.

It's been so long since I remembered this.

"Xia Xia." Shen Jiangqi's voice came from behind.

Xia Zhi turned around and Shen Jiangqi walked up quickly.

"This time the recording of the program is over, do you want to get together?" Shen Jiang asked curiously, "It's been a long time since we got together, and I really miss them."

Xia Zhi nodded, "Okay, you can make arrangements when the time comes.

We all have time anyway, it just depends on whether you, a big star, are busy. "

"You're teasing me again." Shen Jiangqi flicked Xia Zhi's head, "You know how to call me Brother Shen when something happens, but when you have nothing to do, you tease me."

Xia Zhi's lips twitched, "Otherwise, how could I recognize you as my eldest brother?

Big brother, please be more patient. "

"Okay." Shen Jiangqi was a little helpless, "Who asked me to deal with such a good sister like you!"

He said the word "sister" very harshly.

While speaking, he glanced at Fu Jinye inadvertently.

"How many contracts did Movie Emperor Fu sign?"

It stands to reason that when they sign contracts with variety shows, they usually sign on a season-by-season basis.

But for a big shot like Fu Jinye, even if he only participates in one episode, the director team would be happy to do so.

Fu Jinye narrowed his eyes and said, "One season."

"So long?" Shen Jiangqi was a little surprised, "I thought that Best Actor Fu would be very busy and just come to this variety show to join in the fun."

Xia Zhi feels the same way.

"It's okay." Fu Jinye said pointedly, "You have to prioritize things when doing things, and the same goes for getting along with others."

Learn what is important and what is not important.

Then focus on the people and things that matter.

Don't pay too much attention to unimportant people and things.

(End of this chapter)

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