Chapter 12 Yandere Ranran
Ye Heng stood beside Ye Qi obediently, as if he was not the one who made trouble just now.

Ye Qi couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this.

She said to Fu Jinye, "You still have a way."

She is usually busy with work and rarely spends time with her son, so she always feels a lot of guilt when facing him.

Because of this, she will inadvertently spoil him.

This has led to his current lawless appearance.

Ye Qi has already made a plan in his mind. In the future, he can reduce his work appropriately and spend time with his son.

This is also the reason why she took on this variety show.

Fan Yimin spoke at the right time, "Xiao Heng, what show are you going to perform for us?"

Ye Heng's chubby little face was bulging, his brows were tightly knitted into the character "Chuan", and he looked like a little old man and snickered at the netizens in front of the camera.

"Well" Ye Heng thought for a long time and said slowly, "Xiao Heng is really good at memorizing the multiplication table!"

He looked at Fan Yimin proudly, with bright eyes, as if to say: Let me carry it to you!
"Okay, then Xiao Heng, please memorize the multiplication table for us."

For a five-year-old child, memorizing the multiplication tables is also a sight to behold.

Ye Qi breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

Fortunately, it was memorizing multiplication tables, not some obscure skills like riding a horse or learning to crawl like a dog.

Xiao Heng raised his chin and glanced at Xia Ran, then started to memorize the multiplication table, "One to one is one, one to two is two, one to three is three, one to four is four."

Xia Zhi's eyes lit up when she saw Ye Heng memorizing the multiplication table seriously.

"Xiaobao, didn't you say you would be recited poems before? How about we perform reciting poems later?"

Xia Ran nodded, "Okay."

However, he can recite many poems.

"Mom, which song should I recite?" Xia Rannai asked in a huff.

Xia Zhi pinched his little face and said with a smile, "Just memorize the one you are most familiar with."

"it is good."

Xia Ran nodded again, but there was a murmur in his heart.

In fact, every poem is the same to him.

But since mom wants to hear it, let’s memorize a longer one.

Mom will be very happy!

Thinking that her mother might kiss her because she was happy, Xia Ran couldn't help but get excited, her black eyes widening with a smile.

Suddenly I am looking forward to his show starting soon.

Xia Ran was looking forward to it, but Ye Heng was in trouble.

He held the multiplication table vertically, but after memorizing 21-[-], [-] became difficult.



Ye Heng was very troubled, but he couldn't remember how much it was.

Fan Yimin asked the other two children, "Do you know what four times seven is?"

Hearing this question, Zhou Jiajia looked up at Zhou Yiran with a confused expression.

Zhou Yiran's face suddenly became embarrassed.

She only focused on cultivating her daughter's artistic talents and did not teach her these things.

"Mom, Jiajia doesn't know how much four or seven is?" Zhou Jiajia said timidly.

For some reason, she shrank when she spoke, as if she was afraid of something.

Zhou Yiran rubbed her hair and comforted her, "It's okay. Jiajia hasn't learned it yet, so I don't know. Teachers at school will teach Jiajia in the future."

Hearing her mother's words, a sweet smile suddenly appeared on Zhou Jiajia's face, and the fear just now disappeared, "Well, don't worry, Mom, Jiajia will definitely study hard!"

"Xiao Ran, do you know the answer?" Fan Yimin's eyes fell on Xia Ran.

Ye Heng was unconvinced and wanted to think of the answer before Xia Ran.But the more I thought about it, the more confused my mind became.

He simply gave up and raised his head instead, "Huh, Xiao Heng can't do the questions, and neither can he!"

The implication is that Xia Ran is not as good as him!
Xia Ran ignored Fan Yimin's probing eyes and ignored Ye Heng's provocative words.

When the camera turned towards him, he looked up at Xia Zhi and asked her with his eyes if she could tell her the answer.

Xia Zhi smiled and said, "Ranran, if you know the answer, tell uncle."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Ran's childish but firm voice sounded, "Four Seven 28."

Hearing his answer, Ye Heng's eyes widened instantly.

He remembered, 28!
How could he forget this!

"Hmph, even if you know 28, you can't compare to Xiao Heng! Xiao Heng is the most handsome boy!"

Xia Ran glanced at him faintly, then immediately changed her gaze and ignored Ye Heng.

[Hahahahahahahahaha, yes, Xiao Heng, you are right, you are the most beautiful boy! 】

[I seriously doubt what Ye Qi shows Xiao Heng on a regular basis, and he can even say such things, hahahahahahahaha]

[Xiao Heng is five years old. He is already very good at memorizing the multiplication tables to this extent. I think that when I was five years old, I was still a bedwetting fool.]

[There is no need to praise him so much. If you really want to talk about being powerful, Xia Ran is the one who is great.]

[Xia Ran is just a fluke, Xiao Heng is the most beautiful boy]

[Have you forgotten Jiajia? Although she can’t recite the multiplication table, she dances beautifully. It’s obvious that she has put in hard work! 】

Seeing that Xia Ran ignored him, Ye Heng jumped even more happily. He ran directly to Xia Ran and said, "Xiao Heng is not convinced. Xiao Heng wants to challenge him to a duel!"

"Ye Heng, am I too worried about you?!" Ye Qi said sharply.

However, Ye Heng is not afraid of her.

He directly said, "Xiao Heng doesn't care, Xiao Heng just wants to challenge him!"

Xia Zhi didn't get angry, but patiently asked softly, "How do you want to challenge Xiao Heng?"

For some reason, Ye Heng suddenly stuttered, "Just memorize the multiplication table!"

"Whoever memorizes it first will be the most powerful!"

"The one who loses, he will... he will." After thinking for a long time, Ye Heng finally said, "Exchange."

Xia Zhi was a little confused, "Exchange for what?"

Xiao Heng looked at her as if she were a fool, "Xiao Heng changes places with him, Xiao Heng plays games with Uncle Fu and you, and he goes to Uncle Shen and Xiao Heng's mother."

Hearing this, Ye Qi was a little dumbfounded, "Ye Heng, I am your mother!"

Xia Zhi also laughed, purely because she was amused by Ye Heng.

The only one who couldn't laugh was probably Xia Ran.

When she heard that Ye Heng was going to snatch her mother, Xia Ran's eyes suddenly changed.

"Okay." Xia Ran narrowed his eyes, "If you lose, you are never allowed to approach Ranran's mother again!"

This person is really annoying.

How could my mother smile at him?

My mother is alone.

Mother only has one child, Ranran.

Mom can't smile at other people!

Children are the most sensitive to emotions.

Although Ye Heng didn't know what happened, he felt inexplicably afraid.

He didn't know how to describe the feeling.

It was exactly the same as before he was beaten by his mother for breaking the trophy at home.

Fan Yimin didn't expect these two children to be so stubborn, so he immediately decided to host the game for them.

(End of this chapter)

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