Chapter 132 Charging
"Xia Xia, come with me."

Fu Jinye’s words saved the pastry chef’s life.

Otherwise, he really has to think carefully about what to do with these cookies.

"it is good."

Xia Zhi nodded in agreement.

It just so happened that she also had something to tell Fu Jinye.

Xia Zhi didn't go directly. She went back to her room, washed her face, changed her clothes, and then came to the study.

When she knocked on the door and entered, Fu Jinye was reading a book.

Xia Zhi curiously glanced at the book - "Actor's Self-cultivation".

Xia Zhi approached, Fu Jinye closed the book in his hand and got straight to the point, "I heard you want to film a movie?"

Xia Zhi nodded, "Yes, Brother Yuan has already told you."

"I came here just to talk to you about this."

Xia Zhi simply told Fu Jinye her thoughts.

She doesn't know why either.

I was silently looking forward to Fu Jinye's answer.

Fu Jinye nodded, "It's a good idea."

Xia Zhi's eyes suddenly lit up.

She approached Fu Jinye and said, "So, you support my filming?"

Facing Xia Zhi who suddenly approached, Fu Jinye coughed lightly and asked, "Why don't you support it?"

Xia Zhi was speechless.

"I'm not your assistant now." Xia Zhi said, "I'm afraid you will think I'm delaying your work."

Fu Jinye laughed, "This little assistant doesn't live up to his name. What's there to worry about?"

If you see through it, don’t say it.

Xia Zhi touched her nose. Now that everything was said, she had nothing to worry about.

"Well, I'll work hard to prepare for the audition."

Xia Zhi is very confident in this.

Fu Jinye said calmly, "This is not urgent."

He added, "One more thing."

Xia Zhi looked at him with confusion, "What's the matter?"

Fu Jinye put the book in Xia Zhi's hand, "Take this book back and read it when you have time."

"At the same time, I will make a suitable study plan for you. You can find some time, preferably in the evening, and it doesn't take too long 2-3 hours."

Fu Jinye said a lot.

Xia Zhi listened in confusion.

"No." She interrupted Fu Jinye and asked with some confusion, "What are you talking about?"

Fu Jinye raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you ask Tao Yuan to find you an acting teacher?"

"Yes." Xia Zhi nodded.

Soon, she understood.

So, is this acting teacher Fu Jinye?

How could it be him?
Seeing through the hesitation in Xia Zhi's eyes, Fu Jinye exposed it directly, "You think I'm not qualified?"

"How is that possible?!" Xia Zhi immediately retorted, "Would it be too humiliating for you to be my teacher?"

Fu Jinye is the youngest winner of three gold medals.

Giving her a small job alone always makes her feel like she is overqualified.

The most important thing is that this means that she spends at least 2-3 hours alone with Fu Jinye every day.

Inexplicably a little embarrassed.

"It's okay if it's not." Fu Jinye said without refusal, "Since you don't dislike me, the matter is settled."

"Classes officially start tomorrow."

"There is a piece of paper in the book. It is your homework for tomorrow. Memorize the lines on it and perform it for me when the time comes."

Xia Zhi's mouth twitched, feeling helpless, "Okay."

How did it become like this?
Until she left the study, she felt unreal.

Not only did he want to film a movie, but his teacher was still Fu Jinye.

If she still doesn't behave well like this, she may really not be able to eat this bowl of rice.

Since she had to go to class and complete her homework, Xia Zhi moved out of Ranbao's room.

She was a little worried and warned her again and again.

If Ranbao is scared, go to her room to find her.

Fortunately, the distance between the two people is not very far.

Although Ranbao was a little reluctant, he didn't say anything in the end.After all, my mother also has to fight for her career.

Xia Zhi returned to the room.

She sat at the desk and opened the book in front of her.

There is indeed a piece of paper inside, and the content on it is very simple.

[Identity: Campus goddess with outstanding appearance and weak body
Scene: After learning that she is terminally ill and her life is not long, she cruelly breaks up with her boyfriend
Requirements: Feel free to play]

It doesn't look very difficult.

There seem to be many similar plots in Korean dramas.

Since he was free to express himself, Xia Zhi regarded this matter as a small test for himself.

She found many similar clips and summarized those people's performance skills.

As a newcomer, the first thing she has to do is imitate, and then add her own understanding of the character on this basis, and then act.

This is Xia Zhi's current status.

She knew a few schools of acting.

There are those who focus on experience and those who focus on skills.
Everyone’s performance style is different, so I can’t say which one is better and which one is not.

It can only be said that what suits you is the best.

Xia Zhi watched the video and took notes.

When she stretched and rested, she realized that it was already 01:30 in the morning.

She yawned and suddenly felt a little hungry. She was going to go downstairs and look through the refrigerator to see if there was anything to eat.

On her way downstairs, she passed by the study.

Xia Zhi noticed that the light in the study room was still on, and her eyes flashed.

She walked to the first floor and found a large piece of cream cake in the refrigerator.

It seems to be made by the pastry chef.

The frozen cake tastes even better.

Thinking of the light in the study, Xia Zhi found a tray, placed the cream cake on the tray, and then heated up two more glasses of milk.

dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the door of the study.

Fu Jinye, who was doing his work, looked at the time on his watch.

"Uncle He, the door is not closed," he said.

At this time, Uncle He was probably the only one who was awake.

Xia Zhi opened the door and walked in, saying, "It's me, not Uncle He."

"I see that you haven't slept yet, so I wanted to ask if you would like to have supper together?"

Fu Jinye was a little surprised when he heard Xia Zhi's voice.

He looked up at Xia Zhi, his eyes full of surprise.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" he asked casually.

Xia Zhi said casually, "Coming to watch videos."

Xia Zhi put the cake on the table aside and asked casually, "Do you often work until so late?"

"It's okay." Fu Jinye stood up and sat next to Xia Zhi, "I get a little busy occasionally."

Busier most of the time.

But don't tell her about it.

"It's better to rest early." Xia Zhi said.

Although she personally stayed up late, she knew very well that staying up late was not good for her health.

"What about you?" Fu Jinye said with a smile, "I think you stay up late more often than me."

Xia Zhi: Not really.

Fu Jinye took a sip of milk. It was warm and tasted better than ever.

He turned to look at Xia Zhi.

She was eating the cake in small bites.

He seems to have a sweet tooth.

When I swallowed it, my eyes were filled with a sense of satisfaction.

Fu Jinzhi's head moved slightly.

He put down the milk in his hand, and when Xia Zhi wasn't paying attention, he hugged her directly.

Xia Zhi, who had just taken a bite of cake, was confused.

What happened?
"What? What's wrong?" Xia Zhi's heartbeat was inexplicably fast.

Fu Jinye said in a deep voice, "Charge."

(End of this chapter)

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