Chapter 134
Tao Yuan nodded, "Your idea is right.

Shao got involved with Song Xin.

Also, if she comes to you, don't believe whatever she says. "

Seeing Tao Yuan avoiding Song Xin, Xia Zhi started to murmur in her heart.

I don't know what she did.

Brother Yuan, who has always been gentle to others, said such things.

That only proves that Song Xin is really not that good.

"Okay." Tao Yuan said, "The audition is just ahead. When you go in later, go directly to Konno."

"Brother Yuan, won't you come over?" Xia Zhi asked.

Tao Yuan shook his head, "I still have something to deal with, so go ahead."

After bidding farewell to Tao Yuan, Xia Zhi walked into the audition place alone.

The staff was a little surprised and happened to stop him.

Unexpectedly, Fu Jinye suddenly waved to her.

Upon seeing this, the staff immediately returned to their positions and stopped blocking him.

Xia Zhi quietly came behind Fu Jinye.

There was a row of judges sitting in front.

Xia Zhi found a seat behind Fu Jinye and sat down.

As soon as she sat down, Fu Jinye turned his head and said, "Watch it carefully later and study hard."

Xia Zhi nodded, "Yeah, I will."

The brief exchange between the two people still attracted the attention of many people.

Especially the middle-aged man sitting next to Fu Jinye.

"Imano, is this the assistant you're talking about?" the man teased.

Fu Jinye nodded and said in a light voice, "It won't be the case soon."

"What?" The man raised his eyebrows and looked at him with an ambiguous look.

It was obvious that he had misunderstood something.

Fu Jinye explained, "She wants to act, so she can no longer be an assistant."

"Acting?" The man was a little surprised.

He turned back to look at Xia Zhi, "Little girl, raise your head."

Xia Zhi had some doubts in her heart.

But thinking that this person was Fu Jinye's friend, she obeyed and did as he was told.

The hibiscus comes out of the clear water and is carved naturally.

Xia Zhi, who put on light makeup, could not conceal her stunning appearance even though she was wearing a hat.

The director just thought she had a good figure.

Because she kept her head down, she couldn't see her facial features clearly.

Who would have thought that there would be such a face under the brim of the hat.

Kind of familiar
"Are you Xia Zhi?" The director thought for a long time before calling her name.

Xia Zhi was a little surprised. She nodded, "Yes, it's me."

Xia Zhi could probably guess the identity of the person in front of her.

The person who can sit in the center of the audition judges is either a screenwriter or a director.

Xia Zhi didn't dare to move rashly and sat up stiffly.

"Don't be so nervous." The director said with a smile.

Fu Jinye took the initiative to introduce Xia Zhi, "This is Director Zhao."

Xia Zhi greeted quickly, "Hello, Director Zhao."

"Hello." Director Zhao joked, "I have watched your and Konno's variety show, and I have a strong sense of CP."

Xia Zhisan smiled and did not answer.

She didn't know if the director said it casually or if he really thought so.

In line with the principle of saying less and making less mistakes, Xia Zhi remained silent.

"I heard that you are here to study?" Director Zhao spoke again.

Xia Zhi nodded, "Yes, Brother Fu asked me to come over to increase my experience."

"Well, it is good for young people to study more."

"Director Zhao is so complimentary."

After a few simple greetings, Director Zhao turned around.

He lowered his head and whispered to Fu Jinye.

"Why, which character in the movie did you like?" Fu Jinye shook his head, "Director Zhao is overthinking, I just brought her out to see the world."

Director Zhao was a little surprised.

He thought Fu Jinye wanted to seduce people into the crew.

In fact, as long as it's not too outrageous, he usually turns a blind eye to things like "stopping people."

Although he is a director who pursues movies, he cannot stand that capital is king now.

Who has encountered a few unsatisfactory things?

Mainly, he liked Xia Zhi's face.

If it appears on the big screen, there won't be many flaws.

I just don't know how to act.

Unexpectedly, Fu Jinye had no intention of blocking people.

"Has her next drama been decided?" Director Zhao was a little curious.

He and Fu Jinye have known each other for a long time.

I understand him well.

Xia Zhi is definitely a special existence to Fu Jinye.

So he was a little curious about how Fu Jinye planned to support Xia Zhi when she entered the circle.

Fu Jinye nodded, "Yes, it's decided, a role in an online drama."

"Web drama?" Director Zhao was a little surprised.

With Fu Jinye's current qualifications, Xia Zhi can get the heroine of even a small-budget movie.

Unexpectedly, a web drama was chosen for her.

"She has just entered the circle and needs some time to adapt." Fu Jinye explained.

Director Zhao understood.

It seems that Fu Jinye really put his heart into it.

"I'm looking forward to her performance." Director Zhao said.

What he meant by this was that if Xia Zhi performed well, she might be able to appear in her movies in the future.

Of course, all this is for Fu Jinye's sake.

Fu Jinye smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to it too."

Auditions begin.

The first few people who came in were basically actresses that Xia Zhi had seen on TV.

Some of them played supporting roles in classic TV series, and some were the protagonists of certain TV series. All in all, their acting skills were very good.

Different people interpret the same character differently.

Xia Zhi thought about the profession of actor for the first time.

She imagined that if she were the person standing on the stage today, how would she perform?
"Hello everyone, my name is Song Xin."

Song Xin's voice pulled Xia Zhi out of her fantasy.

She looked up to watch Song Xin's performance and met her eyes.

Xia Zhi was shocked.

The next second, she realized that she was thinking too much.

Because although Song Xin looked at her for her reassurance, her eyes were always fixed on Fu Jinye.

Sure enough, it was the same as in the legend.

Song Xin's feelings for Fu Jinye can no longer be described as "abnormal".

It's just so abnormal.

"Fu Jinye, I not only want to be the heroine in your movie, but also the heroine in your life.

I hope my audition will be successful this time. "

Song Xin's confession to Fu Jinye continued almost all the time.

People in the industry have long been accustomed to this.

The reason why Song Xin is still active in the industry is entirely because there is a Song family behind her to support her.

Fu Jinye frowned and looked at Song Xin with a thin layer of ice in his eyes.

Song Xin's performance was not outstanding, and Xia Zhi had the feeling that she could have sex with her.

She speculated that Song Xin should have come here to go through the motions and meet Fu Jinye.

Unexpectedly, Fu Jinye didn't have any good feelings towards her.

"Miss Song, I hope you can pay attention to your propriety." Fu Jinye's voice was extremely cold.

(End of this chapter)

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