The sickly girl became famous when she went to sex with a baby girl, and the actor’s ex-boyfriend as

Chapter 167 I’ll cook shrimp for you, and you’ll be my girlfriend

Chapter 167 I’ll cook shrimp for you, and you’ll be my girlfriend

[Hahahahahaha, that’s a slap in the face]

[Is my CP no longer avoiding people this summer? 】

[Laughing so hard, I was so happy to see Song Xin deflated! 】

[Civil Affairs Bureau: I’m here, I’m here, come quickly and get my certificate]

[Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye are definitely together, I bet on a pack of spicy strips! 】

[I bet ten dollars that two people are already in love]

[Don’t be afraid Xinxin, we will always support you]

[Boys, you see, this is what you should learn, the attitude towards your girlfriend and people other than your girlfriend! 】

After leaving Song Xin's sight, Xia Zhi let go of Fu Jinye's arm.

She didn't mean to do this.

But seeing Song Xin pestering Fu Jinye, she felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Fu Jinye's attitude.

Xia Zhi still dislikes him!
Fu Jinye, who was angered by the innocent:? ? ?

"What do you want to eat?" Fu Jinye asked.

"Saliva chicken." Xia Zhi said.

"it is good."

Rong Yun watched the interaction between Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye and silently withdrew.

She did not go far, but came to Jiang Huan.

"Jiang Huan, long time no see." Rong Yun took the initiative to greet him.

Jiang Huan nodded distantly, completely different from before.

"Aren't you Jiang Huan?" Rong Yun suddenly said.

Jiang Huan was a little confused.

The next second, she said again, "In other words, did I offend you in some way?"

"No." Jiang Huan shook his head in denial.

Rong Yun frowned, "Then why do you suddenly seem like a different person?

I remember we were very good friends before. "

They got drunk together on the streets of Paris and watched the sunrise in Los Angeles.

Rather than like now, almost like a stranger.

Jiang Huan was silent and did not open his mouth to explain.

Rong Yun looked at him in confusion, waiting for an answer.

Ye Qi's eyes kept lingering on Jiang Huan, and naturally he also saw Rong Yun who went to look for Jiang Huan.

She remembered that this little girl seemed to be Xia Zhi's friend.

What is their relationship?
Jiang Huan's girlfriend?
Also, what does Jiang Huan’s previous sentence mean?
"Yi Zi" is obviously called that by that person.

Why does Jiang Huan call himself "Yi Zi"?
A series of questions exploded in Ye Qi's mind.

She wanted to step forward and ask Jiang Huan, but the camera was on and she had to stay calm, otherwise it would affect her career.

Her friend Zhou Man saw through her thoughts.

She knew about Ye Qi's experience.

When she first saw Jiang Huan, she was in a daze and even thought it was that person.

But if you look closely, you can see that the two people are just similar, but their facial features are not the same.

"Qiqi, come here and taste it to see if I have added too much salt." Zhou Man said.

She couldn't mention that person in front of the camera.

He had no choice but to change the topic temporarily in an attempt to distract Ye Qi's attention.

Zhou Yiran was a little depressed.

She indeed agreed to invite Song Xin because of resources.

But she didn't expect Song Xin to be so bold.

Not only did he pester Fu Jinye in public, he even shamed him in public.

Zhou Yiran could almost imagine what was waiting for her after the recording of the show.

The fame she had finally accumulated was about to leave her.

Zhou Yiran was very upset.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Zhou Jiajia walked to Zhou Yiran and asked in a low voice.

Through recording this program, my mother has changed a lot from before.

She likes her current mother.

But my mother’s expression just now was so scary.It reminded Zhou Jiajia of her previous unpleasant memories.

Zhou Yiran came to her senses and was shocked.

What is she doing?
This is a live broadcast shot, and it will be captured if you are not careful.

Fortunately, Jiajia reminded me in time.

"Mom is fine." Zhou Yiran said, "Jiajia can go play with her two brothers. Mom doesn't need help."

After confirming that her mother was really fine, Zhou Jiajia nodded, "Okay."

Ye Heng and Xia Ran were pestering Jiang Huan, trying to demonstrate to him the martial arts they had learned before.

It can be seen that these two little guys really like martial arts.

Jiang Huan was very patient with them.

The kitchen is not big, so everyone prepares food directly outside. Anyone who wants to go in to cook must prepare the ingredients in advance.

Fu Jinye is preparing the saliva chicken that Xia Zhi wants to eat.

Xia Zhi asked, "What do you want to do? I'll help you prepare food."

Fu Jinye did not answer directly, but asked her, "Besides the saliva chicken, is there anything else you want to eat?"

Xia Zhi really thought about this question seriously and said, "Well, I also want to eat meat and crab pot."

Well, all she wants to eat is meat and vegetables.

Fu Jinye shook his head, "There are no crabs."

The program team did not prepare this ingredient.

"Braised prawns?" Xia Zhi continued to order.

"This can be done."

"Okay, let's braise the prawns in oil."

Thinking of the shrimps made by Fu Jinye, Xia Zhi couldn't help but drool.

"Xia Xia." Fu Jinye suddenly said, "I'll make shrimps for you, and you can be my girlfriend, okay?"

Fu Jinye knew that Xia Zhi had been unhappy because of Song Xin.

Song Xin is like dog-skin plaster, no matter how hard you try, you can't get rid of it.

A gentleman like him can never take action.

The best way is to cut her off completely.

Xia Zhi was stunned. She didn't expect Fu Jinye to say such a thing suddenly.

This is live!
At exactly this time, the camera crew focused on the two people.

Fu Jinye’s words just now were also included in the shot.

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah no! ! ! 】

【What did I hear? ? ? ?I can’t believe my ears! 】

[Is this a confession? ?don't want! ! !Fu Jinye, why don’t you give me your beauty alone? ! ! 】

[Let me go, the CPs I knocked on are actually going to be together, and the whole country is celebrating]

【I'm dumped! ! ! ! ! 】

[Fu Jinye, you are really brave! 】

[This is the first time I heard such a fresh and refined confession. Can being a shrimp be the same as being a girlfriend?It’s completely different! ! ! 】

[Damn it, I am lucky enough to witness the confession of my male god, this life is worth it! ! ! 】

[Fu Jinye, you have to make me so happy! ! ! 】

[Damn, I’m crying. Fu Jinye, please pay for my tears! 】

The live broadcast room went black without any surprise.

Due to the large number of viewers and comments, the live broadcast room was immediately blocked.

Fan Yimin did not expect that Fu Jinye would tell such explosive news.

His confession was as casual as saying "let's have dinner together today".

Without a doubt, this will be the highlight of the season.

Such a moment actually happened in the smoke.

Xia Zhi was confused.

She didn't expect Fu Jinye to say such words in front of the camera.

The two people had clearly agreed to meet at the top.

Song Xin, who had been paying attention to Fu Jinye, also heard his confession.

Song Xin stepped forward and asked in disbelief, "Fu Jinye, what did you just say?
Why do you want to confess to Xia Zhi?

What is she!
The person standing next to you should be me! "

(End of this chapter)

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