Chapter 169
"Talk about?"

Ye Qi did not expect that before he came to Jiang Huan, he took the initiative to come to him.

After the day's recording, she stretched out a little tiredly.

Just as he was about to take Xiao Heng back to his room to sleep, Jiang Huan suddenly came to the door.

Ye Qi happened to also want to talk to Jiang Huan.

She glanced at Xiao Heng and said, "Xiao Heng, would you like to go and play with brother Ranran?"

Ye Heng nodded, "Okay, mom, go and do your work."

He thought his mother should have told Uncle Jiang Huan about his martial arts training, so she was sensible and didn't bother him.

After settling down Xiao Heng, Ye Qi asked, "Where to go?"

"Let's take a walk around the area." Jiang Huan said.

Ye Qi nodded in agreement.

The two people left the courtyard.

This scene happened to be fully visible to Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye.

Xia Zhi looked at Fu Jinye in confusion, "What is the relationship between this Jiang Huan and Sister Qi?"

"Also, since when did Jiang Huan become your friend? Do you have a good relationship?"

Fu Jinye smiled and said, "Want to know the answer? Come to my room and I will tell you slowly."

Xia Zhi: Why does it feel like a big bad wolf abducting a little white rabbit?

But she was really curious about what happened between Ye Qi and Jiang Huan.

Ye Qi and Jiang Huan were walking on the road.

Both of them were silent, no one spoke.

After walking for about 10 minutes, Ye Qi stopped and said, "Did you ask me to come out just for a walk?"

"If nothing happens, I'll go back first."

This man is simply inexplicable.

She was really crazy to spend the whole day worrying about this man.

Maybe that "leaf" is just a simple title.

It's just that she cares too much about this matter, so she thinks randomly.

Ye Qi was very confused now. She obviously had many questions to ask Jiang Huan, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't say them out.

What are you asking?

Ask Jiang Huan if he is another person?
Could something that sounds like the plot of a TV series happen in reality?
The answer is, yes.

"Yi Zi, I am Jiang Huan." Jiang Huan said, "At the same time, I am also Jiang Yi."

Jiang Yi
After Ye Qi heard the name, he was stunned.

the other side.

Fu Jinye is also telling this story to Xia Zhi.

"Jiang Yi?" Xia Zhi's eyes widened, "Jiang Huan and Jiang Yi are the same person?

No, the Jiang Yi you are talking about should be Xiao Heng's biological father. How could he become Jiang Huan? "

"Because of plastic surgery." Fu Jinye explained, "This matter is very complicated."

Ye Qi looked at the person in front of him in disbelief.

"Why did you have plastic surgery?" she asked, "Where have you been in the past few years since you disappeared?"

"Yi Zi, I'm sorry." Jiang Yi apologized, "I didn't leave you intentionally these years.

I had a mission and had no choice but to leave you.I thought the mission would be over soon, but I didn't expect those people's energy to be so great. I was exposed and narrowly escaped.

Later, my cousin Jiang Huan had a car accident, so I had plastic surgery to look like him and blended back into the organization. Over the years, I have been walking on the edge of danger. Not long ago, I completely eliminated the organization.

I don't know how to see you.

At the same time, I'm not sure if the organization has any remaining power.

Once I am discovered, you and Xiao Heng will also be in danger.

Fortunately, all dangers have been eliminated now. "

Hearing Jiang Yi's words, Ye Qi looked at the man in front of him in disbelief.

It was like she was meeting him for the first time.

"What exactly do you do?" Ye Qi asked doubtfully, "Why have I never heard you talk about this?" Whether it's undercover or destroying organizations, why doesn't she know anything about it?
"Sorry, I can't tell you too much about this matter." Jiang Yi was silent, "I signed a confidentiality agreement, so I can't tell you everything."

Ye Qi felt briefly depressed.

Anyone who has been deceived for so many years will not feel better without a clear explanation.

Especially, the person in front of me is the person I have been thinking about for five years.

In the past five years, they have only spoken on the phone a handful of times.

"Now, does your appearance in front of me mean that you will never disappear again?"

Ye Qi was nervous when he asked this question.

She didn't know what answer she would hear.

At the same time, she told herself in her heart that if Jiang Yi disappeared again, then she would never want him again.

"Yes." Jiang Yi nodded, his tone a little sad, "I have already quit."

Although she hoped that he would not disappear, when she heard his sad tone, Ye Qi still couldn't help but feel heartbroken for him, "You"

Jiang Yi lifted up his shirt, revealing his strong muscles.

Of course, he wasn't here to show off his figure.

Underneath the beautiful muscle lines are countless scars.

There's even a scar near the heart that looks like a gunshot wound.

As calm as Ye Qi, tears instantly flowed down when he saw these scars.

"This is..." Ye Qi covered his mouth with one hand and couldn't help but touch his scar with the other hand, "Does it hurt?"

Jiang Yi held Ye Qi's hand and said, "It doesn't hurt."

Saying it doesn't hurt is a lie.

But things are in the past, and he doesn't want these past pains to become Ye Qi's burden.

He can bear some pain by himself.

Although Jiang Yi only said a few words, Ye Qi knew that he had lived a very hard life these years.

"I don't know who you are working for, but since you said you have quit, if you disappear casually again, I will never forgive you in this life." Ye Qi said harshly.

"Jiang Yi, when you were walking on the edge of life and death, did you ever think about me and Xiao Heng.

What would we do if you died? "

Jiang Yi never thought about it, but he had no choice at the time.

"Yi Zi, I'm sorry." Jiang Yi lowered his head and apologized, his tone choked with sobs.

He knew that his actions had brought a lot of harm to Ye Zi and Xiao Heng.

"In that case, let's go." Ye Qi said coldly, "If you feel sorry, stay away from Xiao Heng and me."

"No." Jiang Yi immediately retorted, "I won't leave, Ye Zi, I won't give up on you again."

Ye Qi has already forgiven Jiang Yi in his heart.

The little girl she is not.

No more making trouble unreasonably.

The love between adults is more frank, sincere, and has more trust.

However, she didn't mind "embarrassing" Jiang Yi.

Who allowed this bastard to abandon himself and his son for so many years?

"I'm a movie queen now." Ye Qi said, "Don't expect me to be like Fu Jinye and reveal my relationship without hesitation. I still have to continue my career."

Jiang Yi nodded in agreement, "Okay, then leave Xiao Heng to me.

If you feel bored, I can also go to the set with you to take care of the children. "

"Family food."

"Don't worry, I will do all the housework from now on!"

"I need a bodyguard."

"I have a good foundation in martial arts, I will definitely be able to protect you!"

No matter what Ye Qi said, Jiang Yi agreed and said that he would be able to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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