Chapter 23 Don’t like eating green peppers?

Xia Zhi had no idea what was happening here.

Not to mention that Fu Jinye had created an "enemy" for himself invisibly.

If she knew Zhou Yiran's thoughts, Xia Zhi would definitely shout "Unjust".

What's the matter with her?

It was clearly Fu Jinye's problem, but she didn't do anything.

"Come for dinner." Zhou Yiran's voice came from beside Xia Zhi and Ye Qi.

The two of them had been chatting just now.

Things like setting the dishes were originally left to men.

Zhou Yiran, on the other hand, took the initiative to help.

Not only that, she even came over to ask them to eat after her busy work, which really made her look like a good wife and mother.

"Let's go, let's go eat." Ye Qi said to Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi nodded and smiled politely at Zhou Yiran.

The expression on Zhou Yiran's face was not pretty.

Xia Zhi didn't notice it at all.

She led Xiaobao to the dinner table.

The seats for the three families were arranged in advance, with the children sitting in the middle and the adults sitting on both sides.

Fu Jinye's status is placed here, so Xia Zhi and his family naturally sit in the C seat.

Xia Zhi was next to Xiaobao on one side and Ye Qi on the other.

Fu Jinye was next to Xiaobao and Zhou Yiran.

Qi Mo and Shen Jiangqi sat on the far sides.

"I heard that Actor Fu likes to eat green peppers? We happen to have green peppers in the refrigerator, so we specially made shredded pork with green peppers. Can Actor Fu try it?" Zhou Yiran's voice sounded.

It's so sweet, the kind that makes people's ears get pregnant if they hear it.

Of course, this is only for some people.

Xia Zhi didn't feel this way, and even felt that her voice was a bit artificial.

It's like those little goblins that were hanging around Fu Jinye before.

In order to get rid of those "love rivals", she had to take people to "warn" them every day.

After so many years of separation, now that a little goblin appears next to Fu Jinye, she has completely lost her original fighting spirit.

There was even a vague desire to watch a good show.

But the bitterness deep in her heart was finally ignored by her.

Xia Zhi quietly looked at Fu Jinye, very curious about his reaction.

She didn't know where Zhou Yiran got the news.

Fu Jinye likes green peppers the most?
How can it be!

At first, he wouldn't eat a bite of green pepper, and he even rejected it.

Every time he made her angry, she would always prepare a green pepper lunch box to tease him intentionally.

It's really funny to see how he has to eat even though he clearly doesn't want to.

Only at this time will Fu Jinye's always calm face show other expressions.

But she would be excited by his reaction every time.

Looking forward to the next green pepper tease.

[Shit, Zhou Yiran, what does this mean?Could it be that she has a crush on our actor Fu? ? ? 】

[Doesn’t it look normal? 】

[If Zhou Yiran had to choose one person, I would rather it be Xia Zhi, at least the latter’s face can resist a beating]

[Fans of a certain family should not set the pace, okay? Didn’t Zhou Yiran say before that she is a fan of Fu Jinye? What she did was just the fans’ concern for their idols. Please don’t misunderstand me! 】

[Actually, Zhou Yiran and Fu Jinye are quite good together. Having such a cute little cotton-padded jacket like Jiajia will definitely warm up our old Fu! 】【Old Fu is already old and should indeed consider getting married, but why can't he find a woman who is unmarried and has no children?Do I have to choose from this show? 】

[Can you please stop hitting CP randomly? Hitting anything will only harm you! 】

Otherwise, Fu Jinye is top-notch.

As long as any celebrity has a relationship with him, the topic will suddenly increase.

Zhou Yiran, who originally didn't have many topics on this show, suddenly became the focus of discussion in the comment area tonight.

With the "senior" Xia Zhi here, her number of negative fans is far less than that of the former.

Xia Zhi didn't expect that she would be caught by Fu Jinye just because she wanted to peek at a good show.

How many pairs of eyes does this man have?
Why is it that every time she peeks at him, she is caught?
Facing those indifferent and dark eyes, Xia Zhi felt guilty for no reason.

When Zhou Yiran saw that Fu Jinye was silent, she took him as his acquiescence and took the initiative to pick up food for him.

Unexpectedly, before the food landed on Fu Jinye's plate, he heard his cold voice, "Miss Zhou misunderstood, I don't like green peppers."

Zhou Yiran's movement paused, and her hand in mid-air was neither falling nor closing.

There are still vegetables on the chopsticks that she picked.

If Qi Mo was a kind-hearted person, he would definitely come to her rescue at this time, or at least prevent her from being so embarrassed.

But Qi Mo had no such thoughts at all.

Even if he knew what to do, he had no intention of doing so.

Zhou Yiran's mouth twitched, and she awkwardly put the food in her chopsticks onto the plate in front of her, "It turns out that Actor Fu doesn't like green peppers."

Ye Qi glanced at Zhou Yiran with disdain. She was so cryptic that this scene was not captured by the camera.

Then her eyes fell on Fu Jinye again, "I remember you shared the green pepper feast on Weibo before, right?"

This is also a question that most netizens are curious about.

No wonder Zhou Yiran misunderstood that Fu Jinye likes to eat green peppers.

In fact, many fans of Fu Jinye also think that their idol likes to eat green peppers.

Among Fu Jinye’s few Weibo life posts, green peppers appear quite frequently.

Therefore, many people speculate that Fu Jinye must like eating green peppers.

Otherwise such photos would not be shared.

But today.
"Yes." Fu Jinye did not deny it and explained, "It's not bad to occasionally do something you don't like."

Ye Qi was a little surprised.

In her impression, Fu Jinye was not the kind of person who would force himself to do things he didn't like to do.

It's like he's making a movie.

As long as the script is not to his liking, he will not accept it.

She often even wonders, did Fu Jinye really enter the entertainment industry because he likes making movies?

Xia Zhi also looked at Fu Jinye in disbelief.

Time can indeed change a person.

Fu Jinye actually does things he doesn't want to do.

When Xia Ran saw her mother peeking at Fu Jinye again, her little mouth pouted, her jealousy obvious.

He clumsily stretched out his little hand to turn the table, and when Xia Zhi's favorite dish was brought to him, he took the chopsticks to pick the food for her, trying to divert his mother's attention to himself, and said in a coquettish voice, " Mom, eat vegetables.”

His series of actions were indeed effective.

Xia Zhi's attention was indeed attracted by Xia Ran.

She finished the food on the plate in one bite and praised, "Our Ranbao's cooking is delicious. Mom's favorite is Ranbao's cooking."

Hearing this, Shen Jiangqi chatted, "Which dish is made by Ranran? I'll also try it to see if it's any better than before."

The expression on Ye Qi's face was even more surprised, "He can also cook?"

(End of this chapter)

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