Chapter 31 Long legs and small waist

"Fu Jinye, we." Xia Zhi looked at Fu Jinye hesitantly, her watery eyes reflected Fu Jinye's calm and handsome face. At this moment, she only had him in her eyes.

Facing these eyes, Fu Jinye's heart suddenly "thumped" for some reason, and the strength of his hands relaxed unconsciously.

He opened his thin lips lightly, with a bit of surprise in his tone, "You"

It's now!

Xia Zhi's eyes flashed, and she quickly broke away from Fu Jinye's confinement. While running, she did not forget to shout, "Let's all go to bed early. See you tomorrow!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a heavy slamming of the door.

Xia Zhi leaned behind the door and breathed a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, she was excited, otherwise she didn't know what excessive things Fu Jinye would do.

She knew Fu Jinye very well.

At this moment, Fu Jinye was standing in the corridor, his calm features becoming more and more indifferent.

"See you tomorrow?" Fu Jinye sneered, and the originally empty corridor seemed to become weird, "Then see you tomorrow, anyway."

He whispered in a low voice, like a voice from hell, which seemed particularly permeable in the quiet corridor.

Fu Jinye walked toward his room, his figure stretched infinitely.

When the vibration sounded for the third time, Xia Zhi reluctantly sat up from the bed.

Her hair was as messy as a chicken coop, and she was listless. She tried hard to open her eyes, but after struggling a few times, they still didn't open. Xia Zhi lay back on the bed.

After another 5 minutes, he gradually woke up.

She got off the bed and opened the curtains. The sun was already shining brightly outside.

The begonia flowers in the yard are swaying in the wind, the light and shadow are slanting, and the spots are reflected on the ground, which is very beautiful.

Xia Zhi stretched and said seriously, "Today is also a beautiful day!"

【Good morning】

[I’m so happy to see my husband right after I woke up]

[Ah ah ah ah, today is also the day when I was hit hard by Lao Fu’s beauty]

[Am I the only one who thinks that Fu Jinye and Xia Ran really look like father and son? Their faces are exactly the same, both in front and in profile]

[Some people are annoyed. We have been talking about it all day. Do we still want to continue discussing this matter today?What’s more, there are so many people who look alike in the world, so it’s not unusual for the similarities to be high]

【Where is Xia Zhi?Are you still sleeping in? What time is it? ! 】

When Xia Zhi walked down the stairs, she saw Fu Jinye and Ran Bao each occupying one end of the sofa. Fu Jinye was reading a newspaper, and Ran Bao was reading a book. The cover of the book had been re-wrapped and no name could be seen. .

The sun shines in from outside and just shines on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

As if they heard the movement here, the two people put down what they were holding at the same time, and turned their heads to look at her almost at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Xia Zhi was in a trance.

Can we only say that he really deserves to be a father and son?

Although they have never lived together, there is an inexplicable similarity between the two of them in expressions and actions.

[Fuck, shit, shit! ! ! 】

[For a moment, I didn’t know which one to look at]

[Fu Jinye and Xia Ranshen synchronize and release this video. Who can help but say that the two are biological father and son]

[What kind of outfit is Xia Zhi wearing? It’s so beautiful! ! 】

[My sister’s waist is not my waist, it’s Saburo’s machete that kills me]

【Sister Royal!I can! ! ! ! 】

[These legs, this waist, just looking at them will make your nose bleed! 】

[I hope everyone can be more sensible when they speak. I don’t want everyone to overdo it, I will be jealous] [Sister, kill me! ! 】

From the moment Xia Zhi appeared, the barrage scrolled wildly, and the popularity of the live broadcast room suddenly increased.

With Fu Jinye in their group, they were already very popular.

Coupled with Xia Zhi's dress today, it attracted a lot of looks.

In fact, Xia Zhi had not thought about what to wear today.

I just opened the curtains and saw the nice weather outside, so when I was choosing clothes, I chose something cool.

The black strapless straps and wide-leg jeans may have seemed too revealing, so she paired it with a white light jacket. Even so, the exposed parts were still just right for everyone to see.

With her slender swan neck, slim waist and straight and slender legs, every inch seems to be just right.

Not only the people in the live broadcast room were shocked by her beauty.

Even the staff present couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Her face not only kills men, but also kills women.

"Mom." Xia Ran's milky voice woke everyone up from a dream.

He put down the book in his hand and walked toward Xia Zhi with his short legs.

Xia Zhi also walked towards him, bending down to hold him in her arms, "Good morning, Ranbao."

"Good morning, Mom."

After saying hello, Xia Ran kissed Xia Zhi on the cheek. Her little face was as red as a ripe tomato.

Since she had the camera, Xia Zhi took the initiative to say hello to Fu Jinye, "Good morning, Best Actor Fu."

Fu Jinye seemed to be in a daze and did not respond immediately.

But after more than ten seconds, he nodded lightly and said in a hoarse voice, "Good morning."

His eyes were dim and unclear, as if he was trying his best to suppress something. His eyes were fierce. The moment Xia Zhi looked at him, her heart went cold.

This bitch man won't hold any grudges about what happened last night, right?
She did sneak away on purpose last night.

Who knows what the crazy Fu Jinye will do.

Even if she looked away, Xia Zhi could still feel a gaze following her like a shadow, always falling on her.

She could only pretend that nothing happened and did not dare to look at Fu Jinye.

However, the more you avoid something, the closer it will come.

Fu Jinye put the newspaper on his lap aside, spread his folded legs, and slowly stood up.

He was wearing a simple pair of black pants and a white T-shirt today. This handsome face looked good no matter what he wore. This simple outfit made his temperament clean and pure, making him look much younger all of a sudden.

Xia Zhi's heart was beating wildly.

Is Fu Jinye going crazy in public?

No, absolutely impossible!
Xia Zhi was murmuring in her heart. Although she was pretty sure that Fu Jinye wouldn't mess around, she still couldn't help but worry.

"Are you hungry?" Fu Jinye's voice sounded from above.

Only then did Xia Zhi realize that he had walked to her side at some point.

Xia Zhi swallowed and did not answer his question directly. Instead, she said, "Actor Fu hasn't had breakfast yet? I'll prepare it right now."

Xia Ran was still held in Xia Zhi's arms. He put his arms around Xia Zhi's neck and said in a soft voice, "Mom, we have eaten."

"Ranran left some food for mom. It's in the microwave. You can heat it up and eat it."

"Okay." Xia Zhi nodded, not realizing that there was anything wrong with her five-year-old son preparing breakfast for him.

(End of this chapter)

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