Chapter 37 Burning Treasure is Super Awesome

[What is Xia Zhi doing? 】

[Suddenly I had a bad feeling, maybe she was going to sell out in public]

[I discovered for the first time that Xia Zhi is a social cow, and I am very envious of her! 】

[With such ostentation, what if the old man is recognized? 】

[Hahahahahaha, I'm at the market now, I'll go over to the old man to buy groceries in a while]

[In front of you, tell me your location and I will teleport over to accompany you]

[Can the teleporter take me along with you? I also want to talk to Lao Fu]

[Damn it, you won’t have any friends like this! ! ! ! ! 】

[Xia Zhi is just a sensationalist. I advise you not to get too involved in the drama, be sensible and stop your losses in time]

[Facial control, just based on Xia Zhi’s face, no matter what she did wrong, as long as it is not illegal, I am willing to forgive her]

[Isn’t anyone complaining about the scene?It was so shaking that I almost vomited out my last night’s meal. Let’s just say, if it doesn’t work, you can change it to a recorded broadcast. It’s so real.]

Because there were too many people around, the camera crew did not dare to be too ostentatious.

Therefore, the camera in the live broadcast room is inevitably a little shaken.

However, even so, the dedicated staff still ensured the normal progress of the live broadcast content to the greatest extent.

Xia Zhi was completely unaware of everything that happened next, including the barrage in the live broadcast room.

When she got her cell phone, she deliberately avoided searching for gossip about herself on the Internet.

She knew very well that there must be many people scolding her online.

But Xia Zhi insists that as long as she doesn't see it with her own eyes, it doesn't exist!
However, now she encountered a new problem.

Looking at the people coming and going around, Xia Zhi took a deep breath, and a crisp voice sounded in the air, "Fresh vegetables are on sale at low prices. Don't miss it if you pass by~"

Without a loudspeaker, Xia Zhi shouted directly with her mouth.

Fu Jinye heard the shouting and looked back at her in surprise.

Xia Zhi noticed Fu Jinye's gaze and said quickly, "Look ahead, there are many people on the road, be careful of accidents."

When riding a bicycle through the crowd, the most important thing is to pay attention to safety.

Hearing this, Fu Jinye turned around silently, like a big obedient dog.

Seeing such a "well-behaved" Fu Jinye, Xia Zhi's lips curved into a faint smile.

She has a bright appearance, and her moving voice like an oriole also attracted a lot of attention to her.

The car traveled less than 50 meters when someone came to ask about the price.

"Hello, how much does a pound of tomatoes cost?"

"These cucumbers look pretty good, give me a few."

“Can winter melon be cut and sold?”

Seeing that business was booming, Xia Zhi quickly started greeting customers.

Fu Jinye also stopped the car for buyers to choose from.

Although payment methods are now developed, most people in this market are still accustomed to paying in cash.

The director team had also made inquiries about it a long time ago, so they made two preparations.

Change and payment code are ready.

"Tomatoes cost [-] yuan, cucumbers cost [-] yuan, and winter melon costs [-] yuan. Total."

Before Xia Zhi spoke, two voices sounded at the same time, "Twenty-one yuan and three."

Two voices, one large and one small.

Naturally, it belongs to Xia Ran and Fu Jinye.

Xia Zhi looked at Fu Jinye in surprise.

Xia Ran calculated that she was not surprised at all.She had known for a long time that Ranbao had outstanding computing power.

What she didn't expect was that Fu Jinye also spoke.

In fact, in Xia Zhi's plan, Fu Jinye only needs to hide himself.

His fans range in age, and there is no guarantee that no one will recognize him at the market.

Fortunately, Fu Jinye's dress was low-key and his face was covered. With just one voice, the people around him did not realize that something was wrong.

Instead of paying attention to Fu Jinye, they were extremely interested in Xia Ran, who had succeeded in arithmetic.

"Is this really the number?" An aunt buying groceries stared curiously at the calculator in Xia Zhi's hand.

After Xia Zhi pressed the equal sign, the calculator sounded, which was exactly the same as Xia Ran's calculation.

"Is this your son? How old is he?"

"What a smart kid."

"Not only is he smart, but he is also clever, but he looks familiar to me."

Xia Zhi was afraid that others would think of Fu Jinye through Ranbao, so she quickly said, "Our little treasure is very popular. He is five years old this year. He is usually sensitive to numbers and likes to count."

"Sister, you are the first business I have done today. I will give you a zero and you can give me 20 yuan." Xia Zhi's sweet smile instantly captured the hearts of everyone.

"You're such a serious kid." The elder sister who bought vegetables had a smile on her face. "Okay, then I won't be polite to you. I will come to your house to buy things when you meet me in the future."

"Okay sister, I'll wait for you!" Xia Zhi said knowingly.

Although I don’t know if she will still have the chance to sell vegetables, she can never go wrong by being kind to others.

At this time, a man wearing black-rimmed glasses and a white T-shirt and black pants looked at Xia Ran with interest, "Little brother, are you really that good at math? Why don't you help me calculate how much I need to pay for these dishes?" money."

Xia Zhi's eyes fell on the convenience bag in the man's hand.

There were six kinds of vegetables in her car, and the man bought one each, carrying a total of six convenience bags.

And the weight of each convenient bag is not low.

Xia Zhi raised her eyebrows, isn't this her life?

"Sir, let me weigh you first." Xia Zhi said.


The man glanced at Xia Zhi lightly. Although he was more interested in Xia Ran, Xia Zhi's beauty still made his eyes stay for a few seconds longer.

There was even a bit of relief in his eyes.

As if to understand something.

Of course, Xia Zhi was completely unaware of all this.

Fu Jinye, who had nothing to do, noticed the man's gaze.

Out of a man's keen intuition, Fu Jinye moved his body, covering most of the man's gaze.

The man noticed his little movement and was not annoyed. He just touched his nose a little guilty and said, "Ahem, your vegetables are quite fresh."

Obviously looking for something to say.

Xia Zhi ignored him and quoted prices one by one, "Tomatoes are 13 yuan and 11, cucumbers are [-] and [-] yuan, winter melon is [-] and [-] yuan, cabbage is [-] and [-] yuan, shepherd's purse is [-] and [-] yuan, and noodles are [-] and [-] yuan."

"Total?" The man's eyes fell on Xia Ran.

Xia Ran said calmly, "47 yuan and a half."

Still light and cloudy.

Although he is young, he has an indescribable temperament about him.

Very inconsistent with this age.

Hearing the accurate answer, the man's eyes lit up.

He signaled Xia Zhi not to use the computer to check calculations. He fumbled around in his pocket for a long time and reluctantly took out a crumpled business card. "This is my business card. It has my contact information on it. Your child is very talented in calculations." , if you are interested in further improving his capabilities, feel free to call me.”

(End of this chapter)

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