Chapter 39 Borrowing a child?

"This" Ye Qi poked Shen Jiangqi with his elbow and asked in a low voice, "What do you think?"

Shen Jiangqi put down the hand covering his mouth, and the expression on his face returned to normal.

Maybe it was because he was snickering too fiercely just now, and his face turned a little rosy.

He coughed lightly and said, "Little girl, if you buy so much, won't your adults criticize you?"

Shen Jiangqi's voice is particularly pleasant, with a unique youthful sound.

Hearing him call "little girl", the girl opposite suddenly blushed.

She whispered, "Eat when you're done."

Worried that they would not sell to her, the little girl added, "Our family has a factory. There are many workers in the factory, so we need a lot of ingredients. I can definitely eat all these tomatoes without wasting them at all."

If she didn't have enough money, Gao Luo would have bought all the other dishes.

After hearing what she said, Shen Jiangqi had no reason.

He hesitated for a moment and then said, "In that case, I'll sell you this basket of tomatoes."

After weighing and calculating the price, the little girl paid decisively.

Of course, she couldn't let a little girl help carry the vegetables, so the director sent two people to follow the girl to carry the vegetables home.

In addition to the basket of tomatoes, the little girl also got TO tickets from two people. She went home happily and envied all the fans in the live broadcast room.

Ye Qi said with a guilty conscience, "Why do I feel guilty? Will the director team take our money back?"

"Probably not." Shen Jiangqi analyzed, "The director team must have thought of such consequences from the beginning, so there was a rule of fines for being called out by name."

"Everything is difficult at the beginning. We have successfully sold the first order. We will work hard and rely on our strength to sell out the remaining dishes."

Ye Qi nodded, "Yeah."

She thought it was a great experience.

She wanted to experience it well and not get preferential treatment because of her special body shape.

[Hahahahahaha, why do I feel that these two people are so cute]

[Woooooooooo, Qiqizi should participate in more variety shows in the future, this character is too lovable]

[Don’t worry, the directing team will definitely not be so heartless]

[This group is also very fun, in sharp contrast to Fu Jinye's group, but I still like Xia Zhi's hawking method, it feels very friendly]

[Some people should not be jealous of the tomatoes our Qiqizi sells based on its strength]

[Am I the only one who thinks the pairing of Zhou Yiran and Qi Mo is miserable?Neither of them are extroverts, so asking them to sell vegetables is simply embarrassing them! 】

[Me too, I just came out of their live broadcast room, not to mention how miserable it was, nothing was sold]

Compared with the gloom and gloom of these two families, Xia Zhi's side is doing well.

After a while, most of the vegetables were sold, and there was still some left, but Xia Zhi didn't plan to sell it anymore.

She didn't say it clearly, but Fu Jinye understood her plan, "Let's buy some meat later."

Xia Zhi nodded.

The director team said at the beginning that these vegetables are their living expenses today, selling vegetables - making money - cooking.

That being the case, they can also turn these dishes into ingredients.

After Xia Zhi took out the money and put it away, she put the remaining money back into her wallet.This money is what they spend today.

It’s less than 300 yuan, which is not much, but it’s enough for three people to eat.

"Do you want to save a hundred for tomorrow?" Xia Zhi asked worriedly, "What if tomorrow's task is difficult?"

Fu Jinye said, "You don't have to stay here. You can buy whatever you want. We'll talk about tomorrow."


After all, two people made the money together, so they have to handle it together.

After Xia Zhi put the scale away, she rearranged the remaining vegetables.

Then, she took Xia Ran out of the car and said, "Ran Bao, do you want to eat ice cream? Let's go buy ice cream."

"Okay." Xia Ran nodded and stretched out his little hand to hold Xia Zhi's hand.

Fu Jinye is still responsible for driving.

Although it is slow, I have to say that having a car is convenient when shopping and shopping.

Close to the seaside, there are many fresh seafood at the market here.

But their budget was limited, so Xia Zhi only picked a few live shrimps and a slightly larger sea fish.

After buying the pork, Xia Zhi picked some snacks and wanted to buy fruits too.
Unknowingly, Xia Zhi picked out a lot of things.

"You can't help but spend too much money now." Xia Zhi looked at the balance of less than 100 yuan in her hand and couldn't help complaining.

Fu Jinye saw her pouting and unhappy look, and a touch of tenderness flashed in her eyes, "Is there anything else you want to eat?"

Xia Zhi glanced at the dazzling array of products, then looked at the balance in her hand, shook her head, "No more."

"Let's go buy ice cream." She suggested, "Buy more. I didn't see the other two groups along the way. They should be selling at the head of the market where we just entered."

Fu Jinye nodded in agreement.

It is said to be ice cream, but in fact there is no such thing in the market, only ice cream.

Xia Zhi chose a few more expensive ones, then picked some of her usual favorites, and filled a whole convenience bag.

After losing dozens of dollars, her wallet was completely empty.

But Xia Zhi was big-hearted and didn't care.

After the mission was over and they bought what they wanted to buy, the three of them immediately decided to go home.

Sure enough, they saw two other groups of people at the entrance to the market.

Unlike their speed, it seems that business is not doing well for these two groups.

Ye Qi and the others were okay, all the tomatoes were sold out.

Zhou Yiran's group had no shortage of vegetables.

Their stalls were opposite each other and not next to each other, but they could still hear each other talking.

"Have you sold out?" Shen Jiangqi looked at Xia Zhi with some surprise, "So fast?"

Xia Zhi nodded and handed over the ice cream, "Hey, would you like to lend me the burning treasure to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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