The sickly girl became famous when she went to sex with a baby girl, and the actor’s ex-boyfriend as

Chapter 41 100 Questions of Primary School Mathematical Olympiad Thinking Training

Chapter 41 100 Questions of Primary School Mathematical Olympiad Thinking Training

[Can anyone tell me who Xia Zhi is? I have never seen anyone more arrogant than her.]

[Is Xia Ran really her son? Why does it feel like she is her employer?]

[Haha, see clearly, this is Xia Zhi’s true face, those people who were obsessed with CP should wake up now]

[Xia Ran didn’t say anything, Fu Jinye didn’t say anything, the director team didn’t say anything, but some people were not calm anymore]

[Anyway, she is paid to record the show, right? What we are watching is the content of the show, not her lying on the sofa and showing off. Do you have any professional qualities? 】

[You don’t have to watch it if you don’t like it, there’s no need to increase your presence in the barrage]

[Of those people who spray Xia Zhi, how many of them are here to see Xia Zhi?Who are you watching in this live broadcast room? Don’t you have an AC number in mind? 】

The barrage started arguing again.

The director team is already used to this.

They have never seen anyone who is easier to attract evil than Xia Zhi.

Obviously her appearance is not bad and she has attracted some fans, but there are countless people trying to criticize her in the live broadcast room.

To put it bluntly, it is actually another kind of jealousy.

After all, who doesn’t want to make a lot of money easily while just lying down and resting.

"Xia Zhi, stop being busy, sit down and rest for a while." Xia Zhi asked.

"Nuanran is not tired, Nuanran wants to accompany her mother and tell her stories." Xia Ran said with a milky voice.

Xia Zhi nodded, "Okay, honey, what story do you want to tell today?"

"Nuwa mended the sky." Xia Ran thought carefully for a moment before reluctantly giving an answer, "Has mother heard of it?"

Xia Zhi shook her head, "No, Ranbao should tell mom."


Xia Ran is like a big cat, nestling next to Xia Zhi, slowly telling the story of Nuwa patching up the sky in a childish voice.

The content of the story is familiar to everyone, but not many people can tell it completely.

Xia Ran is one of them.

Fu Jinye looked at the two people with "a loving mother and a filial son", his eyes were as gentle as water.

While the two of them were resting, Fu Jinye was not idle. He walked directly into the kitchen and started processing the ingredients brought back from the market.

When the camera turned from Xia Zhi and her son to Fu Jinye, he was washing vegetables.

The fingers with clear joints seemed not to be washing vegetables, but to handle a work of art.

His originally delicate and noble face now has a bit of a "husband" contrast. Not only does it not reduce his charm at all, but it actually makes his status in the eyes of fans even higher.

Such a result was something Fu Jinye did not expect.

Or maybe he thought about it and didn't care about it.

Over the years since his debut, he has always relied on his works to speak for himself.

Although his traffic is at the top in the entertainment industry, what he relies on is not these data, but actual awards one after another, which represents the recognition of him by people in the industry.

"Does Movie Emperor Fu often cook at home?" The director interacted with Fu Jinye.

Fu Jinye answered the director's question while washing vegetables, "Occasionally."

"I spend a lot of time outside filming. I basically eat lunch on the set and rarely cook by myself."

The director was a little surprised, "Actor Fu's cooking skills look good."

"Well, I learned it when I was in high school." Fu Jinye said in a calm tone, very casually, "At that time, I had a friend who was picky about food and didn't like to eat in the cafeteria. She often pestered me to bring food for her."

"That must be a very important friend." The director said.

The person for whom Actor Fu can learn to cook must be someone very important to him.Fu Jinye raised his eyes and stared directly at the camera. After a few seconds, he nodded happily and said as if pointing out, "Well, it's very important."

The barrage instantly boiled over, and everyone was very curious about who the friend the actor mentioned was, was he a man or a woman?

The director was well aware of Fu Jinye's nature and did not dare to ask radical questions. He just asked tentatively, "Are you an insider?"

"No." Fu Jinye shook his head in denial.

If you are not an insider, finding this person is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

When the camera turned to Xia Zhi, she had already closed her eyes and fell asleep.

After telling the story, Xia Ran stood up and tiptoed to cover Xia Zhi with a blanket.

Although his body is small, he is very skilled in taking care of people.

He gently covered Xia Zhi with a blanket. When he saw Fu Jinye busy in the kitchen, Xia Ran did not compete with him for the kitchen like before.

He climbed the stairs with his short legs.

At the director's signal, the camera followed Xia Ran upstairs.

The director asked curiously, "Does Ranbao want to go back to his room to rest?"

"No." Xia Ran replied lightly.

His attitude when he was with Xia Zhi was completely different. They were completely different.

The director was surprised and continued to ask, "Then why is Ranbao going back to the room?"

Xia Ran said a lot this time, but his tone was still calm, like a little adult, "Take the exercise book, read, and do your homework."

【! ! !Damn it, was this really what a five-year-old said? 】

[When I was 15 years old, I was standing in the live broadcast room with a pile of unwritten homework, but I ended up watching a five-year-old child do his homework]

[If I were half as smart as Ranbao, I would have gone to Peking University a long time ago. Unlike now, Peking University Bluebird doesn’t even want me]

[Child, give up, you will find that you can never finish your homework]

[How can you say such cold words in your 37-degree mouth?]

[What a holiday, five-year-old child doing homework?Who believes it? ! 】

[Existence is reasonable, and we, Ranbao, are little geniuses. What’s wrong with our love for learning? 】

"Is there a lot of homework in kindergarten?" the director asked curiously.

Xia Ran shook his head, but did not explain.

He returned to the room, found his small schoolbag, and carried it downstairs.

Xia Ran sat next to Xia Zhi, spread out her homework on the coffee table, glanced at her mother, and then started to do her homework.

The camera shows Xia Ran's homework book, which clearly says "100 questions for elementary school math Olympiad thinking training".

Although he is still a child in kindergarten, he still does elementary school problems, or Mathematical Olympiad.

I really don’t know how his brain grew.

These questions didn't seem too difficult for him. Xia Ran almost finished reading the questions and wrote down the answers.

His handwriting has begun to show its edge and is better than some adults' handwriting.

Fu Jinye didn't know when he stood next to him. When he saw the Mathematical Olympiad book, he "tsk" and said, "When I was your age, I already started studying junior high school knowledge."

Xia Ran tightened her grip on the pen, raised her head, and stared at Fu Jinye with her dark eyes.

Not to be outdone, Fu Jinye looked at him.

Two faces enlarged in equal proportions appear in the camera at the same time, which shocks netizens every time.

So similar, who would believe that they are not the biological father and son? ? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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