Chapter 51: Movie Emperor Fu, do you have someone you like now?

"I choose to tell the truth." Fu Jinye said directly.

Shen Jiangqi thought for a moment, then a mysterious smile appeared on his lips, "Then I won't be polite."

Fu Jinye nodded, "Bring your horses over here."

There was quite a sense of confrontation between the two.

It's just not so intense that it's tense.

Shen Jiangqi asked without thinking, "What kind of girl do you like?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone started cheering.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was scrolling crazily, and they all said that Shen Jiangqi did a great job!

The people present were also curious.

Fu Jinye's ideal type, this is big news.

If it were not broadcast live, but put online as a trailer, it would definitely whet the appetite of the audience.

But the current effect is not bad.

The number of barrages has skyrocketed, and the number of viewers is also increasing.

Everyone came here for Fu Jinye's answer.

After pondering for a moment, Fu Jinye seemed to be remembering something and slowly said, "I like girls who can shine, bright and wanton, proud and indulgent, and dazzling."

He didn't talk specifically about the girl's appearance, but focused on the girl's character, in other words, his own feelings.

[Did you hear that, Fu Jinye likes girls who can shine! 】

[I know, Fu Jinye believes in light! 】

[Oh, I like Ultraman! 】

[To say Ultraman is too much, Lao Fu obviously likes Fireflies]

[Although I don’t know what kind of girl can win the favor of Lao Fu, but just listening to his description, I feel that the girl is so outstanding]

【Who doesn’t like sparkling people? 】

[Those who chase the light will themselves become dazzling! 】

[Ah ah ah, I want to be a shining person, old master, do you like me? 】

Hearing Fu Jinye's answer, Xia Zhi felt mixed emotions in her heart.

Thinking of what she had experienced in the past few years, a self-deprecating smile appeared on her lips.

Six years.

She was no longer the person Fu Jinye liked.

Why bother being sentimental?

The sad mood did not last long, and soon Xia Zhi had no time to think about it.

Because when Fu Jinye turned the dial, the pointer happened to be pointing at her.

If it weren't for the fact that this thing couldn't be controlled by humans, she would have thought Fu Jinye was cheating.

It is impossible to take big risks.

With how evil Fu Jinye is, he might be asked to do something.

"I also choose to tell the truth." Xia Zhi looked at Fu Jinye with a magnanimous look, "Actor Fu, we are partners."

The implication is that I hope he can be merciful.

Fu Jinye raised his eyebrows, "On the game table, there is only victory or defeat."

Xia Zhi suddenly wilted.

This man is really as bad as ever.

Oh, she would be afraid of him!

Seeing the lively expression on her face, Fu Jinye had a faint smile in his eyes.

He thought for a moment and said slowly, "How do you feel about your first love?"

First love?

Isn't he her first love?
Fu Jinye must have done it on purpose!
He clearly knew that her first love was him, yet he still asked such a question!

Xia Zhi was furious and said angrily, "I wish him happiness." [Well, I guess the next question is: when was the last time he lied]

[Is Lao Fu inquiring into Xia Zhi’s relationship history? 】

[Who says first love is always beautiful? My first love was ugly.]

[Ah, Lao Fu, no, I don’t allow you to like Xia Zhi]

[Let’s just say that no matter who Lao Fu is with, I feel that the other person is superior, but with Xia Zhi’s face, I really can’t argue with it]

[You can’t just judge people by their faces. Although Xia Zhi is pretty good-looking, she already has a child. Do you want to see me as a stepfather?]

[Does anyone want to know what Lao Fu’s first love was like? 】

The barrage continues.

Hearing Xia Zhi's answer, Fu Jinye didn't say anything, but Ye Qi stood up and retorted first, "No, your answer is too simple. Please tell me carefully, what is your attitude towards first love!"

Xia Zhi looked at Ye Qi with sad little eyes.

Ye Qi just pretended not to notice and stared at Xia Zhi with a gossipy face.

Zhou Yiran asked curiously, "Isn't Sister Xia Zhi's first love Xiao Ran's father?"

It really is.
Can Xia Zhi admit it?

Absolutely not!

She deliberately ignored Zhou Yiran's question and began to think about how to pass the test.

At least give a reason that everyone can live with.

Xia Zhi thought for a while and said with some melancholy, "First love is beautiful. Maybe I was still young at the time. Some things that I thought were big things at the time are actually just like that in retrospect. It's just fate. We can't think about it the way we do now. I know how to deny myself at that time. After so many years, some things have slowly faded away. Now I really hope that he can be happy."

Although Xia Zhi didn't say much, everyone could hear the sadness in her wistful tone.

Her first love didn't seem to be a good one.

In other words, first love is beautiful, but the way of separation is not so beautiful.

Fu Jinye looked at Xia Zhi with complicated eyes, with indescribable emotions hidden in his eyes.

The game continues and it is Xia Zhi's turn to spin the wheel.

When the pointer stopped, it pointed at Zhou Yiran.

Xia Zhi and Zhou Yiran were not familiar with each other, so they didn't ask too much questions, "What is your ideal type like?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yiran glanced at Fu Jinye shyly, her eyes said everything.

Xia Zhi didn't expect that she could still eat melon while playing a game.

Fu Jinye is really a charmer.

Although her eyes said everything, Zhou Yiran still said, "I like men like Actor Fu. He is a leader in his career outside, is an excellent cook at home, and is stable and makes people feel safe."


Xia Zhi didn't frown. This was a fan filter showing how thick Fu Jinye was, being able to say such things without any shame!
Xia Zhi quietly looked at Fu Jinye.

Not to mention, his outfit does have a certain sense of stability.

Xia Zhi was in a daze for a moment. She seemed to still be stuck on Fu Jinye in her memory.

He didn't notice the changes in Fu Jinye.

"What are you looking at?" Fu Jinye said directly, pointing out Xia Zhi's peeking behavior.

Xia Zhi, who was caught, looked away embarrassedly, pretending that she was not the one talking about her.

It was obvious that the person who answered the question was Zhou Yiran, and the person who "confessed" it was obviously Zhou Yiran, but she was completely ignored by Fu Jinye.

Such blatant disregard is simply more embarrassing than rejection.

Zhou Yiran raised a forced smile on her lips and turned the dial.

This time, the pointer turned back to Fu Jinye again.

What kind of luck is this? After playing four rounds in total, Fu Jinye was transferred to two rounds.

Zhou Yiran didn't expect to transfer to Fu Jinye.

Fu Jinye still chose to tell the truth.

Zhou Yiran glanced at Fu Jinye shyly, and after thinking for a moment, she spoke and asked very seriously, "Actor Fu, is there anyone you like now?"

(End of this chapter)

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