Chapter 56 Rong Yun
"Really?" Fu Jinye said casually, but his voice seemed to have been tempered by ice.

Xia Zhi raised her head in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Fu Jinye almost laughed out of anger at her.

If it weren't for his good acting skills, Xia Ran's presence, and so many cameras around him, he would have really wanted to cut open Xia Zhi's brain and see what was inside.

Fu Jinye gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay."

"Mom, Ranran misses Uncle Shen's cooking." Xia Ran said again, "Can we let him come to our house to cook more in the future?"

Xia Zhi was a little confused.

Ranbao always doesn't like strangers at home.

Even Shen Jiangqi was reluctantly welcomed into his home after knowing him for a long time.

Shen Jiangqi cooked that meal at her house. It was because she had a fever at that time and couldn't get out of bed, which scared Ranbao very much.

"What are you talking about?" Xia Zhi pinched his cheek and said, "Eat well."

"it is good."

Xia Ran secretly glanced at Fu Jinye and saw that his face was dark, and his small face suddenly showed a proud expression.

This was also one of the few times when he showed his emotions.

If Fu Jinye looked at Xia Ran at this moment, he would understand everything.

However, he remained unmoved at all, his eyes fixed on one spot and he did not move his chopsticks.

After eating, Xia Zhi sent Xia Ran to take a shower, while she went to the kitchen to clean up with the dishes and chopsticks.

The live camera was also turned off after the meal.

The staff left, and only Fu Jinye and Xia Zhi were left in the living room.

Both of them were silent, and there was only the sound of clinking dishes in the air.

When Xia Zhi washed the dishes and walked out of the kitchen, she saw exactly this scene.

Fu Jinye leaned on the sofa with his legs crossed, his sharp eyes staring blankly at something, not knowing what he was thinking.His thin lips were pursed tightly and his brows were slightly furrowed, as if something unhappy had happened to him.

The lights in the living room were on, but Xia Zhi felt as if he was in darkness.

It gives people a feeling that strangers should not enter.

Faced with such a scene, Xia Zhi should have turned around and left.

By some strange coincidence, she actually walked over and sat down on the sofa next to Fu Jinye, "What's wrong with you? Did you encounter something unhappy?"

Hearing this, Fu Jinye lazily raised his eyelids and gave her a look of charity.

In an instant, the void solidified into substance.

The black abyss seemed to swallow her up.

Xia Zhi's heart trembled, and she regretted doing something unnecessary.

However, now that it was impossible to run away, she could only sit calmly and look at Fu Jinye.

"Xia Zhi." Fu Jinye gritted his teeth. There was not only resentment in his tone, but also a little grievance. "Do you, a woman, have any heart?"

It's the same problem again.

Does Fu Jinye still like him?

Xia Zhi didn't dare to think about this possibility.

For a proud man like him, facing a woman who had dumped him before, and this woman had already given birth to a child, how could he still like her again?

The slim possibility was eventually blocked by Xia Zhi.

She didn't dare to hope or think.

"Nonsense." Xia Zhi rolled her eyes and joked, pretending to be relaxed, "If I don't have the heart, how can I chat with you here?"

Hearing her answer, a complex emotion flashed through Fu Jinye's eyes.

"Forget it." He murmured to himself, "I can't run away anymore, what happened in the past."

His voice was very low, as if he didn't mean to say it to Xia Zhi, but more to himself.

"What can't run away?" Xia Zhi vaguely heard these three words and asked curiously.

Fu Jinye had already adjusted. When he looked at Xia Zhi again, his eyes had lost the emotion just now and returned to their usual sharpness. "It's okay."

"Oh." Xia Zhi responded indifferently, "Xiaobao should have finished taking a bath soon. I'll go check on him."


Fu Jinye watched Xia Zhi leave, his emotions hidden in his dark eyes, surging, and he didn't know when to break out of the cage. **********
[Xia Zhi, did you enter the entertainment industry behind my back? 】

[If I hadn’t seen the hot searches on Weibo, I wouldn’t have known you were on a variety show and attracted so many fans]

[Xia Zhi, you bastard, I will knock you to the ground and chop you wildly when I return home! 】

[That person named Fu Jinye should be Xiaobao’s biological father, he looks so similar]

[Didn’t he doubt Xiaobao’s identity when you two met? ? ? 】

[What about people? ? ? 】

[Could it be that the old relationship with the dog man has rekindled? ? ? ? 】

[Xia Zhi, wait for me! ! ! ! 】

[Damn it, aren’t you? You’re really missing? ? ? 】

As soon as Xia Zhi turned on her phone, countless WeChat messages were bombarded instantly.

You don't have to guess to know who sent it.

Xia Zhi reluctantly clicked on the dialog box.

When she saw the exclamation marks all over the screen, Xia Zhi knew that Rong Yun was angry.

She met Rong Yun when she was pregnant with Xiao Bao. He is the most important person in her life so far besides her family.

[Bao, don’t be angry, I’m not short of money, and I also want to make money and spend more time with Ranbao, so I participated in this show. I didn’t expect to meet Fu Jinye]

[I didn’t expect that I would become popular. I haven’t dared to open Weibo for the past two days, for fear of being scolded to the point of being autistic and quitting the Internet]

[Bao, don’t be angry, you will always be my favorite woman! 】

[Fu Jinye is indeed Ranran’s biological father, but don’t worry, I concealed this matter well and no one will know. 】

Xia Zhi saw that the chat dialog box kept showing that typing was ongoing, so she did not continue typing, but waited for Rong Yun's message to come through.

I don't know if the Internet speed is too slow, but Xia Zhi received Rong Yun's message after 3 minutes.


six o'clock.

Yes, only six points.

Xia Zhi was puzzled, [You typed for 3 minutes and typed six points? 】

[Wuli Bao, do you have a new lover who doesn’t love me anymore? 】

[I'm telling you, I'm going to make a scene! 】

[Don’t make trouble] News about Rong Yun continues to come, [I just feel a little speechless]

[Look, did your last message say something human? 】

[Anyone with normal eyes can’t see that Fu Jinye and Xiaobao look alike? ! 】

[If anyone else knows about the relationship between the two of you, the fact that Xiaobao is Fu Jinye’s son will definitely become a rock in the public’s eyes! 】

Rong Yun's words hit Xia Zhi's heart.

In fact, she thought so too.

She sighed and was about to continue sending messages when Rong Yun called.

Xia Zhi immediately pressed the connect button.

"Xia Zhi, what exactly are you thinking?" Rong Yun's voice came from the other end of the phone.

The familiar tone gave Xia Zhixin a brief moment of relief. ,

Xia Zhi said truthfully, "Actually, I'm also very confused. I think Fu Jinye should already know the truth. Otherwise, with his temper, how could he participate in a parent-child variety show."

"I think so too." Rong Yun agreed, "He didn't reveal his intentions to you at all?"

Xia Zhi thought about Fu Jinye's behavior and shook her head, "No, not only that, he seems to be pretending not to know about it."

Rong Yun said, "So you will act with him?"

Xia Zhi fell silent.

Yes, she can only act with him.

Xiaobao is her life, and she will not let Fu Jinye take Xiaobao away!
Rong Yun seemed to have guessed her thoughts, sighed and asked, "Do you still have feelings for him? After all, when you two separated."

"Junjun." Xia Zhi interrupted Rong Yun's words. She took a deep breath and said sadly, "I don't want to mention what happened in the past. Maybe Fu Jinye and I are destined to have no connection. Now I I just want to make money and raise Ranbao, and other things are beyond my consideration."

(End of this chapter)

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