Chapter 6 Xia Zhi: The program team is not messing with me, right?
Shen Jiangqi was also stunned when he saw Xia Zhi.

The level of surprise was no less than when Ye Qi saw Fu Jinye.

When the camera showed Ye Qi, Fu Jinye and Zhou Yiran, he quietly came to Xia Zhi's side.

Xia Zhi didn't expect to meet Shen Jiangqi in this show.

Looking at the entire entertainment industry, she only knows two people.

Fu Jinye and Shen Jiangqi.

The program team seemed to have made arrangements and actually invited both of them.

Xia Zhi was very suspicious: the program team must have deliberately opposed her!
"Brother Jiang Qi, long time no see." Xia Zhi took the initiative to say hello, her expression much more relaxed than when she was getting along with Fu Jinye, "I didn't expect to meet you on this show."

Shen Jiangqi chuckled, "That's what I'm going to say, why did you come to this show?"

His eyes fell on Xia Ran, and he bent down to greet him with a smile, "We haven't seen you for so long, and Ranran has grown taller again."

Xia Ran pretended to be cold and said "Yeah".

Like a noble cat, his satisfied expression betrayed his happiness at the moment.

As a little man, who would refuse to be praised for growing taller?

Except for Xia Zhi, his attitude towards everyone was cold and cold.

Compared with Xia Ran's defensiveness when they first met, Shen Jiangqi felt that his attitude towards him now was pretty good.

Xia Zhi couldn't explain that she came to this show for money.

He casually found an excuse, "coincidence."

"It just so happens that Ranbao is on vacation and I want to spend more time with him."

This is not true either.

Shen Jiangqi knew what Xia Zhi had been through over the years. Since he was recording a show, he didn't say much. He just said lightly, "Well, this show is not bad. The pace is slow. You two can get along well."

Xia Zhi was about to reply something when a cold sweat broke out on her back.

She felt like a cold gaze was staring at her, as if she was being stared at by a poisonous snake.

Xia Zhi's body stiffened, and she slowly turned her head. All she could see were Fu Jinye and Ye Qi, who were chatting with each other, Zhou Yiran, who was trying hard to talk, and Qi Mo, who occasionally interrupted to say a few words.

Ye Heng was pestering Lin Jiajia, circling her left and right, as if begging for something.

Everything in the picture is so harmonious.

"What's wrong?" Shen Jiangqi noticed something was wrong with her and asked doubtfully.

There was a hint of surprise in Xia Zhi's eyes, "It's nothing, maybe it's my imagination."

It must be because she saw Fu Jinye again, but now she has become crazy.

Xia Zhi didn't notice that when she turned her head to face Shen Jiangqi, Fu Jinye also silently looked away.

It's just that his eyebrows were cold, his deep pupils were glowing with a faint cold light, and the smile that slightly raised the corner of his mouth did not reach his eyes.

[Jiu Min, how come Seventh Brother knows Xia Zhi? 】

[This Xia Zhi is definitely not simple. She is the best actor first and then the seventh brother. I feel like she is playing a big game of chess]

[If Xia Zhi were the seventh sister-in-law, I would be convinced by this appearance! 】

[At first glance, it looks like plastic surgery. Can some people do this? 】

[Take Seventh Brother away, we won’t date]

[Quietly, have you noticed the look in Fu Jinye’s eyes just now? It’s so scary]

[Sister in front, you are not alone, I saw it too! ! 】

[Fu Jinye must be jealous, I bet [-] cents that he definitely likes Xia Zhi]

[Don’t talk nonsense, okay? Whoever saw our movie star is jealous, can you stop making blind assumptions? ! 】"Okay, everyone, be quiet for a moment." The director's voice sounded, and the lively atmosphere instantly quieted down, and everyone cast their eyes in the direction of the director, "Through the greetings just now, everyone must have known each other. Now and in the live broadcast room Say hello to the audience.”

Hearing this, Ye Qi took the initiative to pull Ye Heng over to greet everyone, "Hello everyone, I am Ye Qi, and this is my naughty son Ye Heng. I hope everyone will pay more attention to our program."

If we talk about coffee positions, the next person to introduce himself should be Fu Jinye.

However, he took the initiative to give the opportunity to Zhou Yiran and her daughter.

Zhou Yiran took a deep look at Fu Jinye, and then began to greet the camera, "Hello everyone, I am Zhou Yiran, and this is my daughter Lin Jiajia. I hope everyone can like us and support our programs."

Then the camera showed Xia Zhi.

As the only amateur, she is not as casual as the previous two when facing the camera.

Xia Zhi took a breath and was about to speak when a deep voice sounded from her ears, "Don't be afraid."

She raised her head subconsciously, and what she saw was Fu Jinye's dark and deep eyes.

Was he the one talking just now?

Fu Jinye's voice is deep, with strong sexiness and magnetism, which makes people sound seductive and tugging at the heartstrings.

Xia Zhi had fallen in love with his voice back then.

Her nervous heart calmed down strangely under the soothing touch of his voice.

Xia Zhi took a step forward and faced the camera confidently, with a strange light shining in her eyes, "Hello everyone, I am Xia Zhi. This is my son Xia Ran's first time participating in the show. If there is anything I did wrong, Please bear with me, and thank you for your support of our program. I love you~"

At the end, Xia Zhi became more and more relaxed and even winked at the camera.

Sexy, coquettish, stunner. A series of words appeared in the barrage.

Looking at the lively live broadcast room, the director once again confirmed that he had found a treasure!
As expected, Xia Zhi was born to be in the entertainment industry.

But what happened to Fu Jinye just now?
After Xia Zhi's introduction, it was the turn of the men present.

Compared with the introduction of the women, the introduction of the three men was relatively simple.

Fu Jinye: "Fu Jinye."

Qi Mo: "I am Qi Mo."

Shen Jiangqi: "Hello everyone, I am the seventh brother Shen Jiangqi. Please support our program~"

[Laughing to death, the style of painting changed instantly]

[Fu Jinye and Qi Mo, can your self-introductions be shorter? 】

[Boooooooo, Seventh Brother turned out to be the only warm man among the three]

[Ah ah ah ah, I like the looks of all three of them! ! ! 】

[Three husbands, which one should you choose to sleep with tonight?Forget it, there is no choice in the adult world, let’s do it together! ! 】

[Am I the only one still immersed in Xia Zhi’s wink just now?I declare that Xia Zhi will be my wife from now on! 】

[Go away, can you please give me a little face? She is obviously my wife, okay?]

[While you are not paying attention, secretly take away Ye Qi and Xiao Heng]

[Stop dreaming about the previous one, Ye Qi is lying on my bed now]

[Isn’t our Princess Jiajia cute? 】

The barrage was noisy.

This kind of scene is exactly what the director wants to see.

Only when there is controversy can there be topics. Having topics proves that their program is popular!
The director's voice sounded again, and he deliberately let it slip, "Next, the real mission is about to begin. Everyone, be prepared~"

(End of this chapter)

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