Chapter 61 The person Fu Jinye’s mother pushed over


When she saw the camera, the girl exclaimed and quickly rushed out of the camera.

Her actions are somewhat hard to understand.

Fu Jinye thought of what Tao Yuan said yesterday and immediately reacted.

If he guessed correctly, this girl should be the new assistant.

"Do you know him?" Xia Zhi walked quietly to Fu Jinye and asked in a low voice.

She held a microphone between her collar, and even if she whispered, it was picked up and broadcast into the live broadcast room.

So everyone can clearly see Xia Zhi's little moves.

Fu Jinye said bluntly, "It should be the new assistant my agent found for me."

The girl outside the camera is no longer as comfortable as before, with regret written all over her face, as if she has done something wrong.

Xia Zhi suddenly realized that she was an assistant.

The audience in the live broadcast room also suddenly realized: It turned out to be an assistant!
Fu Jinye frowned slightly and had already begun to consider the possibility of changing to another assistant.

"I'm going to see if Ranbao is awake." Xia Zhi took the initiative to say goodbye and leave.

Since they were going to have dinner together soon, Fan Yimin simply asked the staff to close the live broadcast room.

Seeing the staff leaving, the girl walked forward hesitantly and said, "Mr. Fu, I'm really sorry. I didn't know you were filming before."

Fu Jinye glanced at her indifferently and said nothing.

When the girl saw this, she was a little unsure of what Fu Jinye meant.

She could only bite the bullet and continue to explain, "Mr. Fu, I am your new assistant. My name is Yu Qian. You can leave any work you have to me in the future!"

"Brother Yuan has already told me about the specific work matters. I came in just now to say hello to you and hand over the work, but I didn't expect you were not at home."

When I came back, I happened to meet Fu Jinye live broadcast.

That's why we made such a big mistake.

"Yeah." Fu Jinye responded coldly, showing no emotion or anger.

Yu Qian saw this and did not continue to speak.

She has already explained everything that needs to be explained.

As for how Fu Jinye would arrange herself in the end, she was murmuring in her heart.

It's all her fault for her reckless character, otherwise she wouldn't be in such a big embarrassment.

Yu Qian was very upset.

Fu Jinye did not embarrass her face to face, but simply said, "Go and get familiar with the surroundings first. Don't appear in the camera again during the filming of the show."

Yu Qian nodded quickly, "Okay, okay, Teacher Fu, I will definitely not make the same mistake again!"

Seeing that Fu Jinye did not pursue the matter, Yu Qian's face suddenly showed a look of joy. ,

Back in the room, Fu Jinye called Tao Yuan.

At that time, Tao Yuang had just woken up.

No, he was actually woken up by the ringing of the phone.

"Is something wrong?" The hoarse voice betrayed his current state.

"Yes." Fu Jinye's voice sounded.

With just one word, Tao Yuan knew who was on the other end of the phone.

He woke up immediately, looked at the time on the clock, and couldn't help complaining, "Brother, why did you call me after six o'clock in the morning?"

He is human and he needs to rest!

Fu Jinye asked directly without any nonsense, "Did you arrange it for Yu Qian?"

Yu Qian?
Tao Yuan was in a daze for a moment and then reacted immediately.

"Have you seen her?"

"How is it? Isn't she beautiful? Let me tell you, she is my carefully selected assistant." "There is no need to say thank you. Just stop calling me at this time."

Fu Jinye waited patiently for Tao Yuan to finish before he started to speak, with a slightly cold tone, "Why didn't I know that my new assistant was a girl?"

Tao Yuan noticed a trace of displeasure in his tone and immediately became serious, "Sexism is unacceptable!"

Fu Jinye was speechless, "It's not impossible to change to another agent."

"Hey, hey, I was wrong!" Tao Yuan immediately gave up.

He can still tell the difference between a joke and a joke or something serious.

Tao Yuan sighed, "Do you want to listen to the truth or be diplomatic?"

"Huh?" Fu Jinye had no choice.

Tao Yuan had no choice but to tell the truth, "Actually, the thing is like this. Yu Qian was recommended by the madam. It is said that she had worked in the madam's company before and performed well and was liked by the madam, so she transferred here to work as your assistant." ”

The lady Tao Yuan mentioned was Fu Jinye's mother.

"When you gave up the company and resolutely came to the entertainment industry, my wife has always been worried about this matter." Tao Yuan said, "In the past few years, she has asked me about you a lot, and some people in the studio have also been with me. She has connections.”

"Yeah." Fu Jinye nodded, "I know."

He has always known his mother's little tricks.

The reason why he didn't mention anyone by name didn't matter to Fu Jinye.

These people have no influence on him.

But he didn't expect that his mother would send him an assistant this time.

"I can't figure out what Madam means." Tao Yuan's voice sounded again, "But you also know that I can't disobey her decision."

"So, why don't you just feel aggrieved for the time being? If Yu Qian doesn't do something well, we can fire her and make a good example."

Fu Jinye still only replied with one word, "Yeah."

Seeing that Fu Jinye no longer rejected him, Tao Yuan returned to his humble nature.

He smiled obscenely and said mysteriously, "Hey, Yu Qian is actually quite nice by your side. She might even be able to help you solve some problems if necessary."

"What do you mean?" Fu Jinye intuitively felt that Tao Yuan had nothing good to say.

As expected, in the next second, he said, "Aren't you interested in Xia Zhi? With a beauty like Yu Qian by your side, you can just test what she really means to you. Women get jealous, tsk tsk."

Sure enough, it's not a good word.

Fu Jinye said "boring" coldly and hung up the phone.

Thinking of his mother, he couldn't help but have a headache.

When Xia Zhi came to Xia Ran's room, he just opened his eyes in a daze and looked at Xia Zhi who came in with a blank look on his face.

"Mom!" After seeing Xia Zhi clearly, Xia Ran's confused eyes suddenly became clear and she called him excitedly.

Xia Zhi's heart was immediately filled with happiness.

Ah, this is the baby she gave birth to.

How can it be so cute!

Xia Zhi walked to the bed and kissed Xia Ran on the forehead, "Good morning, baby."

"Good morning, mom." Xia Ran was in a good mood.

Is there anything happier than seeing your mother and receiving her good morning kiss as soon as you open your eyes?

Xia Ran is used to being independent. Ever since he learned to dress himself, he has never troubled Xia Zhi again.

This is still the case today.

When he went to the bathroom to wash up, Xia Zhi sat alone on the edge of the bed in a daze.

For some reason, the image of the girl she had just seen suddenly appeared in her mind.

Is Fu Jinye’s assistant so good-looking?
Xia Zhi's heart was clogged, and inexplicable emotions lingered in her heart.

Hum hum, Fu Jinye, a straight man who really doesn't know how to show mercy to women, actually let such a beautiful girl be his assistant!

(End of this chapter)

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