Chapter 65 "Criminal Doctor"

Qi Mo glanced at Zhou Yiran with an inexplicable expression.

After a while, he took out his mobile phone and learned how to dig bamboo shoots from Xia Zhi on Baidu search.

Although there are written instructions, it is still somewhat difficult to implement.

On the contrary, Xia Zhi's side was much more relaxed.

With the news "revealed" by the camera boy, the three people quickly found the location of the bamboo shoots.

Next is the task of digging bamboo shoots.

Xia Zhi had made a strategy and was about to get the tools to dig when Fu Jinye had already started taking action.

One of his movements was so smooth that it seemed as if he had done it thousands of times.

He is obviously wearing a famous brand, but his movements are similar to those of someone who digs bamboo shoots all year round.

Just looking at the back, you can't tell the difference at all.

Xia Zhi was a little surprised, "How could you."

Fu Jinye stopped his movements and spoke calmly, "I was filming in the mountains a few years ago, and I went up to the mountains to dig bamboo shoots with my friends from the crew."

"Ah?" Xia Zhi was even more confused, "Your crew still teaches this?"

Fu Jinye nodded, "The crew has a lot of time and has done a lot of things in their spare time during filming."

Fu Jinye did not elaborate.

Xia Zhi always felt that there was something in his words.

But I couldn't guess what he wanted to express.

"Then where have you been to film in the past few years?" Xia Zhi was a little curious. "I see that the architectural styles in several of your movies are different. You must have been to many places."

When Fu Jinye answered, Xia Zhi found that he was silent.

Just when he was wondering why he didn't answer, Fu Jinye's voice sounded, "Have you seen my movie?"

Xia Zhi raised her head and suddenly met Fu Jinye's deep eyes, and her heart skipped a beat for a moment.

"Yes, yes." Xia Zhi nodded, a little embarrassed.

Fu Jinye wouldn't think too much about it.

She had indeed seen his play.

At first, she went to see it out of curiosity.

After all, the Fu Jinye she knew never seemed like someone who could act.

Unexpectedly, Fu Jinye actually did it.

He on the big screen is a completely unfamiliar person to her.

It was someone Xia Zhi had never seen before.

Xia Zhi forgot about her ex-boyfriend Fu Jinye and only immersed herself in his movies, as if following his acting skills she was also immersed in the experience of the characters in the story.

Until the end of the movie, Xia Zhi didn't react.

Fu Jinye is an acting genius.

This was Xia Zhi's only thought after watching the movie.

Since then, she has watched every movie by Fu Jinye, sometimes even watching a movie several times.

I have to say that his vision in selecting films is really good.

Moreover, his acting skills can also support the script.

He is worthy of being the youngest Grand Slam Best Actor in history.

Xia Zhi never thought that one day she would become Fu Jinye's crush.

Of course, she will never tell Fu Jinye about this!

The corner of Fu Jinye's mouth curved slightly, and he asked casually, "Which character do you like the most?"

Xia Zhi thought for a moment and said truthfully, "Each of the roles played by Movie Emperor Fu has been interpreted very well."

Thousands of wears, no flattery.

Fu Jinye just looked at her without speaking, as if he was not satisfied with her answer.

Xia Zhi had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "If I really have to choose one that I like the most, it should be the doctor in "The Sinful Doctor"." This is Fu Jinye's first suspense-themed movie, and it is also his first time. Challenge the role of villain.

In that movie, Fu Jinye played a psychopathic and gentle scum doctor.

When he first appeared on the stage, he was wearing a white coat and gold-rimmed glasses, which instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

This scene even became the hottest video of the year.

Just asking, who hasn’t seen the gentle scum Fu Jinye!
Both lustful and sassy, ​​it's like a crazy and perverted interpretation to the extreme.

He is obviously a murderer, but he has the ability to confuse people.

Make people willing to die by his sword.

God knows, Xia Zhi watched this movie over and over again.

I even regretted breaking up with Fu Jinye for a time.

Anyway, it’s not too late to cosplay this character first and then break up!

Fu Jinye smiled and said inexplicably, "I knew you would like this character."

【Fuck! ! !Xia Zhi, you understand me! ! ! ! ! ! 】

[Ah ah ah ah, I decided to replay "The Sinful Doctor"]

[As long as you also like "Crime Doctor", we will be good friends]

[Does anyone think that the old man’s smile just now is inexplicably adorable? It’s a perfect match for this summer! ! ! 】

[I didn’t expect that Xia Xia is still a fan of Lao Fu. Close to the water, Lao Fu, you have to work hard! ! 】

["The Sinful Doctor" yyds, I chose to become a doctor because of this movie, but there is a big gap between reality and the movie, the male doctors in our hospital...]

[Who noticed what Lao Fu said? How could he know what type Xia Zhi likes?Could these two people have known each other before? ? ? 】

[You two can stay together this summer. I will help you move from the Civil Affairs Bureau, and I will show you the children! 】

[As an aside, in addition to "The Sinful Doctor", our old man's other movies are also very good. Everyone, please go see them! ! ! 】

Xia Zhi also felt that what Fu Jinye said was a bit inexplicable.

What does "knowing she will like" mean?
Is it possible that Fu Jinye played that role because of her?
How can it be!

Xia Zhi felt that she must be crazy.

Otherwise, why would such strange thoughts come to my mind?

"Do you want me to help you?" Xia Zhi saw Fu Jinye digging bamboo shoots and took the initiative to ask.

Fu Jinye was about to agree when Xia Zhi spoke again, "Forget it, I think you are quite skilled. I'll dig the others. The two of us will dig together and the progress will be faster."

"Come on, let's dig bamboo shoots together."

"it is good."

Xia Ranpianpianpian followed Xia Zhi.

The director team very thoughtfully prepared toys and tools for the children. The sizes are just right for their bodies, and they are made of plastic and will not hurt themselves.

To put it bluntly, they want to let children participate in the fun of digging bamboo shoots, but also prevent them from getting hurt.

It was Xia Zhi's first time operating it, and she was not very skilled at it. The bamboo shoots broke apart halfway through digging.

Looking at the broken bamboo shoots, she felt a little disappointed.

It seems that theoretical knowledge alone is of no use.

Seeing that Xia Zhi was a little depressed, Xia Ran looked around and finally landed somewhere.

He reached out and pointed to the place where his eyes stopped, "Mom, there are bamboo shoots there."

"It's true, Ranbao is so amazing. He learned to recognize bamboo shoots so quickly." Xia Zhi said sincerely.

Netizens expressed that they knew the truth.

[Have you noticed that Xia Zhi often encourages Ranbao and praises him no matter what he does?]

[Not only that, she also plays games with Ranbao, treating her like a friend, not like a mother and son at all]

[Is this Xia Zhi’s secret recipe for raising a baby?Got it, I’m going to play games with my “friends”]

[Don’t put the cart before the horse, first you must have a child as smart as Ranbao, and then you can become his friend]

(End of this chapter)

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