Chapter 67: Two-Stage Reversal!

"Fufu Jinye!" Xia Zhi shouted in panic.

She stood in front of Ranbao, her body couldn't stop shaking, but she didn't flinch at all.

The fear in his eyes was obvious, and he was panicked and didn't know what to do.

Fu Jinye heard her urgent voice and rushed over, "What's wrong?"

Xia Zhi pointed to an unknown object in the weeds in front, her hands were trembling and her voice was trembling, "It's right there. Do you think it looks like a snake?"

Xia Zhi is most afraid of snakes.

Even when chatting and typing, the input method with a "snake" icon would scare her.

Right now, having her face to face with a possible snake was literally killing her.

【What the hell?snake?No way? ? ? ? 】

[There are indeed many snakes on the mountain, and the director team is too unaware of safety hazards]

[What I am most afraid of is snakes. Help me, I will leave first. I will come back after the snake situation has passed.]

[Although Xia Zhi is scared, she always protects Ranbao behind her, which shows that she is a good mother]

[This summer is really tough. When Xia Zhi is in danger, her first reaction is to call Fu Jinye, and Fu Jinye will also come out to protect her as soon as possible. Beautiful love! ! ! 】

[Death to the love brain, now is a time when life is at stake, can the love brain disappear? 】

[Don’t worry, everyone, I just came from another live broadcast room, and the other two groups also encountered snakes, so this is definitely not a coincidence, but a deliberate arrangement by the director team. 】

[Is there something wrong with the directing team? Why do they arrange snakes? ! 】

[What do the directing team think? ! ! 】

After overcoming the initial fear, everyone began to transfer their anger to the director team.

To be honest, the director team felt that they were wronged.

Because in the previous seasons, they would also arrange similar scenes, which reflected the mutual redemption between people at critical moments.

Of course, this is also the most controversial moment.

Emergencies are like a mirror that can reflect the true nature of human nature.

"Just stay here and don't move. I'll go over and take a look." Fu Jinye said.

Before he could take a step, Xia Zhi suddenly grabbed his arm, "Why don't we forget it."

Xia Zhi said timidly, "Let's leave first. What if there is really a snake, and it's a venomous snake?"

Keep a respectful distance, the best strategy is to stay away!

Fu Jinye glanced at the place where Xia Zhi pointed out just now, his eyes thoughtful.

Suddenly, he nodded, "In that case, let's take a detour and leave."

After receiving Fu Jinye's permission, Xia Zhi nodded excitedly.

"But..." Fu Jinye changed the subject, "What if we encounter a snake again on the way back?"

Xia Zhi: You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to.

God, she just wanted to stay away, but she also forgot that snakes often move.

What if you accidentally step on it when you go back?
"What should we do?" Xia Zhi looked at Fu Jinye helplessly.

The pitiful eyes instantly hit Fu Jinye's heart.

It's that look.

This look that only I am your whole world is so beautiful!
However, there must be a light bulb in a threesome.

Fu Jinye never expected that the light bulb turned out to be the brat Xia Ran.

"Mom, don't be afraid." Xia Ran poked his head out from behind Xia Zhi, "Ruan Ran is not afraid of snakes, Ran Ran protects mother!"

"No." Xia Zhi refused directly.She was very touched by Ranbao's thoughtfulness.

But she can't let Ranbao be involved in danger!

"You follow mom obediently and you are not allowed to take risks for mom, do you understand?" Xia Zhi said to Xia Ran seriously, "Nian Ran is mom's life. Even if mom dies, Ran Ran will not be harmed!"

[It’s a bit touching, but also a bit funny.]

[If I hadn’t known that this was arranged by the director team in advance, I might have been moved by the mother-child relationship between Xia Zhi and Xia Ran, but now I just want to laugh: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

[Let’s just say, is there really no one speaking out for toy snakes? 】

[Xia Zhi is so outrageous, hahaha, what kind of variety artist is she? There are countless memes]

[Has Lao Fu already discovered that the snake is fake? Why were you so calm throughout the whole process? 】

[Xia Zhi’s fear of snakes is 0% funny, and the fake snake makes Xia Zhi make bold statements about life and death is 1000000000% funny]

[Everyone, go check out the other two live broadcast rooms, they are also very interesting! 】

at the same time.

Ye Qi also found snakes there.

Compared to Xia Zhi, who was trembling and afraid to confirm, Ye Qi was more courageous.

She called Shen Jiangqi, "Old Shen, do you see a snake over there?"

"Where?" Shen Jiangqi followed Ye Qi's gaze and saw a snake-like object coiled in the weeds.

After seeing it clearly, Shen Jiangqi nodded, "It should be so, but why doesn't it move?"

"Is it possible that you were injured?" Ye Qi chatted directly with Shen Jiangqi.

"Mom, what kind of snake? Where are the snakes?" Ye Heng, who was very curious, came over and looked around.

Ye Qi knelt down, hugged the person, stood up, and instructed Ye Heng to look in the direction of the snake.

Seeing the snake, Ye Heng's eyes widened, "Mom, there really is a snake!"

"But why doesn't it move?"

"Is it poisonous? Will it suddenly come and bite us?"

"Mom, can I catch this snake and raise it?"

A series of questions came out of his mouth.

Ye Qi was speechless by his question.

There was even more laughter in the barrage, and everyone asked if they could respect Brother Snake!
"If I guessed correctly, it should be a fake snake." Shen Jiangqi suddenly said.

Ye Qi nodded in agreement, "It's so fake. You can tell it's a toy snake at a glance."

"Then let's continue digging bamboo shoots?"

"Okay, let's dig bamboo shoots."

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha or ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha]

[Director team, why are you provoking these two if you have nothing to do? Don’t you know that I, Qiqizi, am famously not afraid of snakes? 】

[What we are saying is, can you respect the toy snake and learn from Xia Zhi, giving the toy snake a sense of presence! 】

[Is it possible that Xia Zhi is faking?But I don’t think she’s just pretending that her hair is standing on end. It’s either because of her acting skills or because she’s really afraid of snakes.]

[I don’t know if Xia Zhi is pretending, but Qiqizi and Qi Ge can tell at a glance that it is a fake snake. I don’t believe that the old man can’t tell. He must have deliberately not said it to tease Xia Zhi! 】

[Don’t say anything about the previous one, really don’t say it! ! !You told the truth! ! ! 】

[Why is the painting style of this "home" so weird? Isn't it true that one family does not enter the same house? 】

[I saw a two-level reversal in Xia Zhi and Qiqizi! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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