Chapter 69 Please join the love drama

"There should be no problem." Xia Zhi said uncertainly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she took a step, her legs were so weak that she almost fell.

In the end, it was Fu Jinye who had quick eyes and quick hands and stepped forward to help her.

Xia Zhi smiled, with a bit of embarrassment on her face.

Before Fu Jinye let go, Xia Zhi said weakly, "Please let me lean on you first, my legs are weak."

She is really afraid of snakes.

She has not been bitten by a snake, nor has she had any close contact with a snake.

But I am inexplicably afraid of this animal.

Xia Zhi felt flustered when she thought of how many snakes there were around.

No, she must leave this place as soon as possible!

"Let's. Let's go." Xia Zhi said cautiously.

The look of weakness makes people feel an endless desire for protection.

[Now I finally understand why some boys like to take girls to watch horror movies and go to haunted houses]

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu."Family, who knows, the two of them really get along very well"

[Xia Zhi is really scared. Have you noticed that her legs are shaking?]

[I suspect Xia Zhi is playing me, I had the same reaction when I saw a snake]

[Look at some fans, this is the real fear, okay? The owner of your family is so eye-catching, I really don’t understand how you can clean her up without conscience]

[Don’t dare to talk nonsense, the real owner has fainted, but our Xia Zhi has not fainted yet]

[Lao Fu’s boyfriend has MAX power, I won’t tell anyone who is envious of him! 】

"Otherwise." Fu Jinye said his plan, "I will carry you down the mountain."


Xia Zhi was a little confused.

Why are you holding her?
Oh, her legs are weak!
"Actually, you can support me." Xia Zhi struggled weakly.

Fu Jinye ignored her words and said bluntly, "This will make our trip faster. You may want to leave this place as soon as possible."

"I'm worried that there might be a snake den nearby, so it's better to get down the mountain as soon as possible."

Originally Xia Zhi was still a little hesitant.

But after hearing "Snake's Den", she immediately stopped hesitating.


Must go down the mountain.

It doesn't matter whether you hold her or help her, as long as you let her go down the mountain, whatever you do will do!
"No." The remaining reason made Xia Zhi stop him, "We are going down the mountain like this. What will happen to Ranbao? I can't let him walk down the mountain."

What if he gets bitten by a snake?
Fu Jinye thought for a moment and said, "How about putting him in a backpack."

The backpack is not big, but it is more than enough to hold a five-year-old child.

"Mom, Ranran can go by yourself." Xia Ran rejected Fu Jinye's proposal.

He doesn't want this weird uncle to carry him, he can leave on his own!
"Are you okay?" Xia Zhi looked at Fu Jinye with complicated eyes.

Carrying one behind him and holding another in front of him, wouldn't he be exhausted? !

Fu Jinye frowned slightly and said in a calm tone, "Don't ask a man if he can do it, because no man will admit that he can't do it."

Xia Zhi's head is covered with black lines. ,

At this time, he actually still has the heart to joke!

"Ran Bao, be obedient and let your uncle carry you down the mountain, okay?" Xia Zhi walked to Xia Ran, "otherwise, let mom carry you down the mountain."

In short, she can be bitten by a snake, but Ranbao definitely can't!
Seeing her mother who was scared but still wanted to protect her, Xia Ran felt a warm feeling in her heart.

"Listen to your mother."

He didn't want his mother to be in danger.

Fu Jinye poured out all the bamboo shoots and fungi in the basket on his back.

He secretly glanced at the camera guy, and the meaning was self-evident.

The camera guy said that his life was very hard. Not only did he have to carry the equipment, but now he also had to help them move things!
After putting Xia Ran in the basket, Fu Jinye put the basket on his back.The last one is Xia Zhi.

Nearing the critical moment, Xia Zhi flinched again.

"Otherwise I'd better walk."

"Hey what are you doing!"

Xia Zhi's feet were in the air and her hands subconsciously wrapped around Fu Jinye's neck.

He picked her up like a princess and slowly went down the mountain.

Xia Zhi expressed that she was very social.

She looked around, not knowing where to look.

What a shame!
Why did things develop to this point?
Xia Zhi was confused, which step caused the problem?
Inexplicably, the fear in her heart dissipated little by little, replaced by an ever-increasing heartbeat.

Xia Zhi's eyes fell on Fu Jinye's profile, the smooth jawline, the high bridge of the nose, the deep eyes, and the delicious smell of him that enveloped her.

All this made Xia Zhi's heart beat like a drum.

Xia Zhi lowered her head, not daring to look at him again.

Fu Jinye's embrace is still so warm.

If this continues, she won't be able to bear it anymore.
No, no, Xia Zhi, you and Fu Jinye are completely in two different worlds now.

There is absolutely no way you can be together!
[These two people came to the wrong show, you go to Lianzong, Lianzong welcomes you]

[Hahahahaha, carrying his son on his back and holding his wife in his arms, the old man is the winner in life at this moment]

[The burning treasure in the basket is so funny, I have a new emoticon! 】

[Routines, Chi Guoguo’s routines! ! 1】

[The old man’s evil plan succeeded, he is so cunning! ! ! 】

[I didn’t expect you to be like this Fu Jinye]

[Is Xia Zhi too shy to look at Fu Jinye?Going both ways this summer]

[Ah ah ah ah, I’m gone, what kind of amazing boyfriend power is this, old man?]

[To be honest, some men in domestic entertainment should really learn from the old man. It is difficult to carry a female star who weighs several dozen pounds. Look at our old man, carrying his wife and son down the mountain as if nothing happened.]

[Is there really no one who can speak for the camera guy?I just saw Lao Fu hinting to the camera boy to carry the fungi and bamboo shoots down the mountain】

[No need to compete, Fu Jinye’s group must be first, after all, he took away all the bamboo shoots]

[In front of you, if you can speak, speak more]

The way down the mountain is inherently dangerous.

Fu Jinye held Xia Zhi in his arms and walked slowly.

Watching the scenery in front of her gradually broaden, Xia Zhi's heart gradually relaxed.

She said softly, "Fu Jinye, are you tired? Otherwise, put me down. I think I can leave by myself."

"Huh?" Fu Jinye's beautiful voice was bewitching, "Aren't you afraid of snakes?"

It is impossible not to be afraid.

Just not as scared as before.

Xia Zhi said, "But you"

"I'm fine." Fu Jinye interrupted her, "Be good, don't think too much, trust me, okay?"

How could Xia Zhi endure Fu Jinye like this?

She nodded, then obediently stopped talking.


[Old Fu, this is too flirtatious! 】

[Love talk skill get√, Fu Jinye, what else can you not do! 】

[It turns out that sentence is true: There is no cold person in the world. If you think there is, then the person he is warm to is definitely not you]

[Fu Jinye in front of Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye in front of others are completely different! 】

[Fu Jinye, you really don’t love me too much! 】

(End of this chapter)

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