Chapter 84 Xia Zhi has some werewolf genes in her body

[I have never seen anyone so good at playing tricks]

[As expected of Seventh Brother, this wave is the ultimate pull]

[I know you want to vote for Xia Zhi, but you can’t bear it, it doesn’t matter, just vote, I support you]

[Brother Qi, it’s up to you whether the good guys can win or not! 】

[Brother Qi, if you are so naughty, you will never have a wife. The last person who was so naughty was the sunny and cheerful boy who escaped from prison]

[Menglan: I suspect you are loving me, bear me, you are going to be angry]

Shen Jiangqi slowly said, "I vote for Xia Xia."

"Xia Xia, I'm sorry, I want to be a good person this time!"

Fan Yimin began to talk about the final voting results, "Xia Zhi has two votes, Qi Mo has one vote. The werewolf failed."

"Sure enough, it's you!" Shen Jiangqi said with determination, "Xia Xia, you've gone too far. You got the werewolf identity in two consecutive rounds."

"Who is the prophet?" Qi Mo asked curiously.

Immediately, he asked again, "Could it be Fu Jinye?"

"Yes, that's him." Ye Qi nodded, "I didn't expect him to be a prophet."

Zhou Yiran found it a bit magical, "The first person to die in both games was the prophet."

As soon as she reminded him, everyone also discovered the problem.

"Do you want to continue the game?" Fan Yimin asked.

Others became interested and expressed their intention to continue playing.

But it seems a bit boring to just have a few of them participating in the game.

"How about adding a few more people." Fu Jinye suggested, "How about three werewolves, three civilians, a prophet, and a witch?"

Fan Yimin nodded in agreement, "Okay."

Eight people, just need to add two more people.

Fan Yimin pointed at Yu Qian, and then at the assistant director.

Both of them were a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, they also participated in the game.

"You will be the judge and I will participate in the game." Fan Yimin said to the deputy director.

The assistant director who thought he would participate in the game:.
It turned out that it was just taking over the director's responsibilities so that he could have a better gaming experience.

[Hahahaha, director, you know how to use people]

[The smile will not disappear, but it will transfer. It has transferred from the assistant director to me]

[Who is Yu Qian?She’s quite good-looking]

[Popular science: This Yu Qian is Fu Jinye’s new assistant. She appeared on camera when she was working before. Is Fu Jinye’s team trying to praise her? 】

[With such good looks, it would be a pity not to make a debut]

[Is Yu Qian good-looking?I feel that her appearance is not as good as Xia Zhi's, but they are not the same type and cannot be compared]

"The game has started. Please draw your identity cards." The assistant director took over the director's duties and was responsible for the progress of the game.

"Please close your eyes when it gets dark.

Werewolves, please open your eyes and confirm each other's identities. "

As the assistant director finished speaking, the three people opened their eyes.

To everyone's surprise, Xia Zhi turned out to be a werewolf this time.

Xia Zhi was helpless.

What kind of luck is she? !

Fu Jinye also drew the werewolf card, and the last werewolf was Shen Jiangqi.

He was the only one with two good hands, and the third one drew a werewolf.

He was also shocked when he saw the other two teammates.

Xia Zhi spread her hands helplessly.

The assistant director didn't expect it to be such a coincidence.Xia Zhi is really possessed by the god of variety shows.

"Werewolf please kill someone." The assistant director continued the cue process.

When Xia Zhi picked someone to prepare a knife, Fu Jinye pointed at himself.

Shen Jiangqi saw his behavior and instantly understood what he wanted to do.

Xia Zhi was a little confused. Out of her trust in Fu Jinye, she instinctively believed in all his decisions.

Therefore, the person who was stabbed tonight was Fu Jinye.

“Witch, please open your eyes.

He was the one who was stabbed tonight. You have a bottle of antidote in your hand. Do you want to save him? "

The one who opened her eyes was Yu Qian, she was a witch.

After listening to the assistant director's words, Yu Qian nodded and expressed that she wanted to save him.

"You have a bottle of poison in your hand. Do you want to use it?" the assistant director spoke again.

This time, Yu Qian shook her head.

"Witch, please close your eyes. Seer, please open your eyes. Whose identity do you want to verify?"

Zhou Yiran opened her eyes, she was a prophet.

His eyes swept across the crowd, and finally fell on the director.

"His identity is" the assistant director held up his civilian identity card.

Zhou Yiran nodded and closed her eyes at the assistant director's words.

"It's daybreak. There are no casualties tonight." The deputy director said, "Starting from Xia Zhi, we will speak in order."

Yu Qian and Fan Yimin were new members, so they had their turn to speak last.

Xia Zhi said, "There's nothing to say. I'm a good person, so I can't be a werewolf."

Facts have proved that it really can.

When it was Ye Qi's turn to speak, she said, "I don't have a clue. I'm a good person, but if I have to vote, I will vote for Xia Xia. With her non-chief physique, she might actually get the werewolf three times in a row." "

Zhou Yiran echoed, saying that she is a good person.

Others also expressed that they were good people, but Qi Mo and Fan Yimin both agreed with Ye Qi's idea and voted out the unlucky Xia Zhi.

The last person to speak was Yu Qian, "My identity is a witch. The person who was stabbed last night was Brother Fu. I saved him. I don't know the other information very well. I choose to abstain and wait and see before voting."

In the final vote, Zhou Yiran, Shen Jiangqi, Fu Jinye and Yu Qian chose to abstain, and the rest voted for Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi voted for Ye Qi.

"What are you doing?" Xia Zhi pretended to be sad, "Where is the trust between people?"

Ye Qi raised his eyebrows, "If you say 'Chinese people don't lie to Chinese people,' I will believe you."

Xia Zhi said hoarsely and immediately closed her mouth.

Ye Qi was a little surprised, "No way, are you really a werewolf?"

At this time, the deputy director also began to speak, "Xia Zhi was eliminated. Her identity is a werewolf."

"Let me go, Xia Xia, you are too outrageous!" Shen Jiangqi said in surprise, "Did the program team really not operate behind the scenes?"

Ye Qi also looked shocked, "Xia Xia, why don't you become the judge directly in the next round, otherwise you will definitely be the first to be voted out."

Xia Zhi:.
"The God of Games no longer favors me." She sighed.

[Xia Zhi turns out to be a werewolf again, maybe the show crew did it on purpose]

[What kind of werewolf is this? Xia Zhi must have some skills.]

[Fu Jinye is also a werewolf for the second time. Fortunately, he and Xia Zhi are in the same team, otherwise he would have to pamper his wife unlimitedly]

[I was the only one who laughed at Brother Qi’s exaggerated acting skills. Fortunately, everyone’s attention was on Xia Zhi, otherwise Brother Qi’s poor acting skills would have been exposed]

[Brother Qi is a musician, and he is good at different things, so please don’t be too harsh on him]

[Fans of Shen Jiangqi don’t need to be so careful, we are just teasing, and there is no malicious intention]

[Why don’t we just end the game? I want to see Xia Zhi draw cards and know if her next one will be a werewolf! 】

(End of this chapter)

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