Chapter 88: The scumbag’s ex-boyfriend is here

"What's going on?" Fu Jinye's voice suddenly turned cold.

What exactly had Xia Zhi done behind his back these years?
Ning Yan noticed something was wrong with Fu Jinye's mood and became even more sure that her idol really liked Xia Zhi.

He likes Fu Jinye and naturally understands his character.

If Xia Xia can be with Fu Jinye, her future life will be happy.

This can be regarded as an assist from his mother's family.

Thinking about it this way, Ning Yan's guilt for exposing her friend's secrets was relieved a lot.

He explained, “Actually, I don’t know what happened specifically, I just heard her friend, my ex-girlfriend, mention it accidentally.

When Xia Xia was young, she met a scumbag and became pregnant with the scumbag's child.

As a result, the scumbag was irresponsible, abandoned Xia Xia, and disappeared.

You should know Ran Bao. It has not been easy for Xia Xia to raise him as a father and mother all these years by himself.

All this is thanks to the scumbag! "

The more I talk, the more angry I get.

Ning Yan gritted her teeth, "I can guarantee that that scumbag is living in a mess now.

He really suffered a big loss by abandoning such a good girl like Xia Xia! "

Scumbag Fu Jinye: Rumors can really kill people.

"Has she never found a boyfriend in the past few years?" Fu Jinye asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

Ning Yan shook his head.

Fu Jin's ambition is very subtle.

It turned out that she had not forgotten herself either.

Who would have thought that what Ning Yan said was, "I don't know either.

Junyun and I have been separated for a long time, and I haven't even seen Xia Xia for a long time.

I hope she finds a boyfriend as soon as possible. "

Ning Yan glanced at Fu Jinye, hinting that he should work hard to catch up with Xia Xia.

Fu Jinye didn't look at him at all, nor did he see his hint.

Ning Yan said, "Xia Xia is a good girl, she deserves happiness."

Fu Jinye agreed with this statement.

"You're not bad either." Fu Jinye returned the signed photo and book to Ning Yan, "Thank you for your support."

Whether it is supporting an idol as a fan, or supporting him and Xia Zhi as a friend.

Fu Jinye returned to the ward, and Ning Yan was already in the corridor happily.

The idol patted himself on the shoulder.

From now on, he will put this piece of clothing in a photo frame and keep it forever!

When Fu Jinye entered, the previous game was over.

No one was setting the pace, but everyone was having a great time playing.

In the end the werewolf failed.

The reason is that Xia Zhi went offline too early.

"Old Fu, you are finally back." Ye Qi said, "Hurry up, the game is about to begin."

"it is good."

Fu Jinye returned to his position.

When her eyes swept over Xia Zhi, she deliberately avoided his gaze.

Fu Jinye's thoughts moved slightly, but he didn't do anything in front of the camera.

[Why do I feel that the atmosphere between Fu Jinye and Xia Zhi is weird when I go out]

[I feel the same way, they probably didn’t kiss behind our backs]

[Be brave, they took advantage of the time just now to get the certificate behind our backs, Ranbao has grown so big]

[Am I the only one who is simply curious about what identity Xia Zhi will draw this time? 】

[I guess Xia Zhi will also draw a werewolf identity card. If I guess correctly, one person will transfer 100 million to me, thank you]

[You don’t have to guess that Xia Zhi beats the werewolf, it’s obviously a well-known thing! 】

When the identity card was handed to her, Xia Zhi said, "Sister Qi, you go first, I will draw last."

This time, she no longer has the initiative.Fate should not choose her.

Ye Qi smiled and nodded, "Okay."

Ye Qi, Zhou Yiran, Qi Mo, Shen Jiangqi, Fu Jinye, Fan Yimin and Yu Qian finished drawing, and only the last one was left, which was Xia Zhi's turn.

Xia Zhi clasped her hands together and prayed silently. Then she slowly opened her palms and saw her identity card.

At the same time, the assistant director’s voice sounded, “Please close your eyes when it’s dark.

Werewolf please open your eyes.

Werewolves please confirm each other's identities. "


[Forgive me for showing my ruthless smile]

[Xia Zhi’s five werewolves in a row were 100% funny, and Xia Zhi’s embarrassment was 10000% funny]

[Seeing that Xia Zhi didn’t want to draw a werewolf, she looked disgusted]

[Yu Qian and Ye Qi’s expressions when they saw Xia Zhi opening her eyes were also very funny, okay?]

[It’s over, Yu Qian and Xia Zhi’s brains are not very good. Qiqizi’s brain is sometimes good and sometimes not good enough. I suspect that this werewolf will lose miserably]

[The only turning point now is that Fu Jinye draws the prophet's card. He will definitely protect Xia Xia! 】

[Fu Jinye, you have to strive for success, it’s time to show off your manly charm]

"The werewolf asks for the swordsman." The assistant director said, holding back a smile.

Fu Jinye is not a werewolf, he will definitely be the first to be stabbed.

It seems like this has become a settlement.

Just like, Xia Zhi must be a werewolf.

"Werewolf, please close your eyes.

Witch, please open your eyes.

He is the one who died tonight. Do you want to save him? "

As a witch, Shen Jiangqi nodded and expressed his intention to save.

"You have a bottle of poison in your hand. Do you want to use it?"

Shen Jiangqi shook his head.

"Witch, please close your eyes.

Prophet, please open your eyes.

Whose identity do you want to verify? "

Prophet Fan Yimin glanced at everyone, and finally looked at Yu Qian.

"Her identity is" the assistant director held up the werewolf's identity card.

Fan Yimin raised his eyebrows.

“Prophet, please close your eyes.

It's daybreak and there are no casualties tonight. "

Everyone spoke in turn according to the order in which the identity cards were drawn.

In the first round, except Shen Jiangqi who revealed his identity as a witch, everyone else still said that they were good people.

Final voting session.

Everyone looked at Xia Zhi in unison.

"No, do you really believe that one person can memorize the same identity five times in a row?" Xia Zhi was unable to argue.

Shen Jiangqi said, "Actually, I didn't believe it the fourth time, but you proved yourself with practical actions.

So this time I choose to believe it. "

Fan Yimin said: "Xia Xia, the chance of someone else being a werewolf is 50%, but the chance of you being a werewolf is 100%, so if I don't vote for you, who will vote for you?"

Ye Qi boldly guessed, "Will you be chosen by the world?
I have seen some videos before, and those who are chosen by the world will have special abilities.

For example, the werewolf identity card is 100% drawn. "

Faced with the ridicule from her friends, Xia Zhi's lips twitched and she shook her head in denial, "Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Xia Zhi was eventually voted out unanimously.

"Her identity is a werewolf." The assistant director spoke, and laughter continued in the ward.

(End of this chapter)

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