Chapter 90 Xia Zhi, let’s live together
Fu Jinye is a star, and if he goes out with her rashly, he will be mobbed.

Fortunately, few people passed by their floor.

Xia Zhi took the elevator to the first floor and got her own takeout from the takeout shelf at the entrance of the hospital.

"Xia Zhi, is it really you?" A man's voice came from behind, and his tone sounded a little creepy.

Without waiting for Xia Zhi's reaction, the man behind him immediately rushed forward and hugged Xia Zhi from behind, "I saw the show, and I'm a big fan of your show.

Xia Zhi, you must not know, but I actually watched that program because of you.

You are simply beautiful.

Xia Zhi, please be my wife.

I am willing to take care of Xia Ran for you, and I am willing to deliver food and take care of you mother and son! "

Xia Zhi thought of the wolf prevention instruction she had seen before. She stepped hard on the man's foot and struggled with her body.

It's a pity that she was wearing disposable hospital slippers, which were far less lethal than high heels.

Seeing that this move didn't work, Xia Zhi quickly shouted, "Let me go!"
Someone is coming! ! ! "

Although it is late, there are still many people on duty in the hospital.

Hearing Xia Zhi's call, everyone came out to check the situation.

The delivery boy was stimulated and looked at Xia Zhi in disbelief, "Why?
Xia Zhi, why are you doing this to me?

Can't you see my infatuation with you?

Believe me, you will be very happy with me! "

This guy is a psychopath.

Xia Zhi struggled hard, and others came forward to help.

In the crowd, there was a person who rushed very fast.

He came to Xia Zhi, grabbed the delivery boy's arm, directly pulled away his hand that was restraining Xia Zhi, and protected Xia Zhi behind him.

Xia Zhi's eyes instantly turned red when she smelled the familiar smell.

It's Fu Jinye.

The person who rescued her was Fu Jinye.

Not only Fu Jinye, but also other kind-hearted people.

A few people came up to cheer up the arrogant person, and the nurse comforted Xia Zhi, "Miss, are you okay?"

Xia Zhi wiped her tears and shook her head, "I'm fine."

This was her first time encountering this kind of thing, so maybe she should be said to be lucky.

Fortunately, the paranoid delivery boy didn’t bring a knife.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, he doesn't seem to be moving!"

The shout brought Xia Zhi's thoughts back to reality.

She raised her eyes and saw Fu Jinye punching the delivery man one after another like crazy.

Seeing him fall to the ground, he kicked again, using almost all his strength with each kick.

After a while, the deliveryman's face was bruised and he was curled up on the ground, looking very embarrassed.

"If we continue to fight, someone will die!"

I don't know who said that.

Xia Zhi woke up immediately. She stepped forward and took Fu Jinye's arm, "Fu Jinye, stop fighting, I'm fine.

Look at me, I'm really fine. "

Xia Zhi's cry stopped Fu Jinye's violence.

His eyes were scarlet, and he looked at Xia Zhi with forbearance and restraint.

Big hands grasped her wrist tightly
If he let go, he would probably be able to see the bruise marks on Xia Zhi's wrist.

"Xia Zhi." Fu Jinye called her name.

Xia Zhi nodded and responded, "Yes, I'm here."

The next second, she was hugged tightly.

Like a lost treasure, I want to keep it tightly embedded in my body.

"Xia Zhi."

"Xia Zhi."

Fu Jinye called her name one after another.

Every sound made Xia Zhi's heart throb.

There is emotion and heartache.

The complex emotions spread from the bottom of my heart to all my limbs. The "click" sound of taking pictures made Xia Zhi wake up a little.

She patted Fu Jinye's back and motioned for him to let go.

Xia Zhi whispered, "There are many people watching around. Are you crazy?"

Fu Jinye is crazy.

The moment he saw Xia Zhi in danger, he went crazy.

How could he allow others to bully the person he cherished so much?
If he didn't have any sense left, he might have killed that person.

Xia Zhi, his Xia Zhi, no one can touch or bully her.

"Let's go back first and talk slowly." Xia Zhi suggested.

Even after going through so much, Xia Zhi still has a trace of reason left.

Fu Jinye is a public figure, and beating people in the street will have an impact on his image.

She didn't want Fu Jinye to blame him because of the stain on his body.

He is a shining star on the big screen, and she hopes he can shine brightly forever!
Fu Jinye listened to Xia Zhi's words and let go of the hand holding him, but did not let go of her wrist.

He pulled her and strode away in front of the cameras of onlookers taking pictures.

Until the two entered the elevator.

There were only two of them in the elevator.

In such a small space, all hidden thoughts cannot be hidden.

"Xia Zhi, where's your brain?" Fu Jinye couldn't help but blame him, "Did you use your real name when ordering takeout?"

When Xia Zhi was asked, her expression choked up, and she said weakly, "I'm used to it."

She has not yet become a star.

Although I participated in the variety show, it was difficult to change my mind for a while.

That's why it's so hard to guard against.

Xia Zhi defended in a low voice, "I didn't expect things to turn out like this. Will my life be affected in the future?"

She seemed a little naive.

When I first joined this show, I was just looking for money.

I want to earn enough money, pay off the house loan, and happily enter retirement time in advance.

Unexpectedly, so many things happened.

It's only been a long time since filming, and she actually has perverted fans.

Fu Jinye said seriously, "Xia Zhi, after the show is finished, please move in with me."

Xia Zhi blinked, wondering why Fu Jinye suddenly changed the topic to this.

Does he mean living together?

Fu Jinye didn't want to reason with Xia Zhi.

I don’t want her to face an unbearable world.

He will protect his Xia Zhi well.

After being separated once, they will never be separated again.

“Similar people may appear next to you in the future and harass you. Such things are difficult to guard against.

The security system at my house is good, so you don't have to worry about being harassed.

The same goes for Xia Ran. I will arrange for him to go to a private kindergarten with high confidentiality.

If you want, you can also ask a teacher to teach at home. "

Xia Zhi was stunned by Fu Jinye's series of news.

She hadn't agreed to live together, so how could she have arranged everything after Ranbao transferred to another school?
Fu Jinye said seductively, "If you mind, you can pay me rent every month."

Ding sound.

The elevator stopped.

Xia Zhi was dragged out of the elevator by Fu Jinye in a daze.

She didn't understand what had happened until she sat down.

Perverted fan, crazy Fu Jinye, Fu Jinye who invited her to live together
It all came crashing down on her, causing her brain to become confused.

Finally, Xia Zhi tentatively spoke and asked cautiously, "Wouldn't it be embarrassing if you have a girlfriend in the future?"

Sometimes, Fu Jinye really wanted to open Xia Zhi's brain and see what was inside.

Little heartless.

How could a 37℃ body say such cold words?
(End of this chapter)

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